Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1110

Manuscript. Gio[vanni] Batt[ist]a Quaglia, 'Laudate pueri Dominum', for 2 violins, 3 voices (S, A, B) and continuo. Score; copyist unidentified, presumably Italian, late 17th century.

An image Mus. 1110, f. 1r, can be viewed here.)

Oblong format, 295 x 230 mm. Four nested bifolios followed by a single leaf (= 9 folios in all); unfoliated. Contemporary binding of thick grey card, now within an early 20th-century binding of limp vellum. The original upper cover is annotated 'Laudate a6 ... di G. B. Quaglia' by an unidentified contemporary hand, not that of the music copyist. (For related manuscripts in an identical binding, see Mus. 1073 and (with a similarly annotated cover) Mus. 684.) Shelfmark label '18.H' pasted to the outside original lower cover (see below). Bookplate 2. Original upper cover annotated by Havergal: 'Ch. Ch. A.H. D.R. H.E.H. A.H. 1846'; the significance of these initials, which include Havergal's own, is unclear.

Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item H18, as 'Laudate a 3 Voci &c.', qualified in Dowding (main hand) as 'MS. in score Gio. Batta Lunghi'; also listed in Burney 1778, f. 5, as 'Laudate a 6. J. B. Quadra'. The names 'Lunghi' and 'Quadra' are both erroneous readings and expansions of 'Quag[lia]' on f. [1r], which has been trimmed during binding. The item was subsequently placed in the Portfolios, where it is listed in Havergal Summary at position I.2.β, item 21: 'Laudate by Quagdia. MS. end of XVII. cent:'; in Mus. 1110 itself, the portfolio reference 'I.2.β' is written in red crayon on the original upper cover.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 60.

For other manuscripts at Christ Church written by this copyist, see the discussion under Mus. 385.