Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


A1 Archives 1717: 'Thomae Lud. a Victoria Abulensis Motecta festorum totius Anni cum communi Sanctorum'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 1; printed.

A4 [Archives 1717: this position is occupied by a non-music item.] Dowding: 'Anthems & Songs with Instrumts... / M.S. in score by Purcel, Blow, Humphries &c'.
= Mus. 628; manuscript.

A5 [Archives 1717: this position is occupied by a non-music item.]. Dowding: 'Anthems / By Bull & Hooper M.S.'.
Presumably a partbook from a dispersed set, since the entry exactly matches that for B5 below, q.v.

B5 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Anthems'. Dowding: 'By Bull & Hooper M.S.'. Burney's entry reads: 'Anthems & Hymns by Hooper, Wilkinson, Amner, Tho' Mattocks, Robt. Jones, Weelkes, T. Lupo, Warde, W. Symmes, Ravenscroft, Forde, Bennet, &c, a large Collection. MS. 5 Books'.
= Mus. 56-60; manuscript. This identification depends upon Burney's entry.

B8 Archives 1717: 'Verse Anthem in Score'. Dowding: 'Lock & Aldrich. Funeral Anthem'.
= Mus. 12; manuscript.

B9 Archives 1717: 'Dr John Blow's Musical Compositions<, or Amphion Anglicus>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 793; printed.

B10 Archives 1717: 'Anthems', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Latin Anthems / In score; no names or date'.
Not identified; probably later moved to a different position.

B11 Archives 1717: A Vol: of Sacred Music', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'For Voices & mostly with Instrumts'.
Not identified; probably later moved to a different position.

B12 Archives 1717: 'Italian Songs', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: identical entry.
Not identified; probably later moved to a different position.

B13 Archives 1717: 'A Pastoral <The Judgment of Paris> compos'd for the Musick prize, by D[anie]l Purcell'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 790; printed.

B14 Archives 1717: 'Cantica Sacra by Dering, Gibbons, Rogers, Lock &c. <3 Books. Lond. 1662>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 813-16; printed. The B14 entry refers specifically to three partbooks only, Mus. 813-15, one of which had earlier been shelved at position K32 below. The set's fourth partbook, Mus. 816, remained at position H31 below.

B15 Archives 1717: 'Filmers French Court Airs'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 791; printed.

C1 Archives 1717: 'A Vol: of Services & Anthems. <by John Golding of Windsor>'. Dowding: 'M.S. John Goldwin'.
= Mus. 94; manuscript.

C2 Archives 1717: 'Mr. Purcel's Services in B'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 38; manuscript.

C3 Archives 1717: 'Mr Tallis' Services.' Dowding: 'Te Deum & Magnificat of Tallis, Dimittis of Bird. MS'.
= Mus. 1002; manuscript.

C4 Archives 1717: 'Instrumental Music'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 432, Mus. 612-13; manuscript.

C5 Archives 1717: 'Latin Anthems'. Dowding: 'A Mass for 5 Voices with Instrumts by Legrenzi'.
= Mus. 1000; manuscript.

C7 Archives 1717: 'Fancies of 3 pts <v. D.4.>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= a partbook from the dispersed set discussed at position C20 below.

C15 Archives 1717: 'Fancies <5 Voc. Thomas Lupo>'. Dowding: 'Fancies'.
C16 Archives 1717: 'Fancies <3 Voc. Ditto>'. Dowding: entry bracketed with C15.
C17 Archives 1717: 'Fancies <4 Voc. Thos. Lupo &c>'. Dowding: entry bracketed with C15.
= three partbooks from the dispersed set discussed at position C20 below.

C18 Archives 1717: 'Services compos'd by Dr Aldrich'. Dowding: no entry.
= Mus. 19; manuscript.

C20 Archives 1717: 'A Collection of Services'; entry subsequently deleted. Dowding: no entry. Probably = Mus. 6. Position C20 was later re-filled by Hind with 'Fancies of 6 parts by White, Ward, Phillips &c' = Mus. 423-8; Hind assembled this set from partbooks previously scattered across positions C7, C15-17 and D4, together with Mus. 427, which bears no shelfmark other than 'C20'.

D2 Archives 1717: 'Purcel's Sonatas'. Dowding: identical entry.
Probably = Mus. 824-7 and Mus. 828-31; printed.

D3 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Italian Music<, by Alessandro Striggio>'. Dowding: 'Ciccalameto di Donne di Alessandro Striggio in 7. parts'.
= Mus. 1155-61; manuscript.

D4 Archives 1717: 'Fancies <v. C.7.>'. Dowding: 'Fancies of Coperario & Ferabosco. / The tenor part only'.
= a partbook from the dispersed set discussed at position C20 above.

D5 Archives 1717: 'Ptolemy's Harmonica Dr Wallis's Ed'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Mus. 441; printed.

D13 Archives 1717: 'A Vol: of Italian Music'. Dowding: identical entry.
= Mus. 435; manuscript.

D14 Archives 1717: 'Theoria Musices Lat: MSS <v. D.15, 24>'. Dowding: 'Supposed to be by Dr. Aldrich'.
= Folder B of Mus. 1187; manuscript.

D15 Archives 1717: 'Several Tracts relating to the Grounds of Musick MSS <by Dr. Aldrich>'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Unspecified parts of Mus. 1187; manuscript.

D16 Archives 1717: 'Mottets for two Voices by Walter Porter Ed:'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 821-3; printed.

D17 Archives 1717: '1st Part of Mottets &c by Orlando Gibbons'; entry deleted, and annotated 'vide K. 38'. Dowding: '1st part of Mottets by Orlando Gibbons'.
= a partbook from the dispersed set discussed at position K34-8 below.

D18 Archives 1717: 'Mr Jeffreys Collection of Songs. / Dr Wilson's Psalterium Carolinum. / Porter's Mottets &c'. Dowding: 'Jefferies Collection of Songs, Porters Mottets &c. / Appears to be a good collection'.
= Mus. 877-80; combination of manuscript and printed contents.

D20 Archives 1717: 'Lat: & Ital: Songs for 5 Voices. MSS.' Dowding: 'The Lamentation of Jeremiah in latin without a name. Ferabosco &c'.
= Mus. 463-7; manuscript.

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