Christ Church Music Catalogue

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Shelfmark Mus. 544-53, no. 50 In manuscript:
Title Service in G: M/N] [Service in G: M/N]
Composer John or Thomas Mudd Mr [John or Thomas] Mudd
Pages Mus. 544: ff. 156r to 154r
Mus. 547: ff. 150r to 149v
Mus. 549: ff. 149v-r
Mus. 550: ff. 153r to 152r
Mus. 551: ff. 156v to 155Av
Mus. 553: ff. 153r to 152v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
Microfilms View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items.

Shelfmark Mus. 544-53, no. 49 In manuscript:
Title Service in G: S/K/C [Service in G: S/K/C]
Composer John or Thomas Mudd Mr [John or Thomas] Mudd
Pages Mus. 547: ff. 152r to 150v
Mus. 548: ff. 160v to 159v
Mus. 549: ff. 151r to 150r
Mus. 550: ff. 155r to 153v
Mus. 551: ff. 158r to 156v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
Microfilms View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items.

Shelfmark Mus. 544-53, no. 48 In manuscript:
Title Service in G: T/J [Service in G: T/J]
Composer John or Thomas Mudd Mr [John or Thomas] Mudd
Pages Mus. 544: ff. 158r to 156v
Mus. 546: ff. 156v to 155r
Mus. 547: ff. 154r to 152r
Mus. 548: ff. 162r to 160v
Mus. 549: ff. 152v to 151v
Mus. 550: ff. 157r to 155r
Mus. 551: ff. 159v to 158r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
Microfilms View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items.