Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


G1 Archives 1717: 'Calvy's Cantica Sacra. <3 Books>'. Dowding adds: 'Venice 1629. Monteverde, Palatino, Donati con stromenti, Alessandro Grande, Turino &c.'.
= Mus. 264-6; printed.

G2 Archives 1717: 'Haim's Sonata's in Ital: 3 Books'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
Together with the other partbook(s) at position K18 below = Mus. 97-9; printed.

G3 Archives 1717: 'Maringo's [later changed to 'Marenzio's] Madrigals for 5 Voices'. Dowding adds: 'Luca Marenzio's own. Antw. 1593. at the end of the Vol. is Chant musicale sur les nopces d'un Prince d'Espagne & de la Princese d'Autriche à 5. voc. de Jean de Castro. Cologne 1597'.
= Mus. 301-5; printed; 2 tracts.

G4 Archives 1717: 'Dr. Holder on the Grounds of Musick', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
Missing; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. See Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127. Not the Christ Church copy now at shelfmark OR.6.11.

G6 Archives 1717: 'Hiltons Catches &c. <wanting>'. Dowding: identical entry.
Unidentified; possibly Mus. 1112(2); printed. The absence of additional bibliographical information in Dowding, however, may imply that this was a manuscript.

G7 Archives 1717: 'Morley's Fa-La's for five voices', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting', and 'vide K.8'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position K8 below.

G8 Archives 1717: 'Marenzio's Madrigals'. Dowding adds: 'Only the tenor [deleted;] <Perfect>'.
= Mus 533-7 from the set Mus. 533-7, Mus. 283; printed; 4 tracts. The partbooks from this set appear initially to have been distributed over several shelfmarks, and were subsequently reunited (except for Mus. 283). The set may later have been moved to position N.2.6 below.

G9 Archives 1717: 'Philip's Madrigals <6 Books> <v. I.23>'. Dowding adds: 'Antw. 1603'.
= Mus. 538-43; printed.

G10 Archives 1717: 'A Set of C[hur]ch Music in Lat[in]', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding adds: '&c. MS. in score'. Burney 1778 (f. 6v): 'MS. Scores of Motetti by Fusetti'.
The material listed in Archives 1717 and Dowding has not been identified. By Burney's time, position G10 was apparently filled by the manuscripts previously at position M.4.3 below, which are indeed 'MS. Scores of Motetti by Fusetti'; these must have been moved from M.4.3, since that position was reallocated to the material previously shelved at N.3.5.

G11 Archives 1717: 'Marenzio's madrigals <6 Books>'. Dowding adds: 'Only the Canto [deleted;] <Perfect>'.
= Mus. 1041-6; printed; two tracts. Annotations to the entries in Archives 1717 and Dowding show that the constituent partbooks of this set were at first dispersed, and subsequently reunited.

G12 Archives 1717: 'Villanelli's Ital: Songs', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding adds: 'Imperfect'.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position K12 below.

G13 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Ital: Music. <by Luca Marenzio>'. Dowding adds: 'Luca Marenzio 5 books delle Vilanelle & Canzonette alla Napolitana. à 3. Antw. 1610', annotated by Havergal: 'G.13 Marenzio's 5v: Madrigals Books I-V together 1609'.
= Mus. 1063-5; printed. Subsequently moved to position I20; position G13 was then allocated to Mus. 1047-51 (formerly at position G27 below).

G14 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Madrigals in Ital'. Dowding adds: 'à 5. Antw. 1610. Novi Frutti Musicali'.
= Mus. 258-62; printed.

G15 Archives 1717: 'Metru's fancies in two parts &c'. Dowding adds: 'Paris. 1642', annotated by Havergal: '1 part wanting'.
= Mus. 335; printed.

G16 Archives 1717: 'Strozzii Musica concertata'. Dowding adds: 'à 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. parts. with Instrumts in honore della beatissima Vergine. Venice 1630'.
= Mus. 179-82; printed.

G17 Archives 1717: 'Playford's Musical Companion 2nd Part'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Mus. 224; printed.

