Christ Church Music Catalogue

Found 1 matching record

Title: Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass. With the continued bass or score: to be performed to an organ, harpspycon, [sic] lute or bass-viol.
Imprint: London: Printed by William Godbid for the author, 1657
References: RISM A/I P5219
Copy: Mus. 818-20
See the description of this item for details of binding and provenance.
Copy: Mus. 821-3
See the description of this item for details of binding and provenance.
Copy: Mus. 877-80(2)
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  Treble or tenor Bassus Basso continuo
Mus. 818-20 Mus. 818 Mus. 819 Mus. 820
Mus. 821-3 Mus. 821 Mus. 822 Mus. 823
Mus. 877-80(2) Mus. 878 Mus. 879 Mus. 880