Mus. 833Printed.
Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item H36, as 'Andreas Ornithoparcas Introduction to the Art of Singing'; not listed in Dowding, which omits music theory. Upright format, 312 x 193 mm. Early C20th binding of blind-tooled brown leather over boards. C17th annotations on titlepage: 'Joh: Cobe'; 'Mihi dedit Joh C[o]b Berkinhead'; 'Emptus sum Argento Hen: Aldrich' (not obviously in Aldrich's own handwriting); also late C18th or early C19th annotation: 'The original was published 1533, Colon. & 1535'. Pen-trials 'John Cobe' on pp. 80 and [82]. Shelfmark 'H.36' on titlepage. No early bookplate. C19th shelfmark: K.4.47.
Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 46.