Mus. 939Printed; two tracts, both defective, but with missing pages supplied in late C17th MS.
Provenance: probably from the Aldrich bequest. This is one of four items listed in Dowding at position Q2: 'Airs in parts / 4 Vols.'; all are identifiable from shelfmarks written into the volumes themselves. (The others are Mus. 940, Mus. 954 and Mus. 955.) Oblong format, 220 x 117 mm. Late C17th binding of brown leather over boards, gold-tooled with fillets and ornaments on the covers and spine. (For a related though not identical binding, see Mus. 499-501.) The missing pages in both tracts were evidently supplied in MS before binding; the copyist has not been identified. Annotations include the following: 'Roben' (tract 1, p. 5); 'Thoma' (tract 2, verso of titlepage); 'A catch of Moses and Aron' (tract 2, p. 70). Shelfmark 'Q.2. Vol. 4.' on front flyleaf. Bookplate 2. C19th shelfmark: E.1.4.
Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 66.