Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


I1 Archives 1717: 'De Victoria Mottets'. Dowding: 'à 5. 6. 8. 12. voc. Venice 1603. the same as No. 1. Letter A'.
= Mus. 146-53; printed.

I2 Archives 1717: 'Florida Verba a celeberrimis Autoribus <Vermeeren, Gratiani &c v. G25. v F15>'. Dowding: full listing of tracts.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position F15 above.

I3 Archives 1717: 'A Song by James Cremburgh. <Kremburg>'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 1067; manuscript.

I4 Archives 1717: 'Ward's Madrigals. <to 3, 4, 5, & 6 pts>'. Dowding: 'Lond. 1613'.
= Mus. 135-40; printed.

I5 Archives 1717: 'Vesy's Mottets. <Opera Terza>'. Dowding: identical entry.
= one partbook from Mus. 161-2; printed. The other partbook is listed at position I7 below.

I6 Archives 1717: 'Florida Verba a celeberrimis autoribus, Horatio, Vattisla, &c. <v. G25>'. Dowding: no entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position F15 above.

I7 Archives 1717: 'Vesy's Mottets. <Opera Terza>'. Dowding: identical entry.
= one partbook from Mus. 161-2; printed. The other partbook is listed at position I5 above.

I8 Archives 1717: 'Lat[in] Hymns'. Dowding: 'MS. imperfect'.
= Mus. 1023; manuscript.

I9 Archives 1717: 'A manuscript entitled Epithalamium <Collections relating to Musick from the Old Poets by Dr Aldrich vide D.15>'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Folder 6 of Mus. 1187; manuscript.

I10 Archives 1717: 'A Book of Services <[deletes 'Services'] Common Prayer Noted. 1550>'. Dowding: 'It is so much of the English Common Prayer as is to be sung in Churches with the Chant. Lond. 1550'. Recorded by Havergal in 1846 as being missing.
Missing; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. See Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127. Not the copy now in Christ Church at shelfmark WN.5.10(2).

I11 Archives 1717: 'Gratiani's Mottets' <3 Books>'. Dowding: 'Rome 1657. Organ. Cantus 1mus & 2dus. The other parts wanting'.
= Mus. 220-2; printed.

I12 Archives 1717: 'Sr Rich: Diringe's Songs. <5 Books>'. Dowding: 'Canzonette à 4. voc. Antw. 1620'.
= Mus. 289-93; printed.

I13 Archives 1717: 'Another Piece of Gratiani'. Dowding: 'A voc. Solo. Rome 1665'.
= Mus. 223; printed.

I14 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Pallavisini's'. Dowding: 'à 5 Antw. 1613. Alto. Basso. Quinto. the other parts wanting'.
= Mus. 204-6; printed.

I15 Archives 1717: 'Guiovanni's madrigals'. Dowding: 'Gio. di Castro's Madrigals à 3. Antw. 1620. The Tenor only'.
= Mus. 256; printed.

I16 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Pallavicini <9 Books>'. Dowding: '8th book some for 5 others for 8. Voices, Venice 1612'. Malchair says '11' books.
= Mus. 207-14; printed. Malchair's count of 11 partbooks is correct.

I17 Archives 1717: 'Floridi sacrae Cantiones. <Pars Secunda. 3 Books.> <Partitura, Cantus - >'. Dowding: 'Rome 1663. made into pieces for one voice from the compositions of other Masters'.
= Mus. 171-2 and Mus. 173; printed. The original entry in Archives 1717 and Dowding refers only to Mus. 173; the supplementary entry in Archives 1717 adds Mus. 171-2, bringing the total to '3 Books'.

I18 Archives 1717: 'Pallavicini's Madrigals. <Sesto Libro. 5 Books>'. Dowding: '6th book à 5. Venice 1612'.
= Mus. 199-203; printed.

I19 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Bassani' <4 Books. Opera Ottava>'. Dowding: 'À voce sola. con Violini. Antw. 1691'.
= Mus. 163-6; printed.

