Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 363

Manuscript. Commonplace book compiled mainly by Musgrave Heighington; English, after 1703. The volume includes songs, instrumental music, rudiments of music theory, and sketches and drafts of Heighington's own compositions, principally his settings of Latin Odes by Horace. In the inventory below, items 1-22 are copied from the front of the volume, items 23-50 from the rear with the volume inverted.

Heighington's sketches for his settings of Horace's Odes vary in completeness. Three of the pieces drafted here (items 19, 20 and 45) can be compared with the finished versions published by Heighington in 1744 (extant copies of which are at Oxford, Bodleian Library, Mus. 20. c.20 and Tenbury Mus. c.542 (2)). Other pieces may never have been developed beyond the rudimentary sketches found in Mus. 363. Boundaries between sets of sketches for individual works are sometimes blurred, and the folio references given below are approximate.

  • Item 19: Heighington subsequently made a fuller autograph draft of this Ode; the copy is now at Mus. 1142a (ff. 38-9). A final revision of the piece was published in 1744.
  • Item 37: the treble part is written on the first double-page spread (ff. 98r-97v), the bass on the second opening (ff. 97r-96v).
  • Item 45: a more advanced state of this Ode, copied by Richard Goodson, is in Mus. 23 item 34. Goodson also copied an extract from it in Mus. 622, item 10. Heighington published a final revision of the work in 1744.
  • Item 50: clearly a later addition (by Heighington?); unrelated to item 1, with which it shares two pages.
Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.
1   When my cause to Florinda I boldly declare (voice-part only; see also no. 50 below) ff. 1r-3r
2   I heard a voice, but know not where (voice-part only) ff. 3v-5r
3 Jeremiah Clarke Corant from Suite in c minor ff. 5v-6r
4   Unidentified sketch in C major f. 6v
5 Henry Purcell Seek not to know (from 'The Indian Queen', Z.630(15)) ff. 7r-11v
6   Unidentified tune in d minor f. 12r
7   Whilst gazing Strephon ff. 12v-16r
8   Unidentified melodic line in G major f. 14v
9 Musgrave Heighington? Phyllis, when your ogling eyes ff. 17r-19r
10   Unidentified figured bass in A major f. 20r
11 Henry Purcell Sound a parley, ye fair (from 'King Arthur', Z.628(26b)) ff. 20v-22r
12 Henry Purcell O let me weep (from 'The Fairy Queen', Z629(40ab)) ff. 22v-26r
13 John Weldon? The young Mirtillo, brisk and gay (voice-part only) ff. 26v-28r
14   No longer, Damon, I'll repine ff. 28v-29r
15   Unidentified sketches ff. 29v-30r
16   See, mortal, see, the goddess view ff. 30v-33r
17 Musgrave Heighington? Miscellaneous drafts of instrumental movements, notated on two staves as if for keyboard ff. 33v-37r
18 Musgrave Heighington? Miscellaneous drafts of instrumental movements, notated in open score ff. 37v-44r
19 Musgrave Heighington Donec gratus eram tibi (sketches and drafts; words: Horace, Odes 3/IX) ff. 44v-54r
20 Musgrave Heighington Vides ut alta stet nive candidum (sketches; words: Horace, Odes 1/IX) ff. 54v-59r
21 Musgrave Heighington O saepe mecum tempus in ultimum (sketch; words: Horace, Odes 2/VII) f. 59v
22 Musgrave Heighington Mercuri, facunde nepos Atlantis (sketches for section 'te canam'; words: Horace, Odes 1/X; based on the music of no. 21 above) ff. 60r-61r
23 Musgrave Heighington? Keyboard piece in C major f. 112v
24 Henry Purcell Country dance (from 'Dioclesian', Z.627(25); two treble and bass parts on facing pages) ff. 112r-111v
25   Unidentified figured bass in C major ff. 110v-111r
26 Henry Purcell Hornpipe (from 'The Fairy Queen', Z.629(1b); two treble and bass parts on facing pages ff. 110r-109v
27 Henry Purcell Hornpipe (from 'The Double Dealer', Z.592(1b); two treble and bass parts on facing pages ff. 109r-108v
28 Henry Purcell Air (from 'Abdelazer', Z.570(6); two treble and bass parts on facing pages) ff. 108r-107v
29   Unidentified sketches ff. 107r-106v
30 Henry Purcell To arms, your ensigns straight display (from 'Bonduca', Z.574(15b); untexted treble part only) f. 106r
31 Henry Purcell Britons strike home (from 'Bonduca', Z.574(16b); untexted treble part only) f. 105v
32   Dance tune, with instructions for dance movements f. 105v
33 John Barrett Ianthe the lovely by Iphis was loved (treble part only) ff. 105r-104v
34   Rudiments of music theory and figured bass ff. 104r-99r
35   'The method of Tuning a Spinett or Harpsichord' f. 101r
36   Keyboard piece in C major f. 98v
37   Two movements in B flat major for treble instrument and figured bass ff. 98r-96v
38   Movement in A major for treble instrument and figured bass ff. 96r-95v
39   Movement in e minor probably for treble instrument and figured bass; treble part only f. 95r
40   Rudiments of music theory and figured bass ff. 94v-93v
41 Musgrave Heighington? Miscellaneous sketches, including (at f. 90r) 'Love Alarming' ff. 93r-89v
42   Duet in C major for two trumpets ff. 88r-87v
43 Musgrave Heighington? Sketches in keyboard score ff. 87r-86r
44 Musgrave Heighington Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume (draft; words: Horace, Odes 2/XIV; see also no. 46 below) ff. 85v-79v
45 Musgrave Heighington Integer vitae scelerisque purus (draft; words: Horace, Odes 1/XXII) ff. 79r-71r
46 Musgrave Heighington Draft of 'Eheu fugaces, Postume, Postume', continued from no. 44 above ff. 70v-69v
47 Musgrave Heighington? Miscellaneous sketches ff. 69r-67v
48 Musgrave Heighington Poscimus, si quid vacui sub umbra (sketches; words: Horace, Odes 1/XXXII) ff. 67r-65v
49 Musgrave Heighington Iam satis terris nivis atque dirae (sketches; words: Horace, Odes 1/II) ff. 65r-64v
50   Unidentified melody, copied on blank staves beneath no. 1 above, with the volume inverted ff. 2r-1v

Oblong format, 200 x 110 mm. 112 folios of music notation, preceded and followed by flyleaves with non-musical annotations (described below). Foliation is in modern pencil. Collation not researched. Unused ruled staves on ff. 16v, 61v-64r and 88v-89r. Front flyleaf: on the recto, an owner's name (deleted) is followed by the date '1703'; also the annotation 'musg[?rave]'; on the verso, a verbal text (for or from a musical setting?) beginning 'A Cruel fair why will ye ungratefully torment me'. Rear flyleaf i (= f. [115]), recto: poem beginning 'Ingratitude, the worst of human guilt'; verso: various calendar dates. Rear flyleaf (ii) recto, and (iii) recto (= ff. [114-113]: long poem titled 'Reform[atio]n of Manners', beginning 'How long may heaven be banter'd by a nation'. Early 18th-century binding of brown leather over boards, gold-tooled with fillets and ornaments; inside upper and lower covers lined with marbled paper. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: I.4.75.

Provenance unknown, but most likely from the Goodson bequest (on the grounds that Richard Goodson Jr clearly had access to Heighington's unpublished works: see his copy of item 45 ('Integer vitae') in Mus. 23, item 34, and his extract from it in Mus. 622, item 10).

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 11.