Christ Church Music Catalogue

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Shelfmark Mus. 362, no. 53 In manuscript:
Title Movement in D major [Movement in D major]
Composer ?Jeoffrey Ayleworth Mr Elworth [= Jeoffrey Ayleworth?]
Pages Mus. 362: f. 20v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
Microfilms View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items.

Shelfmark Mus. 362, no. 11 In manuscript:
Title Movement in G major, copied twice, the first copy incomplete and deliberately smudged, as if to delete [Movement in G major, copied twice, the first copy incomplete and deliberately smudged, as if to delete]
Composer ?Jeoffrey Ayleworth Mr Elworth [= Jeoffrey Ayleworth?]
Pages Mus. 362: ff. 3v to 4r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
Microfilms View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items.