Shelfmark | Mus. 379-81, no. 31 | In manuscript: |
Title | Alman | Almayne |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 379: f. 15v Mus. 380: f. 15v Mus. 381: f. 15v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 16 | In manuscript: |
Title | At night, lie down | At night lye downe |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 11r Mus. 737: f. 11r Mus. 738: f. 12r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 28 | In manuscript: |
Title | Bow down thine ear, O Lord | Bow downe thine eare O Lord |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 17v to 18r Mus. 737: ff. 17v to 18r Mus. 738: ff. 18v to 19r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 10 | In manuscript: |
Title | Come forth, my dear | Come forth my deere |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 8r Mus. 737: f. 8r Mus. 738: f. 9r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 7 | In manuscript: |
Title | Come, let us here enjoy the shade ('A dialogue') | Come let us here enjoye the shade ['A Diologue'] |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 5r Mus. 737: f. 5r Mus. 738: f. 5r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 6 | In manuscript: |
Title | Fire, fire! Lo, here I burn | ffire fire, loe heare I burne |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 4v Mus. 737: f. 4v Mus. 738: f. 4v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 27 | In manuscript: |
Title | Forsake me not, O lord | fforsake me not O God |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 17r Mus. 737: f. 17r Mus. 738: f. 18r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 30 | In manuscript: |
Title | Glory be to the Father | Glory be to the ffather |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 19r Mus. 737: f. 19r Mus. 738: f. 20r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 18 | In manuscript: |
Title | Go, wounded soul | Goe wounded soule |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 12r Mus. 737: f. 12r Mus. 738: f. 13r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 32 | In manuscript: |
Title | Grief, keep in | Greife keepe in |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 20r Mus. 737: f. 20r Mus. 738: f. 21r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 1 | In manuscript: |
Title | Hail, holy woman | Hayle, holy woman |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 1r-v Mus. 737: ff. 1r-v Mus. 738: ff. 1r-v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 25 | In manuscript: |
Title | Hear my prayer, O Lord, and with thine ears | Heare my praier O Lord, and with thine eares |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 15v Mus. 737: f. 15v Mus. 738: f. 16v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 34 | In manuscript: |
Title | How sits this city | How sitts this Citty |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 21r Mus. 737: f. 21r Mus. 738: f. 22r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 1012, no. 28 | In manuscript: |
Title | Let God arise | Let God arise |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Mr Bird [= Thomas Ford] |
Pages | Mus. 1012: pp. 102 to 103 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 35 | In manuscript: |
Title | Let not thy blackness | Let not thy blacknes |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 21v Mus. 737: f. 21v Mus. 738: f. 22v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 80 | In manuscript: |
Title | Let us with loud and cheerful voice | Let us with lowde and cheerefull voice |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas ffoorde |
Pages | Mus. 56: pp. 227 to 228 Mus. 57: pp. 220 to 221 Mus. 58: pp. 116 to 117 Mus. 59: pp. 214 to 215 Mus. 60: pp. 232 to 233 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 66 | In manuscript: |
Title | Miserere my maker | Miserere my maker |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas ffoorde |
Pages | Mus. 56: p. 151b Mus. 57: p. 135 Mus. 58: p. 31 Mus. 59: p. 141 Mus. 60: p. 151 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 67 | In manuscript: |
Title | Music divine | Musicque devine |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas fforde |
Pages | Mus. 56: pp. 151c to 152 Mus. 57: pp. 136 to 137 Mus. 58: pp. 32 to 33 Mus. 59: pp. 142 to 143 Mus. 60: pp. 152 to 153 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 22 | In manuscript: |
Title | My griefs are full | My greifs are full |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 14r Mus. 737: f. 14r Mus. 738: f. 15r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 19 | In manuscript: |
Title | My love is like a garden | My love is like a garden |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 12v Mus. 737: f. 12v Mus. 738: f. 13v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 17 | In manuscript: |
Title | My sins are like the hairs upon my head | My sinnes are like the haires uppon my head |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 11v Mus. 737: f. 11v Mus. 738: f. 12v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 11 | In manuscript: |
Title | Now sleeps my love | Now sleepes my love |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 8v Mus. 737: f. 8v Mus. 738: f. 9v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 26 | In manuscript: |
Title | O clap your hands together | O clap your hands together |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 16r-v Mus. 737: ff. 16r-v Mus. 738: ff. 17r-v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 14 | In manuscript: |