I20 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Marengio. <vide. G.11>'. Dowding: 'The sesto part only. Antw. 1610', annotated by Havergal: 'Books I-V of villanellas &c 3v: complete'. Burney 1778 (f. 3): 'Di Luca marenzio 1st 5 Books delle villanelli et Canzonette alla napolitana. Ant 1610.'
= one partbook (Mus. 1050) from the dispersed set discussed at position G27 above. By Burney's time, position I20 was occupied by the partbooks formerly at position G13 above (= Mus. 1063-5).

I21 Archives 1717: 'Phallesi's Musica divina', to which Hind has added: '5 Books'. Dowding: 'Antw. 1588 à 4. 5. 6. 7 voc.', then a list of the composers represented.
Main entry = Mus. 1072; printed. Hind apparently added the unrelated set Mus. 1068-71.

I22 Archives 1717: 'A Manuscript of Algorithms <[last word: changed to:] Logarithms>'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Mus. 1130; manuscript.

I23 Archives 1717: 'Philippi's Songs <6 Books v. G.9>'. Dowding: 'Madrigali à 6. voc. Antw. 1604', to which Hind adds: 'Ditto'.
Main entry = Mus. 129-34; printed; 2 tracts. The duplicate set added by Hind is probably Mus. 586-91; printed.

I24 Archives 1717: 'Archadelt's Madrigals' <4 Books>'. Dowding: names the composers represented, then adds 'Venice 1561'.
= Mus. 306-9; printed; 6 tracts.

I25 Archives 1717: 'Another Musick Book. Tit. florida verba'. Dowding: no entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position F15 above.

I26 Archives 1717: 'A new book of Tablature, by W. B.'. Dowding: identical entry. Malchair 1787: 'Instructions and Lessons for the Lute. London. print: for Will Barley 1596'.
Missing; removed during the period 1787-1846. Probably the copy now at London, British Library, K.1.c.18 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127; the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible).

I27 Archives 1717: 'Purcell's Musical Entertainment for St. Cecilia's day. 1683'. Dowding: equivalent entry. Burney 1778 (f. 3): 'A Musical Entertainment performed Novr. 22 1683 on St Cecilia's Day, printed in Score by Playford, the dedication to the Gent. of the Musical Society, & particularly the Steward, written by Henry Purcell, composer of the Music'.
Missing; probably the copy now at London, British Library, C.180 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128; the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible).

I28 Archives 1717: 'Lassus's Madrigals', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Di Orlando di Lassus il primo Libro di Madrigali à 5. voc. Venice 1582'.
Missing; presumably a copy of Lassus 1582k = RISM L 944; the Christ Church copy has not been traced.

I29 Archives 1717: 'Airs of Jenkins in 7. Parts'. Dowding: 'Airs of Jenkins &c. in 7 <[written above:] 4> parts'.
= Mus. 367-70 and Mus. 379-81; both manuscript. The annotation to Dowding, which reduces the number of partbooks from 7 to 4, presumably reflects the subsequent separation of the two sets, and the removal of Mus. 379-81 to another position.

I30 Archives 1717: 'Montverdes's Madrigals <6 Books.> <v. G.29>'. Dowding: 'à 5. voc. Antw. 1615'.
This entry, like the one at G29 above, shows signs of emendation and the transfer of books from one location to another. The sequence of events cannot be reconstructed with certainty, but it involves four partbook sets, all of them 1615 Phalèse editions of Monteverdi's madrigals. For details, see the entry for G29.

I31 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Battista Bassani <Op. 5ta. 3 Books. v. I.19>'. Dowding: 'Sonate di Bassano à 2. 3. Stromenti. Opera 5ta'.
= Mus. 838-40; printed.

K1 Archives 1717: 'A Piece of Marengio's <1o. 2o. 3o. 4o. 5o. Libro de Madrigali.> <vide G.11>'. Dowding: 'The quinto part only. Antw. 1610'. These entries subsequently emended to read as follows: Archives 1717: 'Marengio's Madrigali Spirituali. 5 Books'. Dowding (same hand as Archives 1717): equivalent entry.
The original entry in Archives 1717 and Dowding refers to Mus. 1044, one partbook from Mus. 1041-6, a dispersed set discussed at G11 above; it was reunited with its partners at that position. The replacement entry refers to five partbooks from Mus. 1035-40; the sixth partbook from this latter set, originally listed at position K.39 below, was itself subsequently reunited with its partners at position K1.