G18 Archives 1717: 'Pallavicino sacrae Dei Laudes'. Dowding adds: 'for 8. one for 12 & 2 for 16. voices all sorts of Instrumts di Benedetto Palavicino. Ven. 1605'.
= Mus. 190-8; printed.

G19 Archives 1717: 'Couroys [later changed to 'Caurrois'] Musical Miscellanies <6 Books>'. Dowding adds 'Imperfect' <later hand deletes 'Imperfect', and adds: 6 Books. Paris. 1610'>.
= Mus. 592-7; printed; two tracts. The constituent partbooks of this set were initially dispersed over several shelfmarks, and subsequently reunited.

G20 Archives 1717: 'Whithorn's Songs. <4 Books>'. Dowding: equivalent entry; Havergal has added '1 part wanting'.
= Mus. 342-5; printed.

G21 Archives 1717: 'Holborn's Pavans, Galliards, &c'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 231-5; printed.

G22 Archives 1717: 'Another piece of Courois. <v. G. 19>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position G19 above.

G23 Archives 1717: 'A Collection of Ital: Music. <Ferabosco>'. Dowding adds: 'Cantus d'il Ferabosco il primo Libro de' Madrigali à 4 voc. Venice 1542'.
= Mus. 297-300; printed.

G24 Archives 1717: 'Fancies of 3. 4. & 5. pts. <Signior Diomede, Mason &c>'. Dowding: 'Diomede, Francesco Mason, Claudio Coreggio, Ciprian de Rore. M.S. con stromenti'.
= Mus. 372-6; manuscript.

G25 Archives 1717: 'Florida Verba a celeberrimis autoribus, Marsatio & caeteris. <Vide F. 15>'. Dowding adds: 'Antw. 1661. only 1. Vol'.
= a partbook from the set discussed at position F15 above.

G26 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Fancies for 3 Voices'. Dowding adds: 'Tis for 4 voices with Instrumts. M.S. Lupo. Gibbons. Jeffries'.
= Mus. 459-62; manuscript.

G27 Archives 1717: 'Marengio's madrigals for 5 Voices'. Dowding adds: '1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. & 5th. Books Antw. 1609'.
= Mus. 1047-51; printed. Subsequently moved to position G13 above.

G28 Archives 1717: 'The Mass set to Music. <by Strozzi>. Dowding adds: 'Messe à 5. 6. 8 voc. Berrardo Strozzi. opera 7ma. Venice 1626'.
= Mus. 183-9; printed.

G29 Archives 1717: 'Monteverde's 5 parts <v. I.30> <Duplicate>'. Dowding adds: 'Madrigali. Antw. 1615', annotated by Hind (on a new line): 'Ditto'.
This entry, like the one at position I30 below, shows signs of emendation and the transfer of books from one location to another. The sequence of events cannot be reconstructed with certainty, but it involves four partbook sets, all of them containing or including 1615 Phalèse editions of Monteverdi's madrigals, as follows:
  • Mus. 267-72: a complete set of Book 3.
  • Mus. 273-8: a complete set of Book 4.
  • Mus. 283}: 4 tracts; the Basso Continuo part from the set otherwise at position G8. The set is now Mus. 533-7 / Mus. 283.
  • Mus. 581-5: an incomplete set of Book 4, wanting the Quinto partbook.

G30 Archives 1717: 'A [deleted: 'Collection of'] Set of C[hur]ch Music in Lat[in]. <by Stef. Fabbri>'. Dowding adds: 'Salmi Concertati à 5. Stefano Fabri. Rome 1660'.
= Mus. 174-8; printed.

G31 Archives 1717: 'A vol: of Ital: Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding adds: 'Rules exemplified by Canons &c. Napoli. 1609'.
Missing. Presumably a copy of Regole di musica di Rocco Rodio (Naples, 1609); the Christ Church copy has not been traced.

G32 Archives 1717: 'Anselm's Madrigals'. Dowding adds: 'Only the Canto 2do. Venice 1624'.
= Mus. 257; printed.