Title | O how my soul is ravished | Oh how my soule is ravisht |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 10r Mus. 737: f. 10r Mus. 738: f. 11r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 24 | In manuscript: |
Title | O praise the Lord, for it is a good thing | O praise the Lord, for it is a good thinge |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 15r Mus. 737: f. 15r Mus. 738: f. 16r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 77 | In manuscript: |
Title | O stay awhile, mine eye retire | Oh stay awhile myne eye retyre |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas Foord |
Pages | Mus. 56: pp. 223 to 224 Mus. 57: pp. 216 to 217 Mus. 58: pp. 112 to 113 Mus. 59: pp. 210 to 211 Mus. 60: pp. 228 to 229 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 13 | In manuscript: |
Title | O thou whose love I prize | O thou whose love I prize |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 9v Mus. 737: f. 9v Mus. 738: f. 10v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 36 | In manuscript: |
Title | Our life is nothing but a winter's day | Our life is nothing but a winters daye |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 22r Mus. 737: f. 22r Mus. 738: f. 23r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 23 | In manuscript: |
Title | Praise the Lord, O my soul | Praise the Lord O my soule |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 14v Mus. 737: f. 14v Mus. 738: f. 15v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 5 | In manuscript: |
Title | Say, bold but blessed thief | Say bould but blessed theafe |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 4r Mus. 737: f. 4r Mus. 738: f. 4r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 4 | In manuscript: |
Title | Sigh no more, ladies | Sigh no more ladies |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 3r to 4r Mus. 737: ff. 3r to 4r Mus. 738: ff. 3r-v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 74 | In manuscript: |
Title | Still shall my hopes expect the morrow | Still shall my hopes expecte the morrowe |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas ffoorde |
Pages | Mus. 56: pp. 215 to 216 Mus. 57: pp. 208 to 209 Mus. 58: pp. 104 to 105 Mus. 59: pp. 202 to 203 Mus. 60: pp. 220 to 221 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 8 | In manuscript: |
Title | Strike, Lord! Why wilt thou sheath thy sword? ('A dialogue') | Strike Lord, why wilt thou sheath thy sword ['A diologue'] |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 5v Mus. 737: f. 5v Mus. 738: f. 5v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 21 | In manuscript: |
Title | Strike thou the anvil | Strike thou the Anvill |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 13v Mus. 737: f. 13v Mus. 738: f. 14v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 31 | In manuscript: |
Title | Sweet yet cruel, unkind is she | Sweet yet Cruell unknde is shee |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 19v to 20r Mus. 737: ff. 19v to 20r Mus. 738: ff. 20v to 21r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 56-60, no. 52 | In manuscript: |
Title | 'Tis now dead night | Tis now dead nighte |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Thomas ffoorde |
Pages | Mus. 56: pp. 128 to 129 Mus. 57: pp. 110 to 111 Mus. 58: pp. 6 to 7 Mus. 59: pp. 116 to 117 Mus. 60: pp. 126 to 127 |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 20 | In manuscript: |
Title | What curious face is this | What curious face is this |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 13r Mus. 737: f. 13r Mus. 738: f. 14r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 12 | In manuscript: |
Title | What greater joy can bless my soul | What greater joye can blesse my soule |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 9r Mus. 737: f. 9r Mus. 738: f. 10r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 33 | In manuscript: |
Title | What's a woman but her will | What's a woman but her will |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 20v Mus. 737: f. 20v Mus. 738: f. 21v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 15 | In manuscript: |
Title | Whoever smelt the breath of morning flowers | Who ever smelt the breath of morning flowers |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 10v Mus. 737: f. 10v Mus. 738: f. 11v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 29 | In manuscript: |
Title | Why art thou so heavy, O my soul? | Why art thou so heavy O my Soule |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: f. 18v Mus. 737: f. 18v Mus. 738: f. 19v |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 2 | In manuscript: |
Title | Yea, wond'rous fair to see to | Yea wondrous fayre to see to |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 1v to 2r Mus. 737: ff. 1v to 2r Mus. 738: f. 2r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |
Shelfmark | Mus. 736-8, no. 3 | In manuscript: |
Title | Yet if his majesty, our sovereign Lord | Yet if his Majestie our Soveraigne lord |
Composer | Thomas Ford | Tho[mas] fforde |
Pages | Mus. 736: ff. 2v to 3r Mus. 737: ff. 2v to 3r Mus. 738: ff. 2v to 3r |
Further details | See the description of this manuscript for full details. | |
Microfilms | View details of microfilms and photographic reproductions of these items. |