Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 88

Manuscript. Organ book, copied by at least four copyists; English, mid 17th century. Probably copied for/at Winchester Cathedral, or (less likely) for/at Winchester College (see comments below). Subsequently transferred to William King, organist of New College, Oxford, who appears to have owned the volume but not added to its contents. (Regarding King's ownership, see comments following the inventory.) No attempt is made below to locate all the hands that contributed to the book. However, the following copyists can be discerned:

  • Christopher Gibbons (organist of Winchester Cathedral, 1638-c.1660): items 11 (Nunc dimittis only, pp. 23-4), 13, 16, 32 and 44.
  • Probably John Silver (Master of the Choristers, and later Organist of Winchester Cathedral, during the period 1638-1666): item 17 (dated '1660'), and probably other material, including items 25, 37, and 38/47.
  • 'Unidentified infiller': this copyist appears to have been the last to add music to the volume, using previously unused staves. Pieces marked with an asterisk (*) appear to be drafts of his own compositions. Responsible for items *2, 12/14/30, 21, and *22/23/42/46.

Repertorially, a Winchester provenance for the volume is further suggested by the presence of works by John Holmes (Organist, 1599-1621; items 1/39, 41 and 45); and Thomas Weelkes of nearby Chichester Cathedral is also well represented (items 4, 10, 15, 27/48 and 33). At least some of the contents are likely to have been copied before the Civil War. Because of the unusual physical structure of the volume (described below), it is possible that the succession of leaves as currently bound has been disturbed; certainly it does not necessarily represent the chronological order of copying.

Table of titles and composers as shown in the manuscript. Display in modern form.

1 [John Holmes] Preserve me o god [N.B. no. 39 below = another copy of opening section] pp. 1-4
2   [Untexted sketches (treble and bass) for a vocal work in d minor] pp. 2a-2b
3 [John Bull] Deliver me O God pp. 6-7
4 [Thomas Weelkes] All Laud and praise pp. 8-9
5 Mr [William] Byrde [Short Service: M/N] pp. 11-13
6 [Thomas Tallis?] [Stave 1: Fragment of Litany: see no. 12 below] p. 14
7 [?Thomas Tallis] O Prayes the Lord all yea heathen p. 14
8 [John] Farrant (i) [Short Service: K,C] pp. 15-16
9   O how happie a thing it is pp. 17-19
10 [Thomas Weelkes] An Earthly tree pp. 19-20
11 Mr [Thomas] Tomkines [First Service: M/N] pp. 21-24
12 [Thomas Tallis] [Litany (opening; contd. as no. 14 below and no. 30 below)] p. 24
13 Orlando Gibbons [Short Service: M/N] pp. 25-28
14 [Thomas Tallis] [Litany (contd. from no. 12 above, and contd. as no. 30 below)] p. 28
15 Mr [Thomas] Weelks [First Service: K/C] pp. 29-31
16 Mr [John] farrant (i) [Short Service: T] pp. 31-34
17 John S[ilver] Lord thou art become p. 35
18 Mr [William] Bird [Short Service: T] pp. 36-38
19 [Nathaniel Giles] O Heare my prayer Lord pp. 39-41
20   O all ye nations [fragment of treble part, deleted] p. 42
21 [Thomas Tallis] Holye Holey [= Dorian Service: S] p. 42
22   [stave 6: 'O all ye works of God the Lord', opening of treble part only, in F major; reworked as no. 23 below, no. 42 below and no. 46 below] p. 42
23   [stave 8: 'O all ye works of God the Lord', opening of treble part only, in C major; reworked as no. 42 below and no. 46 below] p. 42
24 [John Mundy] O give thanks [= no. 28 below] pp. 43-44
25 Mr Farrant Benedicite pp. 45-46
26 Mr [Richard] Farrant [High Service: M/N] pp. 47-49
27 [Thomas Weelkes] Rejoice in the Lord [opening only, abandoned; = no. 48 below] p. 50
28 [John Mundy] [O give thanks] [incomplete at end; = no. 24 above] pp. 51-52
29 Dr [Christopher] Tye Give almes [of thy goods] p. 53
30 [Thomas Tallis] [Litany; contd. from no. 12 above and no. 14 above] p. 54
31   Have mercy on us Lord pp. 55-57
32 Mr [Thomas] Talis [Dorian Service: T/K/C] pp. 57-62
33 Mr [Thomas] Weelkes [First Service: M/N] pp. 63-66
34 [Thomas Morley] Out of the deepe [II] pp. 67-68
35 [William Mundy] O Lord the maker of all things p. 69
36 [Thomas Tallis] I call and crye [= O sacrum convivium] pp. 73-74
37 Mr [Robert] Parsons (i) [Deliver me from mine enemies] pp. 75-76
38 Mr [William] Bird [Third preces and responses] [deleted; = no. 47 below] p. 77
39 [John Holmes] Preserve me O God [= another copy of the opening section of no. 1 above] p. 78
40 Mr [Thomas] Tallis [Dorian Service: M/N] pp. 79-81
41 Mr [John] Holmes [Second Evening Service in G: M/N] pp. 82-87
42   O all ye works of god the Lord [derived from no. 22 above and no. 23 above; here in F major; see also no. 46 below] p. 87
43 [Robert White] O how glorious art thou p. 89
44 [John Sheppard] Hast thee O god pp. 95-96
45 Mr Jo[hn] Hol[mes] O Lord of whome I do depend pp. 98-100
46   [O all ye works of God the Lord] [derived from no. 22 above, no. 23 above and no. 42 above; here in C major] p. 100
47 Mr [William] Bird [Third preces and responses] [= no. 38 above] pp. 103-104
48 [Thomas Weelkes] Rejoice [in the Lord] [complete copy of no. 27 above] p. 106

