Christ Church Music Catalogue

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Shelfmark Mus. 17, no. 3 In manuscript:
Title All'ombra de gli'allori All'ombra degli alori
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
biblpriv: Lbl Add 10338
Pages Mus. 17: f. 2r
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Excerpt: excerpt in musical notation [Audio]
Transcription from Arkwright, part II (i)

Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 23 In manuscript:
Title Beatus auctor saeculi Beatus Author seculi
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 7v
Mus. 748: f. 13v
Mus. 749: f. 13v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 29 In manuscript:
Title Christo Jesu debes omnem vitam tuam Christo Jesu debes omnem vitam tuam
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 10v
Mus. 748: f. 16v
Mus. 749: f. 16v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 27 In manuscript:
Title Ecce dilectus meus Ecce dilectus meus
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 9v
Mus. 748: f. 15v
Mus. 749: f. 15v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 18, no. 21 In manuscript:
Title Erit gloria Domini Erit gloria Domini
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 18: pp. 64 to 65
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Shelfmark Mus. 18, no. 23 In manuscript:
Title Et ingrediar ad altare Dei (incomplete) Et ingrediar ad altare Dei [incomplete]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 18: pp. 68 to 70
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Excerpt: excerpt in musical notation [Audio]
Transcription from Arkwright, part II (i)

Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 31 In manuscript:
Title Euge serve bone Euge serve bone
Composer George Jeffreys [?] [George Jeffreys?]
edn: cf Wainwright notes on rough inventory
Pages Mus. 747: f. 11v
Mus. 748: f. 17v
Mus. 749: f. 17v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 25 In manuscript:
Title Exsurge quare obdormis Domine Exurge quare obdormis Domine
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 8v
Mus. 748: f. 14v
Mus. 749: f. 14v
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 459-62, no. 9 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 1) Phantasia a3 [VdGS 1]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jefferies
Pages Mus. 459: ff. 7v to 8r
Mus. 461: ff. 8v to 9r
Mus. 462: ff. 8v to 9r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 1 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 1) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 1)]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 0v to 1r
Mus. 469: f. 1r
Mus. 472: ff. 0v to 1r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 28 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 1) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 1]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 25v to 26r
Mus. 418: ff. 25v to 26r
Mus. 1080: ff. 25v to 26r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 459-62, no. 10 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 2) Phantasia a3 [VdGS 2]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jefferies
Pages Mus. 459: ff. 8v to 9r
Mus. 461: ff. 9v to 10r
Mus. 462: ff. 9v to 10r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 29 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 2) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 2]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 26v to 27r
Mus. 418: ff. 26v to 27r
Mus. 1080: ff. 26v to 27r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 2 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 2) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 2)]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 1v to 2r
Mus. 469: ff. 1v to 2r
Mus. 472: ff. 1v to 2r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 459-62, no. 11 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 3) Phantasia a3 [VdGS 3]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jefferies
Pages Mus. 459: ff. 9v to 10r
Mus. 461: ff. 10v to 11r
Mus. 462: ff. 10v to 11r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 30 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 3) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 3]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 27v to 28r
Mus. 418: ff. 27v to 28r
Mus. 1080: ff. 27v to 28r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 3 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 3) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 3)]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 2v to 3r
Mus. 469: ff. 2v to 3r
Mus. 472: ff. 2v to 3r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 459-62, no. 12 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 4) Phantasia a3 [VdGS 4]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jefferies
Pages Mus. 459: ff. 10v to 11r
Mus. 461: ff. 11v to 12r
Mus. 462: ff. 11v to 12r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 4 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 4) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 4)]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 3v to 4r
Mus. 469: ff. 3v to 4r
Mus. 472: ff. 3v to 4r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 31 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 4) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 4]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 28v to 29r
Mus. 418: ff. 28v to 29r
Mus. 1080: ff. 28v to 29r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 6 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 5) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 5)]
Composer George Jeffreys George Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 5v to 6r
Mus. 469: ff. 5v to 6r
Mus. 472: ff. 5v to 6r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 33 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 5) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 5]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 30v to 31r
Mus. 418: ff. 30v to 31r
Mus. 1080: ff. 30v to 31r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 468-72, no. 5 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 6) [Fantasia a3 (VdGS 6)]
Composer George Jeffreys Geo[rge] Jeffreys
Pages Mus. 468: ff. 4v to 5r
Mus. 469: ff. 4v to 5r
Mus. 472: ff. 4v to 5r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 417-18, Mus. 1080, no. 32 In manuscript:
Title Fantasia a3 (VdGS 6) [Fantasia a3; VdGS 6]
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 417: ff. 29v to 30r
Mus. 418: ff. 29v to 30r
Mus. 1080: ff. 29v to 30r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 18, no. 15 In manuscript:
Title Heu me miseram Heu me miseram
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 18: pp. 39 to 43
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Excerpt: Dialogus MARIA et ANGELUS
excerpt in musical notation [Audio]
Transcription from Arkwright, part II (i)

Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 24 In manuscript:
Title Lapidabant Stephanum Lapidabant Stephanum
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 8r
Mus. 748: f. 14r
Mus. 749: f. 14r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 26 In manuscript:
Title O quam gloriosum O quam gloriosum
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 9r
Mus. 748: f. 15r
Mus. 749: f. 15r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 17, no. 8 In manuscript:
Title Occhi stelle mortali Occhi stelle mortali
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 17: f. 4r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Excerpt: excerpt in musical notation [Audio]
Transcription from Arkwright, part II (i)

Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 28 In manuscript:
Title Prior Christus dilexit nos Prior Christus dilexit nos
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 10r
Mus. 748: f. 16r
Mus. 749: f. 16r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 30 In manuscript:
Title Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints Sing unto the Lord, o yee saints
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 747: f. 11r
Mus. 748: f. 17r
Mus. 749: f. 17r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 747-9, no. 22 In manuscript:
Title Unto thee O Lord will I lift up Unto thee o Lord will I lift up
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
edn: autogr: Lbl 10338, Lcm 920
Pages Mus. 747: f. 7r
Mus. 748: f. 13r
Mus. 749: f. 13r
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Shelfmark Mus. 18, no. 6 In manuscript:
Title With notes that are both loud and sweet With notes that are both loud and sweet
Composer George Jeffreys [George Jeffreys]
Pages Mus. 18: pp. 13 to 17
Further details See the description of this manuscript for full details.
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Excerpt: excerpt in musical notation [Audio]
Transcription from Arkwright, part II (i)