Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1154

Manuscript. A portfolio folder (early 20th century; upright format, 350 x 220 mm.) containing 13 discrete and largely unrelated items. Fascicle H is bound after fascicle I. Small adjustments to the numbering of the contents were made in August 1998 and June 2003; these will not be present in microfilms made before those dates. At the end of the volume there are three loose sheets of notes by York Powell, referring to the contents, texts and binding of those items that were formerly held within the Portfolios at position I.2.δ, several of which are now in Mus. 1154. Formerly Mus. 1037.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 60.

  • Mus. 1154(A) Maurizio Cazzati, dialogue 'Crutior in hac flamma'. Score, probably English, 2nd half of 17th century. Later addition on f. 5r: minuet in g for keyboard by 'W[illiam]. Turner' [ii], autograph; English, last quarter of 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(B) Unattributed song 'Whilst Health & blooming Youth' for two voices (soprano, bass) and continuo. There are two copies: a short score (f. 2), which is in the hand of James Talbot, and may be his composing autograph; and a neat copy in full score (ff. 1, 3), in an unidentified hand, probably not Talbot's own. Both English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(C) Three instrumental parts ('Violino Primo', 'Violino Secondo' and 'Violone') for [Giovanni Battista Bassani], motet 'In hoc mundo', copied by James Talbot. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(D) Three instrumental parts ('Violino Primo', 'Violino Secondo' and 'Violone') for [Giovanni Battista Bassani], motet 'Aligeri Amores', copied by James Talbot. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(E) Three instrumental parts ('Violino Primo', 'Violino Secondo' and 'Violone') for [Giovanni Battista Bassani], motet 'Pompae vanae', copied by James Talbot. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(F) Three instrumental parts ('Violino Primo', 'Violino Secondo' and 'Violone') for [Giovanni Battista Bassani], motet 'In Caligine', copied by James Talbot. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(F*) Manuscript. Two instrumental parts ('Violino Primo', 'Violino Secondo') for [Giovanni Battista Bassani], motet 'Ejah Tubae', the first copied by James Talbot, the second in an unidentified hand. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(G) 'All things are hush'd', for three voices and continuo, copied by Richard Goodson Sr; possibly his autograph composing score. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(I) Unattributed motet 'O crux benedicta', for two voices (soprano, bass) and continuo. Score, copyist unidentifed; English, mid-late17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(H) Incomplete score of Alphonse d'Eve, motet 'Alma redemptoris mater', copied by Richard Goodson Sr, presumably from the printed edition in Mus. 841-51. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(K) Unattributed song, 'Bright Phebus just had now adorn'd the skies' for soprano and continuo, copied in score by William Husbands; English, 1670s or 80s.
  • Mus. 1154(L) 'A shepherd charmd with Evry Grace' for soprano and continuo, copied in score by Richard Goodson Sr; unattributed, but evidently Goodson's autograph composing score. English, late 17th century.
  • Mus. 1154(M) Unattributed song 'A poor soul satt sighing near a ginger bread stall' for soprano and continuo. Score, copyist unknown; English, late 17th century.