K2 Archives 1717: Robinson's new Citharen Lessons'. Dowding: 'Robison's new Cittern Lessons'.
Missing; probably the copy now at London, British Library, K.2.d.2 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128; the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible).

K3 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Music <for 4 voices>'. Dowding: 'Archadelt's Collection of Madrigals à 4 voc. Venice 1585'.
= Mus. 332-4; printed.

K4 Archives 1717: 'A Collection of Mottets <for 3 Voices>'. Dowding: 'Only the Tenor. Louvain 1569', later emended by Havergal to read 'Tenor & Bassus'.
= Mus. 318-19; printed; 6 tracts. Evidently Havergal reunited the K4 partbook with its partner, which was previously at position K10 below.

K5 Archives 1717: 'Monteverdes 5 parts'. Dowding: Antw. 1615'. Burney 1778 (f. 2v): 'Il quinto Libro'.
= Mus. 279-82; printed.

K6 Archives 1717: 'Fantasus for 3 viols'. Dowding: 'Fancies 3 viols'. Burney 1778 (f. 2v): 'Fantasies in 3 parts for Viols. MS. Anonym'.
Probably Mus. 1018-20.

K7 Archives 1717: 'Derings four parts'. Dowding: 'Antw. 1620', annotated by Havergal: 'Tenor missing'.
Presumably = Mus. 320-3; printed.

K8 Archives 1717: 'Morley's Fa La's for five Voices'; the entry was subsequently deleted, then restored in identical words. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 242-6; printed. Other partbooks from this dispersed set were formerly at the following positions: G7, K15-16 and L1. Evidently they were reunited here at position K8.

K10 Archives 1717: 'Collection of Mottets', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting', and 'v K.4'. Dowding: 'Only the Bass. Lovain 1569. v no. 4. above'.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position K4 above.

K12 Archives 1717: 'Villanelli's Songs for 3 Voices'. Dowding: 'Antw. 1625. only the Tenor v. G. no. 12'. Burney 1778 (f. 2v): 'Villanelli a 3. Voc. Hodimontio. Anv. 1625'.
= Mus. 294-6; printed. The partner partbook formerly at position G12 was later relocated to position K12.

K13 Archives 1717: 'Instrumental Music'. Dowding: 'MS. a small score'.
= Mus. 378; manuscript.

K14 Archives 1717: 'Salmons vindication of an Essay on Musick'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
Missing; see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128. See also the entry at position F8 above.

K15-16. K15: Archives 1717: 'Another Piece of Morley's', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting', and 'vide K.8'. K16: Archives 1717: 'Ditto. Another piece by the same author. <Morley's Falas for 5 voices>'; the entire entry subsequently deleted, and marked 'vide K.8'. Dowding brackets items K15 and K16 together, and notes that 'G.7. & L.1. compleat the Set'.
= two partbook from the dispersed set discussed at position K8 above.

K17 Archives 1717: 'Carleton's Madrigals. <to 5 Voices>'. Dowding: 'à 5 voc. Lond. 1601'.
= Mus. 141-5; printed.

K18 Archives 1717: 'Haim's Sonatas <[deleted;] vide G.2>'. Dowding: identical entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position G2 above.

K19 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Fancies'. Dowding:
= Mus. 744-6; manuscript.

K20 Archives 1717: 'Another song by James Keinbergh [annotated by Havergal as 'Kremberg'] <Aurelia has &c>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 767; manuscript.

K21 Archives 1717: 'An Anthem by Dr Gibbons'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus 693; manuscript.

K22 Archives 1717: 'Mr Patrick's Morning Service'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 761; manuscript.

K23 Archives 1717: 'Madrigals<, a 5 voci>'. Dowding: 'MS. à 5 voc. di Sigismondo d'India'.
= Mus. 721-4; manuscript.

