The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, but you should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.
Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: World Microfilms, PO Box 35488, St John's Wood, LONDON, NW8 6WD.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7586 4499, Fax: +44 (0)20 7722 1068, E-mail:
Mus. 821 | Reel 45 | |
Mus. 822 | Reel 45 | |
Mus. 823 | Reel 45 |
The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | ||||
Mus. 805-6 | Mus. 805 | Mus. 806 | |||
The first booke of consort lessons, made by divers exquisite authors, for six instruments to play together, the treble lute, the pandora, the citttern [sic.], the base-violl, the flute & treble-violl. Newly set forth at the coast & charges of a gentle-man, for his private pleasure, and for divers others his frendes which delight in musicke. London: Printed ... by William Barley, the assigne of Thomas Morley, 1599 |
Flute | Pandora | |||
Reel 45 | |||||
Mus. 807 | Mus. 807 | ||||
Songs for one two and three voices composed to a through basse for ye organ or harpsicord by R King servant to his Majesty. [London]: Sold by John Crouch, [1692] |
Reel 45 | |||||
Mus. 808 | Mus. 808 | ||||
Mus. 808(1) Select musicall ayres, and dialogues, for one and two voyces, to sing to the theorbo, lute, or basse violl. Composed by John Wilson, Charles Colman, Henry Lawes, William Webb ... To which is added some few short ayres or songs for three voyces, to an instrument. London: Printed for John Playford, 1652 |
Mus. 808(2) The second booke of ayres, containing pastorall dialogues for two voyces, to sing either to the theorbo, harpsicon, or basse violl. Also short ayres for three voyces, with a thorow basse. Composed by many excellent masters in musick, now living. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, for John Playford, 1652 |
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | |||
Mus. 809-12 | Mus. 809 | Mus. 810 | Mus. 811 | Mus. 812 | |
Sonnata's of III parts: two viollins and basse: to the organ or harpsecord. Composed by Henry Purcell, composer in ordinary to his most sacred majesty, and organist of his Chappell Royall. London: Printed for the author: and sold by J[ohn]. Playford and J[ohn]. Carr, 1683 |
Violin primo | Violin secundo | Basso | Basso continuo | |
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | ||
Mus. 813-16 | Mus. 813 | Mus. 814 | Mus. 815 | Mus. 816 | |
Mus. 813-16(1) Cantica sacra. Ad duas & tres voces composita, cum basso continuo ad organum. Authore Ricardo Deringo Regiae Majestatis quondam organistae. London: Typis Guil. Godbid pro Joh. Playford, 1662 |
Cantus primus | Cantus secundus | Bassus | Bassus continuus | |
Mus. 813-16(2) Cantica sacra: containing hymns and anthems for two voices to the organ, both Latine and English. Composed by Mr. Richard Dering. Dr. Christoph: Gibbons. Dr. Benjamin Rogers. Mr. Matth: Locke, and others. The second sett. London: Printed by W[illiam]. Godbid, for John Playford, 1674 Mus. 813 lacks sig. C2. |
Cantus | Bassus | Basso continuo | ||
Reel 45 | |||||
Mus. 817 | Mus. 817 | ||||
Hore di recreatione musicale a una, & due voci di Hercole Porta maestro di capella, & organista della Collegiata di S. Giovanni in Persiceto[.] Per cantare, & sonare nel chittarone, ò altri instrumenti, nuovamente composte, & date in luce. Venice: Appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1612 |
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | |||
Mus. 818-20 | Mus. 818 | Mus. 819 | Mus. 820 | ||
Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass. With the continued bass or score: to be performed to an organ, harpspycon, [sic] lute or bass-viol. London: Printed by William Godbid for the author, 1657 |
Treble or tenor | Bassus | Basso continuo | ||
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | |||
Mus. 821-3 | Mus. 821 | Mus. 822 | Mus. 823 | ||
Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass. With the continued bass or score: to be performed to an organ, harpspycon, [sic] lute or bass-viol. London: Printed by William Godbid for the author, 1657 |
Treble or tenor | Bassus | Basso continuo | ||
Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | Reel 45 | ||
Mus. 824-7 | Mus. 824 | Mus. 825 | Mus. 826 | Mus. 827 | |
Ten sonata's in four parts. Compos'd by the late Mr. Henry Purcell. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Frances Purcell, executrix of the author, 1697 |
Violino primo | Violino secundo | Bassus | Through bass for the harpsichord, or organ | |