Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 833


Ornithoparchus, Andreas
Guido, d'Arezzo
Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus, or Introduction: containing the art of singing. Digested into foure bookes. Not onely profitable, but also necessary for all that are studious of musicke. Also the dimension and perfect use of the monochord, according to Guido Aretinus. By John Douland lutenist, lute-player, and Bachelor of Musicke in both the universities.
London: Printed for Thomas Adams, 1609
RISM B/VI/2 p. 628
Mus. 833
[Musice actiue micrologus. English]
Dowland, John
1563?-1626GroveDNB 16th cent.Grove 11th cent.Grove

Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item H36, as 'Andreas Ornithoparcas Introduction to the Art of Singing'; not listed in Dowding, which omits music theory.

Upright format, 312 x 193 mm. Early C20th binding of blind-tooled brown leather over boards. C17th annotations on titlepage: 'Joh: Cobe'; 'Mihi dedit Joh C[o]b Berkinhead'; 'Emptus sum Argento Hen: Aldrich' (not obviously in Aldrich's own handwriting); also late C18th or early C19th annotation: 'The original was published 1533, Colon. & 1535'. Pen-trials 'John Cobe' on pp. 80 and [82]. Shelfmark 'H.36' on titlepage. No early bookplate. C19th shelfmark: K.4.47.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 46.
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