Christ Church Music Catalogue


an annotated transcription of two 18th-century shelf-lists,
Archives 1717 and 'Dowding'

To place the following comments in context, see the General introduction to this page.


E2 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Music for an Opera. <by Lully>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 107-9; printed; 2 tracts.

E3 Archives 1717: 'Cantica sacra by Diring. <7 Books. Antw. 1618>'. Dowding: 'à 6. voc. Antwerp 1598. all of Dering'. Mistakenly recorded by Havergal in 1846 as being missing.
= Mus. 154-60; printed. The incorrect date in Dowding presumably arises from a misreading of the roman numerals.

E4 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Music Eng: and Ital:'. Dowding: 'M.S. Appears to be a fine collection'.
Not identified.

E5 Archives 1717: 'Songs of Verse & Chorus <by Ford & Jenkins>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 736-8; manuscript.

E6 Archives 1717: 'Songs for 3 & 4 Voices'. Dowding: 'Gio. Florio. Morley. G. Kirby. L. Marenzio. Claude le Jeune. Gio. Gabrieli. Gio. Croce &c.'.
= Mus. 750-3 and Mus. 1074-7; both manuscript.

E7 Archives 1717: 'Morley's Introduction to Practical Musick'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
= Mus. 804; printed.

E8 Archives 1717: 'Bizarrie Poetiche de Nicolo Fontei / Giardino d'Amoroso fiori di Lazaro Valvasensi'. No entry in Dowding, who may have been deceived by the titles, believing this to be a non-music item.
= Mus. 448; printed; 5 tracts.

E9 Archives 1717: 'Melodia Olympica. Madrigals to 4. 5. 6. & 8. Voices by P. Philips'. Dowding: 'Collected by Philips. Antwerp 1594', followed by list of the composers represented.
= Mus. 310-17; printed; 2 tracts.

E10 Archives 1717: 'Madrigals &c by L: Marencio <v. G.11>'. Dowding adds: 'Cantiones Sacrae pro festis totius anni à 4. voc. Antw. 1603. Another set à 4 voc. Venice 1587. of Marenzio. Another set à 6 voc. di Giovan. Turnhout. Antw. 1589'.
= Mus. 1028-33; printed; 4 tracts.

E16 Archives 1717: 'English Songs'. Dowding: equivalent entry. Burney 1778 (f. 7r): 'Vol.of old English Songs, Treble & Base, of the last Century'.
Probably = Mus. 439.

F1 Archives 1717: 'Low's directions for Cathedral Service', annotated by Havergal as being 'missing'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory. Listed in Burney 1778 (f. 7r) as 'A Review of the Cathedral Service by E Lowe. Ox. 1664'.
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; the Christ Church copy has not been located (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128).

F2 Archives 1717: 'Ravenscroft's Psalm Tunes'. Dowding: equivalent entry, annotated by Havergal as being '(missing in 1844. H.E.H.)'. Burney 1778 (f. 7r) reads: 'Ravenscroft's Psalms 1621.' Malchair (f. 12r) reads: 'Psalms and Hymnes by Ravenscroft 1622'; the incorrect date is presumably given in error.
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; probably the copy of RISM 1621/11 now at London, British Library, K.8.c.24 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128; the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible). The Christ Church copy now at Mus. 1116 is a 19th-century replacement.

F3 Archives 1717: 'Des Cartes's Compendium of Musick. Eng:', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; now London, British Library, 1042 f.37 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127; the Christ Church shelfmark has not been removed). There is another copy at Christ Church at shelfmark AF.7.11; it appears to derive neither from the Aldrich nor from the Goodson bequest.

F6 Archives 1717: 'Simpson's Compendium of Practical Musick.' No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
Probably missing. Apparently not Mus. 337, which is more likely to derive from the Goodson bequest. The Christ Church copy at shelfmark Os.3.30 appears to derive neither from the Aldrich nor from the Goodson bequest.

F7 Archives 1717: 'De Poematum Cantu et viribus Rhythmi. Ed: Oxon.' No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
Missing; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. Not the copies now in Christ Church at shelfmarks Oa.4.16 and Allestree d.4.17, which appear to derive neither from the Aldrich nor from the Goodson bequest.

