Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 821-3

Printed; complete set of three partbooks. The 'Treble or Tenor' partbook includes the first state (subsequently cancelled) of sigs. C and D1.

Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass. With the continued bass or score: to be performed to an organ, harpspycon, [sic] lute or bass-viol.
London: Printed by William Godbid for the author, 1657
RISM A/I P5219
Mus. 821: Treble or tenor; Mus. 822: Bassus; Mus. 823: Basso continuo.
See other copies of this work.
Mus. 821-3
Porter, Walter
d. 1659GroveDNB

Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item D16, as 'Mottets for two Voices by Walter Porter Ed:'; there is an equivalent entry in Dowding (main hand).

Upright format, 295 x 195 mm. Late C17th covers of marbled paper over thin card; each partbook is now stitched into a folder of modern card and mounted impermanently on cords within an early C20th folder of stiff card and vellum, together with Mus. 818-20. Shelfmark 'D.16' on original lower covers of all three partbooks. Bookplate 2 in all three partbooks. C19th shelfmarks: K.4.35-7.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 45.
View microfilm details.

For two other copies of this edition, both with the second state of the 'Treble or Tenor' partbook, see Mus. 818-20 and Mus. 878-80.

At the rear of the folder containing Mus. 818-20 and Mus. 821-3, the bifolio of blank paper stamped with a design of red diamonds and hearts (now mounted on a cord) appears once to have formed part of the binding of Mus. 817, and is therefore of Goodson provenance.


John Milsom, 'Pen over print, and the quest for 'ideal copy': more cautionary notes for editors of early printed music' (forthcoming)