H1 Archives 1717: 'Fancies <by T. Lupo. J. Ward. J. Coprario. &c>'. Dowding adds: 'Instrumental MS. in score Coperario Ward &c'.
= Mus. 44; manuscript.

H2 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Anthems in Lat[in]: by R. Deering. <3 books>'. Dowding adds: 'MS. in 4 parts'.
= Mus. 747-9; manuscript.

H3 Archives 1717: 'Wilson's Catches'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 434; manuscript.

H4 Archives 1717: 'Ferary's Miscellanies of Musick'. Dowding adds: 'Soloes'. Burney 1778 (f. 5v): 'Musiche varie a Voce Sola del Sig. Bened. Ferrari da Reggio. in Ven. 1633. Cantate &c'.
= Mus. 863; printed.

H5 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Lat. Services', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Mass in [erasure] & all the parts both vocal & instrumental wrote out & tied together. Borri'.
= Mus. 1162-71, and probably also Mus. 1085-1108; manuscript. Both items were subsequently listed by Hind at position D23.

H6 Archives 1717: 'd'India's Music for 2 Voices'. Dowding adds: 'Venice 1615'.
= Mus. 84; printed.

H7 Archives 1717: 'A vol: of It[alian]: Music. <Di Don Ludov. Beretta>'. Dowding adds: 'Instrumental à 4 & 8. di Ludovico Beretta Bresciano. Milan 1604'.
= Mus. 866; printed.

H8 Archives 1717: 'Coxima's Sonatas', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Coæima's Sonatas / Soloes. London 1702'.

H9 Archives 1717: 'Porters Mottets. <3 Books>'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1657'.
= Mus. 818-20; printed.

H10 Archives 1717: 'Bassani Harmonia festiva'. Dowding adds: '13th Opera of Mottets. Lond'.
= Mus. 837; printed.

H11 Archives 1717: 'A Latin Hymn'; entry then deleted, and relaced by: 'Mottetti di Signr Bassani'. Dowding: 'Latin Hymn. / à 2. Carissimi. MS.'; 'Carissimi' then deleted, and replaced with 'Bassani'.
Manuscript. The original entry ('A Latin Hymn') refers to the setting of 'Non turbetur' tentatively attributed to Carissimi, performing parts for which are now distributed between two items: Mus. 688 (sheets e-f); and Mus. 763 (original wrappers and p. 54). The annotation ('Mottetti di Signr Bassani') refers to an unrelated set of performing parts for motets by Bassani, now partly enclosed in Mus. 763, and otherwise at the following positions: Mus. 689, Mus. 690, and Mus. 1154, tracts (C), (D), (E), (F) and (F*). Presumably the Bassani material was kept within the wrappers of the Carissimi motet. An Aldrich provenance for both sets of parts seems likely.

H12 Archives 1717: 'Coprario's Songs of Mourning <on the Death of P[rince]. Henry>'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1613'. Still listed by Malchair in 1787, but absent from Havergal's 1846 catalogue of the printed music at Christ Church.
Missing since the 1st half of the19th century; now London, British Library, K.2.g.8 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127; the Christ Church shelfmark has not been removed).

H13 Archives 1717: 'Dowland's first book of songs <[deletes 'first book of';] 2 Books>'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1613'.
As originally entered in Archives 1717, this is Mus. 834; printed. Evidently the item at H16 below was subsequently also moved to this position.

H14 Archives 1717: 'Purcell's Te-Deum & Jubilate for St Cecilia's day. 1694', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
Missing; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. Not the copy at Mus. 794, which derives from the Goodson bequest.

H15 Archives 1717: 'Dr Crayghtons Service'. Dowding adds: 'MS'.
= Mus. 760; manuscript.