  • Item 1: occupies two non-adjacent openings (pp. 1-2 and 3-4), inexplicably passing over the intermediate opening (pp. 2a-2b; it was subsequently used by the 'Unidentified infiller' to draft item 2). The opening section of item 1 was then recopied as item 39 (p. 78). Both versions were copied by the same person.
  • Item 2 (drafts by the 'Unidentified infiller'): the treble and bass lines largely do not form good counterpoint with one another, and may represent independent conceptions.
  • The copy of the Litany (items 12/14/30) by the 'Unidentified infiller' clearly makes use of previously unused staves, hence its distribution over three non-adjacent pages.
  • Four different drafts of 'O all ye works of God the Lord', a composition by the 'Unidentified infiller', can be discerned: see items 22/23/42/46.

Upright format, 290 x 195 mm. 50 surviving folios, the majority of which are made from two sheets pasted together, presumably in order to create robust leaves able to withstand heavy use. All the leaves were mounted on guards in the mid 20th century, as part of a substantial rebinding project; for that reason, no attempt is made here to describe the current collation, which is likely to be entirely modern. The volume was paginated in ink by an early owner, but with errors in the sequence. (Small additions to the pagination were made in August 1990; these will not be present in microfilms made before that date.) Some leaves are now missing from the volume. A table at the end of this web-page shows how the pagination relates to the physical structure of the volume. Unused ruled staves on pp. 5, 10, 72, 85 (not ruled with staves; pen-trials only), 88, 94, 97 and 101-2. Mid 20th-century binding of brown leather over boards, incorporating the following elements of the original 17th-century binding: (1) the original upper and lower covers of vellum are inset into the new upper and lower leather covers; they have stab-holes at the fore-edge for ties; (2) what may originally have been pastedowns to the original upper and lower covers are now used as pastedowns in the new binding; both have numerous annotations and pen-trials. Original upper cover: an annotation in faded ink is largely illegible under ultra-violet light, but opens and closes as follows: 'For / Mr King [illegible] / Oxford'; the significance of this is discussed below (section on provenance). Pastedown on inside upper cover: annotations include 'William Kinge' and 'Mr King / Organ', together with pen-trials and crude images of a man holding a sword. Annotations on p. [0] include the names 'William Kinge' (written four times) and 'Richard' (apparently written as 'Richard Ric', not 'Richard King', as suggested in previous descriptions). Pastedown on inside lower cover: annotations include 'George st', 'William', and what appears to be 'Stong' (written five times). No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: I.1.52.

