Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


Archives 1717 itemizes the contents of shelves A-L only; for shelves M-Q, it gives the following blanket description: 'A Large Collection of Music in 262 Vol: beside loose papers'. For shelves M-Q, therefore, Dowding is the only witness; its itemization for those shelves is preceded by the following heading (heavily deleted): 'A large Collection of Music in 262 volumes beside loose papers lately catalogued by Mr Dowding as follows'. Many of the items listed below are encased in 'Aldrich bindings'. A substantial number of them are tract volumes of printed music, the contents of which are given in full in Dowding; those transcriptions are not reproduced below.

O[1] Dowding: 'Cantatas / à 1 & 3 voc. by Carissimi'.
Not identified.

O[2] Dowding: lists all 12 printed tracts of Mus. 795; '1 Vol'.

P1 Dowding: 'Anthems / Carissimi MS. in score <vid. H.60>'. This entry was subsequently deleted.
Almost certainly Mus. 55; manuscript. This manuscript is also described at position H43 above; it may have been mis-shelved at P1 at the time when the Dowding shelf-list was made. The annotation to the P1 entry cross-refers to position H60 (entered by Hind into Archives 1717), which unmistakably refers to Mus. 55; however, the H60 entry was itself subsequently deleted, perhaps in recognition of the fact that the volume correctly belonged at position H43.

P2 Dowding: 'A Vol. of Latin Anthems / MS. in score'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
Not identified.

P3 Dowding: 'The like'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
Not identified.

P4 Dowding: 'The like. / by Cesti & Luighi'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
= Mus. 83; manuscript.

P5 Dowding: 'Songs & Latin & English Anthems / by Carissimi &Gibbons'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
= Mus. 18; manuscript.

P6 Dowding: 'A Vol. of 11 Verse & 13 full Anthems / of Dr Aldrich fairly wrote'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
= Mus. 614; manuscript.

P7 Dowding: 'Another Vol. of English Anthems in score'. This entry was subsequently deleted; presumably the item was moved to another position, probably by Hind.
Not identified.

Q1 Dowding: 'Italian Cantatas / in five Volumes with their Basses'.
  Q1 vol. 1 = Mus. 946; manuscript.
  Q1 vol. 2 = Mus. 948; manuscript.
  Q1 vol. 3 = Mus. 947; manuscript.
  Q1 vol. 4 = Mus. 949; manuscript.
  Q1 vol. 5 = Mus. 952; manuscript.

Q2 Dowding: 'Airs in parts / 4 Vols'.
  Q2 vol. 1 = Mus. 954; manuscript.
  Q2 vol. 2 = Mus. 955; manuscript.
  Q2 vol. 3 = Mus. 940; manuscript.
Q2 vol. 4 = Mus. 939; printed (2 tracts); missing pages supplied in MS.

Q3 Dowding: 'The like'.
= Mus. 951; manuscript.

Q4 Dowding: 'The like. / by Cesti & Luighi'.
  Q4 vol. 1 = Mus. 958; manuscript.
  Q4 vol. 2 = Mus. 956; manuscript.
  Q4 vol. 3 = Mus. 959; manuscript.
  Q4 vol. 4 = Mus. 950; manuscript.
  Q4 vol. 5 = Mus. 957; manuscript.

Q5 Dowding: 'The like 1 Vol'.
  Not identified.

Q6 Dowding: 'Brevis Musices Isagoge / à Johan. Frisio. Tigur. Ant. / Omnia Horatei Carminum Genera / Musica adaptata à 4 voc. Tigur. 1554'.
= Mus. 346-9; printed.

Q7 Dowding: 'Motetti / Leon Simonetti à 1. Voc. Ven. 1630. scielti da divers. eccel. Autori'.
= Mus. 937-8; printed.

Q8 Dowding: 'Cantatas / 1. Vol. MS. wrote (as Dr Aldrich has observed at the end) by Signr Luighi's own hand & is undoubtedly an Original'.
= Mus. 953; manuscript.

Q9 Dowding: 'Psalms 1st Set / for 3 Voices by W. Childe. Lond. 1639', annotated by Havergal: '2 parts wanting'.
= Mus. 338; printed.

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