H16 Archives 1717: 'Dowland's Second Book of Songs. <v[ide] 13>'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1600', annotated by Havergal: 'missing 1845'.
Not the item at H13 above; missing since the early 19th century. Printed, in 5 tracts; the original contents are listed in Malchair 1787, f. 19, as follows:
  • John Dowland, The second booke of songs (1600); now London, British Library, [shelfmark] = RISM D 3483; STC 7095.
  • Thomas Campion, The third and fourth booke of ayres (n.d., 1617?); now London, British Library, [shelfmark] = RISM C 627; STC 4548.
  • William Corkine, Ayres, to sing and play (1610); now London, British Library, [shelfmark] = RISM C3936; STC 5768.
  • John Danyel, Songs for the lute (1606); now London, British Library, [shelfmark] = RISM D 906; STC 6268.
  • John Dowland, A pilgrimes solace (1612); now London, British Library, [shelfmark] = RISM D 3486; STC 7098.

The volume was known to Hiscock ('Lost Music', p. 127), but only by its uppermost tract, which he tentatively identifies as London, British Library, K.2.i.5(2) (the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible).

H17 Archives 1717: 'Miserere a 2 viol: 1 alt &c'. Dowding adds: 'Rosenmuller. MS'.
= Mus. 687; manuscript.

H18 Archives 1717: 'Laudate a 3 Voci &c'. Dowding adds: 'MS. in score Gio. Batta Lunghi'. Burney 1778 (f. 5r) describes the item more accurately as 'Laudate a 6. J. B. Quadra'.
= Mus. 1110; manuscript.

H19 Archives 1717: 'Partitura a 3 Voc: &c: di Angelo Vitali'. Dowding adds: '2. Canti & Basso & 5. Stromenti vizt. 2 Violin, 2. violetta & Violone. The Confitebor M.S. in score'.
= Mus. 765; manuscript.

H20 Archives 1717: 'Lat[in]: Hymns. <Di J. Rosen Muller>'. Dowding adds: 'Miserere in score 3. voc. 2 violin & Organ. Rosenmuller. MS'.
= Mus. 764; manuscript.

H21 Archives 1717: 'D'eve's Genius Musicus'. Dowding adds: 'à 2. 3. 4. 5. voc. cum Instrumentis. Alphonso d'Eve. printed by Etienne Roger. <11 books>'.
= Mus. 841-51; printed.

H22 Archives 1717: 'Bassano's Fancies'. Dowding adds: 'MS. for 5 Instrumts'.
= Mus. 716-20; manuscript.

H23 Archives 1717: 'Dr Blows Morning Service'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 780; manuscript.

H24 Archives 1717: 'Di Castro's Hymns'. Dowding adds: 'à 3. Gio. di Castro. Morley. Nanino. MS'.
= Mus. 739,741,743; manuscript.

H25 Archives 1717: 'Rosseter's book of airs'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1601'; annotated by Havergal as being 'missing'. Burney 1778 (ff. 4v-5r): 'A Booke of Ayres, set foorth to be song to the Lute, Orpharion, & Base Violl, by Phi;. Rosseter Lutenist. printed by Peter Shove by the assent of Thos. Morley'. Also listen by Malchair (f. 19r).
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; probably the copy now London, British Library, K.2.i.3 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128; the Christ Church shelfmark is not present).

H26 Archives 1717: 'Patta's Mottets & Madrigals'. Dowding adds: 'Serafino Patta. Solo. Venice 1614'.
= Mus. 867; printed.

H27 Archives 1717: 'Books of Songs'. Dowding adds: 'Printed. 2 3. 4 parts'.
= Mus. 868; printed.

H28 Archives 1717: 'Book of Services. <J. Church. MS. in Score>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 627; manuscript.

H29 Archives 1717: 'Mr Wm Laws great Consort. <6 Books>'. Dowding: '6 Sets of Music in 6 parts. MS'.
= Mus. 391-6; manuscript.

H30 Archives 1717: 'Faravosco's fancies'. Dowding: 'Ferabosco's Fancies'. Not identifiable in the catalogues by Burney or Malchair.
Probably = Mus 1004; manuscript.

H31 Archives 1717: 'Cantica Sacra by Dering and Gibbons'. Dowding adds: 'Lond. 1662'.
= Mus. 816 from Mus. 813-16; printed, with manuscript additions. For the other three partbooks, see the entry for position B14 above.

