Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 786


The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691
ESTC, R202794; Wing (2nd ed.), P4223 EEBO; RISM A/I P5927
See other copies of this work.
Mus. 786
Purcell, Henry

Provenance: from the Goodson bequest, listed in Clement 1747 as 'Dioclesian Hen: Purcell in score / London 1691 N. 21', and in Malchair 1787 (f. 7) as 'Dioclesian - London 1651. Henry Purcel / printed by John Heptinstall. for the Author'. Signed 'Richard Goodson [Jr]' on inside lower cover.

Upright format, 375 x 243 mm. Contemporary binding of thick card, edged with vellum. Clement's number-label is missing. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: K.4.1.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 41.
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For another copy, see Mus. 787.
For a copy of the 1690 play-text (by Thomas Betterton?) for which Purcell's music was composed, see f.3.57.