K24 Archives 1717: 'A Book of Services'. Dowding: 'A Compleat Latin Service in score MS'.
= Mus. 1073; manuscript.

K25 Archives 1717: 'Thorough Basse'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 728-30; manuscript.

K26 Archives 1717: 'Jenkins's fancies for the Organ &c'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 777, 779; manuscript.

K27 Archives 1717: 'Musica Oxoniensis <by Fr. Smith>'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 835; printed.

K28 Archives 1717: 'Fancies'. Dowding: identical entry.
Probably = Mus. 725-7; manuscript.

K29 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Music'. Dowding: 'MS. 2 books'. Burney 1778 (f.2, between his entries for the items at K30 and K27) adds: '2 Books of Ayres for the Lute in Entablature. MS'.
Probably Mus. 531-2; manuscript.

K30 Archives 1717: 'Select Airs by Wilson, Coleman &c'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 808; printed; 2 tracts.

K31 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Caurrois <vide G.19>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position G19 above.

K32 Archives 1717: 'Cantica Sacra by Dering & Others'; this entry was subsequently deleted, and annotated 'v. B.14'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= a partbook restored to the set at position B14 above.

K33 Archives 1717: 'Passions on the Death of Prince Henry'; this entry was subsequently deleted by a later hand, and replaced by 'K.33 Fancies by Coperario &c'. Dowding: 'Fancies by Coperario, Ferabosco &c'.
= Mus. 61-6; manuscript.

K34-7 Archives 1717: 'Madrigals & Mottets by Orlando Gibbons'; a later hand extends this to include position K38, and adds: '5. Books'. Dowding: the entry for K34 (only) is to Gibbons; entry for K35-7: 'Passions on the death of Prince Henry', annotated by Havergal as being 'missing'.
= Mus. 708-12; printed. The entry in Archives 1717 covers only four partbooks from the set, Mus. 708-11; the fifth partbook, Mus. 712, was originally placed at position D17, but subsequently moved to K38. Dowding's entry, 'Passions on the death of Prince Henry', must refer to partbooks from the set at position K33 above.

K38 Archives 1717: 'Balletti a tre voci Giacomo Gastoldi'. Dowding: 'Baletti à 3 voc. di Gio. Giacomo Gastoldi da Caravaggio. Antw. 1631'.
= Mus. 120-2; printed. At a later date, position K38 was reallocated to Mus. 712 (see the entry for K34-7 above), and the original K38 entry in Archives 1717 changed to read 'K39'.

K39 Archives 1717: 'Pieces of Marengio'; the entry was subsequently deleted, and annotated 'v. G.11' and 'v K.1'. Dowding: 'Two Collections of madrigals. Leyden 1605 & Antw. 1610. v. K.1'. Mistakenly recorded by Havergal in 1846 as being missing.
= partbooks from two dispersed sets; they were later reunited with their partners. One set, Mus. 1041-6, was gathered together at G.11; the other, Mus. 1035-40, at K.1. The vacant position K39 was subsequently occupied by the set formerly placed at K38 above.

K40 Archives 1717: 'Rovetta's Madrigals'. Dowding: 'Madrigali Concertati. opera 2da. Rotterdam 1660'.
= Mus. 215-19; printed.

K41 Archives 1717: 'Morley's Madrigalls to 4 V.', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Lond. 1594', annotated by Havergal as being 'missing'.
Missing since since the first half of the 19th century; presumably a copy if RISM M 3695; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. See Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128.

K42 Archives 1717: 'Instrumental M[usic]', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
Not identified.

K43 Archives 1717: 'Miscellaneous pieces of Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
Not identified.

L1 Archives 1717: 'Morley's Fa La's', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: identical entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position K8 above.

L4 Archives 1717: 'A Set of French Music by Le Jeune. <6 Books>'. Dowding: 'Taille le Printems. à 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Paris 1603'.
= Mus. 1057-62; printed.

L5-6 Archives 1717: 'Several loose sheets of Music'. Dowding: '5. Simon Vezi da Forli's Mottets for a single voice Antw. 1656.'
Not identified. Dowding's entry refers to the items properly shelved at positions I5 and I7 above.

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