Mus. 100-4
Printed. Complete set of five partbooks.
Mus. 100-104 De floridi virtuosi d'Italia. Madrigali a cinque voci ridotti in un corpo. Nuovamente con ogni diligentia stampati & seguendo l'ordine de suoi toni posti in luce.
Antwerp: Appresso Pietro Phalesio, 1600
RISM B/I 16008
Mus. 100: Canto; Mus. 101: Alto; Mus. 102: Quinto; Mus. 103: Tenore; Mus. 104: Basso. |
Provenance: see below for annotations by early owners. From
the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item F10, as
'Madrigali de Floridi Vertuosi 5 Voc.', and in Dowding (main
hand) as 'Antw. 1600. à5 voc. Carrara, Dragone, Marenzio,
Palestrina, Eremita &c. &c.'
Oblong format, 207 x 156 mm. Early C17th wrappers of grey paper,
annotated on the upper covers with voice-names and 'Madrigali
De ffloridi Virtuosi a 5. voc.' in an unidentified early C17th
hand. (The upper cover of Mus. 103 is also annotated 'à
cinque voce'.) There are extensive annotations and pen-trials
on the last page of Mus. 103, transcribed below; to judge from
the references there, they date from the period 1616-31. Bookplate
2 in Mus. 101 only. 19th-century shelfmarks: I.3.8-12.
Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 2.
View microfilm details.
Annotations and pen-trials on the last page of Mus. 103 include
the following:
- 'John Rous of Yarlington in the coun...' [?? = the diarist John
Rous (1584-1644)].
- 'Michael Drayton esquier as he writes him self in his poetry'
[= the poet Michael Drayton (1563-1631), who styled himself 'Esquire'
after 1603].
- 'Carlton Embassadour in the Lowcuntrie for his maiesty of greate
Brittan who before was of venice I have understood by good intelligence'
[= Sir Dudley Carleton, Viscount Dorchester (1573-1632), English
ambassador to Venice in 1610-15, and at the Hague in 1616-28].
- 'Jacobs Ladder you may se most excellently set forth in stone
at bath [i.e. the west front of Bath Abbey] where Buishop Montague'
[= James Montagu (c.1568-1618), Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1608-1616,
who restored the nave of Bath Abbey].
- 'by the meanes of Richard Craddock'.
- 'Significantly in the Brabant tung which commeth now to the high
Duch and doth take some part of the English as many say'.