Provenance: probably Winchester Cathedral. To judge from the annotation on the original upper cover, the volume was then transmitted to William King, organist of New College from 1664. A possible intermediary is George King, organist of Winchester College up to his death in 1665. From King, the book presumably passed to Richard Goodson Sr, King's immediate successor as Organist at New College. Two further items of New College provenance were bequeathed to Christ Church by Goodson; see the entries for Mus. 974-8 and Mus. 1001. For another item annotated with King's name, see Mus. 230*. See also King's 1668 printed song-book, Mus. 93.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 10.


  • J. Bunker Clark, Transposition in Seventeenth Century English Organ Accompaniments and the Transposing Organ (Detroit, 1974), pp. 57-8 and 121-4.
  • Watkins Shaw, The Succession of Organists of the Chapel Royal and the Cathedrals of England and Wales from c.1538 (Oxford, 1991).
  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (entries for Christopher Gibbons and William King).

For a list of other items at Christ Church associated with Christopher Gibbons, see the entry for Mus. 92.

The following table shows how the pagination of Mus. 88 relates to the volume's physical structure.

f. 1 = pp. [0]/1 2 leaves pasted together
f. 2 = pp. 2/[2a] 2 leaves pasted together
f. 3 = pp. [2b]/3 2 leaves pasted together
f. 4 = pp. 4/5 2 leaves pasted together; unused ruled staves on p. 5
f. 5 = pp. 6/7 2 leaves pasted together
f. 7 = pp. 8/9 3 leaves pasted together
f. 8 = pp. 10/11 2 leaves pasted together; unused ruled staves on p. 10
f. 9 = pp. 14/15 single leaf
f. 10 = pp. 16/17 single leaf
f. 11 = pp. 18/19 single leaf; lower half of p. 19 is a pasteover cancel.
f. 12 = pp. 20/21 2 leaves pasted together
f. 13 = pp. 22/23 2 leaves pasted together
f. 14 = pp. 24/25 2 leaves pasted together
f. 15 = pp. 26/27 2 leaves pasted together
f. 16 = pp. 28/29 2 leaves pasted together
f. 17 = pp. 30/31 2 leaves pasted together
f. 18 = pp. 32/33 2 leaves pasted together
f. 19 = pp. 34/35 2 leaves pasted together
f. 20 = pp. 36/37 2 leaves pasted together
f. 21 = pp. 38/39 2 leaves pasted together
f. 22 = pp. 40/41 single leaf
f. 23 = pp. 42/43 2 leaves pasted together
f. 24 = pp. 44/45 2 leaves pasted together
f. 25 = pp. 46/47 2 leaves pasted together
f. 26 = pp. 48/49 2 leaves pasted together
f. 27 = pp. 50/51 2 leaves pasted together
f. 28 = pp. 52/53 2 leaves pasted together
f. 29 = pp. 54/55 2 leaves pasted together; p. 54 has non-standard rastration
f. 30 = pp. 56/57 2 leaves pasted together
f. 31 = pp. 58/59 2 leaves pasted together
f. 32 = pp. 60/61 2 leaves pasted together
f. 33 = pp. 62/63 2 leaves pasted together
  [pp. 64/65: missing]
f. 34 = pp. 66/67 single leaf
f. 35 = pp. 68/69 single leaf
  [pp. 70-71: missing]
f. 36 = pp. 72/73 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 72
f. 37 = pp. 74/75 2 leaves pasted together
f. 38 = pp. 76/77 2 leaves pasted together
f. 39 = pp. 78/79 single leaf
f. 40 = pp. 80/81 2 leaves pasted together
f. 41 = pp. 82/83 2 leaves pasted together
f. 42 = pp. 84/[85] 2 leaves pasted together; p. 85 = pen-trials only
f. 43 = pp. 86/87 2 leaves pasted together
f. 44 = pp. 88/89 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 88
  [pp. 90/91 and 92/93: missing]
f. 45 = pp. 94/95 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 94
f. 46 = pp. 96/97 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 97
f. 47 = pp. 98/99 2 leaves pasted together
f. 48 = pp. 100/101 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 101
f. 49 = pp. 102/103 2 leaves pasted together; unused staves on p. 102
f. 50 = pp. 104/106 2 leaves pasted together; '105 ' omitted from sequence