Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 622

Manuscript. Choral and vocal works, copied in score by Richard Goodson Jr.; English, 1719 and later.

  • item 4: words from Horace's Odes, 4/V, stanza 1. For a copy and English translation of this text, written out by Goodson Jr, see Mus. 1079, f. [1r].
  • item 5: the text-underlay is partly written in another (unidentified) hand.
  • Item 10: presumaby extracted from Goodson's copy of the complete Ode in Mus. 23, item 34.
Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.
1 Giacomo Carissimi Tra più riposti abissi '19' - p. 26
2 Alphonse d'Eve Fugite fastus ('De venerabile') pp. 48-61
3   Posuisti (fragmentary score of outer parts only, copied twice, the second copy subsequently overlaid with no. 4 below) pp. 62-71
4 Richard Goodson (ii) Divis orte bonis (fragment; evidently Goodson's composing score) pp. 73-70
5 George Frideric Handel Oh the pleasure of the plains! (from 'Acis and Galatea') pp. 74-91
6 George Frideric Handel Wretched lovers! (from 'Acis and Galatea') p. 92 - R91
7 George Frideric Handel Mourn, all ye muses! (from 'Acis and Galatea') R89-R74
8 George Frideric Handel Must I my Acis still bemoan (from 'Acis and Galatea') R73-R50
9 George Frideric Handel Galatea, dry thu tears (from 'Acis and Galatea'; copied without words) R49-R24
10 Musgrave Heighington Dulce ridentem (from 'Integer vitae scelerisque purus'; words: Horace, Odes 1/XXII)) R23-R22
11   Fragment, partly deleted, headed 'In festo S Sylvestri Papae' and 'Inveni David'; principally a copy of an untexted part in C4 clef R23-R16
12 William Croft I waited patiently for the Lord R4-R11

Upright format, 365 x 243 mm. 83 surviving folios; further sheets have been excised from various places in the volume. Collation not researched. Contemporary pagination in ink by Goodson Jr, in two sequences: the first sequence counts from the front of the volume (of which the following remain in place: pp. '19-20', 7-12, 15-26, 47-62 and 65-100); the second sequence counts from the rear of the volume (here designated with the prefix 'R', of which the following remain in place: R3-12, R15-16 and R21-100); between these two sequences there is a single unpaginated folio (= 2 pages). Unused ruled staves on pp. 47, R90 , R15, R12, R8-9 and R3. Contemporary binding of rough leather over boards, tooled with fillets and small ornaments. Inside upper cover signed 'Richard Goodson [Jr] E[ius]: L[iber]'. The date '1719' is written on the outside upper cover. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: I.8.23.

Provenance: from the Goodson bequest, listed in Clement 1747 as 'Acis & Galatea in Score M.S. No. 11', and in Malchair 1787 (f. 2) as 'Part of Acis and Galatea Handel / anthem of Croft / folio rugh Calf'. Clement's number-label ('11') remains in place on the spine, the number partly obscured by the later addition of the title 'Acis & Galatea'.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 26.

There is a reference to Mus. 622 on the original outside lower cover of Mus. 1177: '... George / carried to Mr Durham / the Schore of I waited / patiently Dr C[ro]fts / a book folio coverd / wth brown Leather'. Another reference to it, again in Goodson Jr's hand, occurs on the inside upper cover of Mus. 707 (within Mus. 698-707): 'Mem. yesterday Mr Warnford with young Airson at my House for ye printed book of [Handel's] Acis and G: [of which there is no surviving copy at Christ Church] & ye written schore of ye Chorus's [= Mus. 622]'.