Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


Archives 1717 itemizes the contents of shelves A-L only; for shelves M-Q, it gives the following blanket description: 'A Large Collection of Music in 262 Vol: beside loose papers'. For shelves M-Q, therefore, Dowding is the only witness; its itemization for those shelves is preceded by the following heading (heavily deleted): 'A large Collection of Music in 262 volumes beside loose papers lately catalogued by Mr Dowding as follows'. Many of the items listed below are encased in 'Aldrich bindings'. A substantial number of them are tract volumes of printed music, the contents of which are given in full in Dowding; those transcriptions are not reproduced below.

M.1.1 Dowding: 'Fancies MS. L. Marenzio. Horatio Vecchi. T. Lupo. Monteverde. Palavicino &c. 7. books. <v. Fant. A-H>'.
= Mus. 403-8; manuscript; correctly 6 partbooks, not 7 (as stated in Dowding).

M.1.2 Dowding: 'Fancies MS. Anonymous. <v. Fant. A-H>'.
Not identified.

M.1.3 Dowding: lists all 15 printed tracts of Mus. 484-8; '5. Vols. <Vide Mad. A>'.

M.1.4 Dowding: lists all 12 printed tracts of Mus. 931-5; '5 Vols. <V. Mot. D>'.

M.1.5 Dowding: lists all 19 printed tracts of Mus. 908-12; '5. Vols. <Vide Mad. B>'.

M.2.1 Dowding: 'Madrigali - MS / Del Prencipe di Venosa, Marco Gagliano, Lucr. Quintiani, Fontanelli & Tom Pecci. 5 Vol:'.
= Mus. 510-14; manuscript.

M.2.2 Dowding: lists all 11 printed tracts of Mus. 502-7; '6. Vol. <Vide Mad. E>'.

M.2.3 Dowding: 'Latin Collects MS. / on all the Saints days set to music in 4. Vols'.
= Mus. 521-4; manuscript. By Burney's time, this set had been moved to position M.4.2.

M.2.4 Dowding: 'Cantionum Sacr vulgo motect. / 7 Libri à 5. & 6. voc. ex optimis quibusque Musicis select. Louvain 1558'; and:
M.2.5 'Chansons / 7 Livres à 4 parties convenables tant aux Instrumens comme à le Voix. Louvain 1560. 2 vols'.
= Mus. 508-9; printed; 13 tracts.

M.2.6 Dowding: 'Latin Songs MS. / By W. Bird, Robt. Parsons, Shepperde & Taverner for 5 & 6 voices'.
= Mus. 979-83; manuscript, followed by printed (1 tract).

M.3.1 Dowding: lists all 18 printed tracts of Mus. 881-6; '6. Vol: <V. Mot. E>'.

M.3.2 Dowding: lists all 7 printed tracts of Mus. 922-5; '4. Vol: <Vide Mot. B>'.

M.3.3 Dowding: lists all 14 printed tracts of Mus. 449-54; '6. Vol: <Vide Mad. D>'.

M.3.4 Dowding: lists all 17 printed tracts of Mus. 887-92; '6. Vol: <Vide Mot. G>'.

M.4.1 Dowding: 'Madrigali. / Luca Marenzio à 5 voc. Noreberg. 1601'.
= Mus. 1052-6; printed.

M.4.2 Dowding: 'Sacrae Cantiones / By Tallis & Bird for 5. & 6. voices Lond. 1575'.
Not located, and either missing, or a partbook from a dispersed set. By Burney's time, this position had been filled by the item previously at position M.2.3 above.

M.4.3 Dowding: 'Anthems viz. Cum Invocarem &c. In te Domine speravi. Exurgite Mortales, &c. & a Magnificat all with Instrumts del Revdo. P. Fusetti. M.S. in score. look well'.
= Mus. 385 ('Cum invocarem'), Mus. 386 ('In te Domine speravi'), Mus. 388 ('Exurgite mortales') and Mus. 387 (Magnificat'); all manuscripts. Probably later moved to position G10 above; position M.4.3 was then reallocated to the item formerly at position N.3.5 below.

N.1.1 Dowding: 'Fancies / MS. in 4 vols'.
Probably Mus. 414-16; manuscript.

N.1.2 Dowding: 'Fancies / MS. in 2 parts'.
= Mus. 409-10; manuscript.

N.1.3 Dowding: 'Fancies / MS. in 4 parts'.
Probably Mus. 419-22; manuscript.

N.1.4 Dowding: 'Fancies & Airs / By Coperario. 3 Vols'.
= Mus. 411-13; manuscript.

N.1.5 Dowding: 'Fancies / By Coperario, Alphonso &c. MS. in 6. Vols. & several English Anthems'.
Not positively identified. Possibly Mus. 473-8, although these do not include 'several English Anthems'.

N.1.6 Dowding: 'Fancies / MS. anonymous. 4 vols'.
= Mus. 397-400; manuscript.

N.1.7 Dowding: lists all 4 printed tracts of Mus. 900-907; '8. Vol: <V. Mot. K>'.

N.1.8 Dowding: 'Symphoniae / pro divers. Tonis. Leon Duante MS. 5 Vols'; Havergal adds that there are '5 vol: bound together'.
= Mus. 429; manuscript.

N.2.1 Dowding: 'Ballads / For 3 Voices by Dr Wilson Oxon. 1660. 3 Vols'.
= Mus. 499-501; printed.

N.2.2 Dowding: lists all 7 printed tracts of Mus. 968-73; '6. Vol'.

N.2.3 Dowding: lists all 8 printed tracts of Mus. 962-7; '6. Vols'.

N.2.4 Dowding: 'Latin Psalms / By Tallis &c MS. 5 voc. 1581'.
= Mus. 984-8; manuscript.

N.2.5 Dowding: 'Old French Songs / In 3 Books by Claudin, Lupi, Jennequin, du Boys, Heuitur &c. 2 Vols. 1538'.
= Mus. 515-16; printed (5 tracts), with manuscript additions.

N.2.6 Dowding: lists all 4 printed tracts of Mus. 533-7; '6. Vol'.
Not positively identified. Despite the match of contents between the entry in Dowding and the contents of Mus. 533-7, Dowding specifies '6 vol.'; Mus. 533-7 is a 5-partbook set. In addition, Mus. 533-7 have '8' marked on their spines, and they match the description given at position G8 above (q.v.).

N.3.1 Dowding: lists all 6 printed tracts of Mus. 913-18; '6. Vol. <Vide Mad: C>'.

N.3.2 Dowding: lists all 11 printed tracts of Mus. 489-94; '6. Vol: <V. Mot. F>'.

N.3.3 Dowding: lists all 4 printed tracts of Mus. 893-9; '7. Vol. <V. Motetti I>'.

N.3.4 Dowding: lists all 6 printed tracts of Mus. 919-21; '3. Vol. <Vide Mot. A>'.

N.3.5 Dowding: 'Harmonia Celeste 6. Vols. / Di divers. eccel. Musici à 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. voc. raccolta per Andrea Pevernage. Antw. 1589'.
= Mus. 325-30; printed. Later moved to position M.4.3 above.

N.3.6 Dowding: lists all 17 printed tracts of Mus. 926-30; '5. Vol. <Vide Mot. C>'.

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