F8 Archives 1717: 'Salmon's Essay on Musick', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory.
Missing; see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128. See also the entry at position K14 below.

F9 Archives 1717: 'Collection of Catches &c.', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. No entry in Dowding.
Not identified, and presumably missing.

F10 Archives 1717: 'Madrigali de Floridi Vertuosi 5 Voc.'. Dowding adds: 'Antw. 1600. à5 voc. Carrara, Dragone, Marenzio, Palestrina, Nanino, Eremita &c. &c.'. Mistakenly recorded by Havergal in 1846 as being missing.
= Mus. 100-104; printed.

F11 Archives 1717: 'A Set of Lat. Anthems. <3 Books>'. Dowding: 'A short beginning of a collection in 3. Pocket Volumes'.
= Mus. 1013-15; manuscript.

F12 Archives 1717: 'Madrigali de Giavanti Valentini'. Dowding adds: 'With Instrumts. Venice 1616'.
= Mus. 249-55; printed.

F13 Archives 1717: 'East's Musick'. Dowding adds: 'London 1638'.
= Mus. 455-8; printed.

F14 Archives 1717: 'Phoggia's Madrigals' (later emended to read 'Foggia's'). Dowding: 'Foggia à 5 & 6. voc. Venice 1615 - Ortensio Gentile à 5. voc. Venice 1616 - Tirsi doglioso Madrigali à 5. di Lorenzo Missino da Malfetta. Venice 1615 - Quinto di Orindio Bartolino di Siena Venice 1606'.
= Mus. 442-6; printed; 5 tracts.

F15 Archives 1717: 'Montferrat's & Casatus's Mottets &c. <& Borremans Cantiones Natalitiae 5 Books>'. Dowding: equivalent entry.
= Mus. 284-8; printed; 7 tracts. The constituent partbooks of this set were at first dispersed over five different shelfmarks, and subsequently reunited at F15, hence the annotation above: '5 Books'.

F16 Archives 1717: 'Ravenscroft of Charactering the Degres of the Perfection &c of Musick'. No entry in Dowding, which omits most works of music theory. Burney 1778 (f. 7r): 'Ravenscroft's brief discourse 1614'. Malchair (f. 13r): 'Discourse on the Characters of Notes in Music, and theire different durations. With Examples for 4 voices - the words on the subject of Hunting - Hawking Dancing Drinking. London - print: by Ed: Allde 1614'.
Missing; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. See Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128.

F17 Archives 1717: 'Pammelia, Catches &c.'. Dowding: identical entry, annotated by Havergal as being 'missing'. Burney 1778 (f. 7): 'Pamelia. Musick's Miscellanie, roundelayes & Catches of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Parts. odd Book. 1609'.
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; the Christ Church copy has not been traced. See Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 128.

F18 Archives 1717: 'Bevin's Art of Musick', annotated by a later hand as being 'wanting'. Dowding: 'Bevin's Instructions in Music', annotated by Havergal as being 'missing in 1844. H.E.H.'.
Missing since the first half of the 19th century; probably the copy at London, British Library, K.2.d.14 (see Hiscock, 'Lost Music', p. 127; the Christ Church shelfmark is not visible).

F19 Archives 1717: 'Aux Cousteaux's Miscellaneous Musick'. Dowding adds: 'Paris 1644'.
= Mus. 123-8; printed.

F20 Archives 1717: 'Dr Childs Service &c'. Dowding adds: 'Batton's Service. Portman & Rogers's Service. M.S. in score'.
Probably Mus. 1012; manuscript.

F21 Archives 1717: 'Barbarino's Madrigals'. Dowding adds: 'à 3. Venice 1617'.
= Mus. 713-15; printed.

F22 Archives 1717: 'Fancies'. Dowding adds: 'Instrumental. MS'.
Not identified.

F23 Archives 1717: 'Mr Locks Consort &c'. Dowding adds: 'D[itt]o' [i.e. instrumental, MS].
= Mus. 772-6; manuscript.

F24 Archives 1717: 'Mr Wm. Laws royal Consort'. Dowding adds: 'in 6 parts Instrumental. MS'.
= Mus. 754-9; manuscript.

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