H32 Archives 1717: 'Mr Berchensa's Organ-part to Treble & Bass'. Dowding adds: 'MS'.
= Mus. 781, from a three-partbook set now dispersed over two call-numbers on account of differences of volume-size, Mus. 781, Mus. 1016-17; manuscript. No mention is made of the two accompanying partbooks from this set (Mus. 1016-17), which are much smaller in size, and which may initially have been kept loose within Mus. 781. Their first entry into the catalogues was made by Hind (in Dowding), at position M.4.34.

H33 Archives 1717: 'A Vol: of It[alian]: Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding adds: 'Luigi's Cantatas. MS'. Not identifiable in the catalogues by Burney or Malchair.
Not identified. Possibly rebound in the late 18th century, and given a new shelf location.

H34 Archives 1717: 'Croft's Sonata's. <2 Books>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 681-2; printed.

H35 Archives 1717: 'Orlando for the double Basse'. Dowding: equivalent entry. Burney 1778 (f. 4): 'MS. Fantasias a 4. Old masters'.
= Mus. 732-5; manuscript.

H36 Archives 1717: 'Andreas Ornithoparcas Introduction to the Art of Singing <by Dowland>'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Mus. 833; printed.

H37 Archives 1717: 'Miserere Mei Deus a Lat[in]: Hymn'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 784; manuscript.

H38 Archives 1717: 'Jeptha's Vow set to Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding adds: 'MS. 6. parts in Score'.
= Mus. 37 (pp. 1-24). Its placement within a late 18th-century guardbook (and therefore its removal to a different location) explains the annotation 'wanting'.

H39 Archives 1717: 'L[or]d grant the Queen a long life an Anthem'. Dowding adds: 'MS. 5 voices'.
= Mus. 783; manuscript.

H40 Archives 1717: 'Advice to a Composer a Song: the wds by J. Talbot the Music by R. Orme'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 1152; manuscript.

H41 Archives 1717: 'Mr Purcel's My song &c Psalm 89th'. Dowding: equivalent entry. Malchair explicitly describes this item as being a manuscript.
= Mus. 766; manuscript.

H42 Archives 1717: 'Songs, & Instrumental Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 690, probably Mus. 689, and possibly further material. This may have been an unbound collection of miscellaneous sheets. Mus. 689 and 690 originally belonged with materials that are dispersed over several positions in Archives 1717 (and which in the modern collection remain scattered over several call-numbers); for details, see the entry for Mus. 763. The annotation 'wanting' in Archives 1717 may reflect the redistribution of materials from H42.

H43 Archives 1717: 'S. Iacomo Carissimi <MS. Fol: Dixit Dominus - Anima mea ->'. Dowding: 'A Compleat Mass with Instrumts of Carissimi'.
= Mus. 55; manuscript.

H44 Archives 1717: 'A Vol: of Mr Purcel's Music. <Dioclesian>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 787; printed.

H45 Archives 1717: 'Laws's Psalms for one, two & three parts. <3 Books>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 768-70; manuscript.

H46 Archives 1717: 'Purcell's Sonata's'; entry subsequently deleted. Dowding: 'Purcell's Sonatas [entry deleted] / A Mass by Andrea Pevernaggio MS. in score 6 parts'. Not identifiable in the catalogues by Burney or Malchair.
The original entry ('Purcell's Sonata's') is too vague to be of any help in identifying this item, and none of the most likely contenders bears the shelfmark H46. The replacement entry ('A Mass by Andrea Pevernaggio MS. in score 6 parts') is also untraced; it may have been the exemplar for Henry Needler's copy, which is now London, British Library, MS Add. 5037.

H47 Archives 1717: ' - [i.e. Purcell's] Songs &c'; this entry was subsequently deleted. Dowding: 'Songs &c.'
Not identified. Position H47 was subsequently refilled by Hind with Mus. 809-12, which is itself not necessarily of Aldrich provenance.

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