Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1216

Manuscript. Instrumental music from stage works by Jean-Baptiste Lully, copied in score. Copyist unidentified, English, late 17th century.

Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.

1 Jean-Baptiste Lully Chaconne [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] ff. 1r-2v
2 Jean-Baptiste Lully Air pour Comus [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] f. 3r
3 Jean-Baptiste Lully Entrée de L'Envie [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] ff. 3v-4r
4 Jean-Baptiste Lully Ouverture [from 'Phaeton'] ff. 4r-5r
5 Jean-Baptiste Lully Aire pour les suivants de Saturne [from 'Phaeton'] f. 5v
6 Jean-Baptiste Lully Aire pour les suivants d'Astrée [from 'Phaeton'] ff. 5v-6r
7 Jean-Baptiste Lully Rondeau [from 'Phaeton'] f. 6r
8 Jean-Baptiste Lully Overture ['Cadmus et Hermione'] ff. 9v-10r
9 Jean-Baptiste Lully Gavotte ['Cadmus et Hermione'] f. 10v
10 Jean-Baptiste Lully Prelude [from 'Phaeton'] ff. 10v-11r
11 Jean-Baptiste Lully Chaconne [from 'Phaeton'] ff. 11v-13r
12 Jean-Baptiste Lully Petit air pour les mesmes [from 'Phaeton'] f. 13v
13 Jean-Baptiste Lully Premier Air. Le Printemps... [from 'Phaeton'] f. 14r
14 Jean-Baptiste Lully Second Air. Le Printemps... [from 'Phaeton'] f. 14v

Upright format, 400 x 263 mm. Originally 4 fascicles each of two nested bifolios (= 16 folios in total); the last folio of the fourth fascicle is missing. Foliated '1-15' in contemporary ink, presumably by the copyist. Unused ruled staves on ff. 6v-9r and 15r-v. No early bookplate. The first two fascicles (ff. 1-8) are enclosed within an 18th-century wrapper of thick paper, the upper sheet of which has been annotated by Malchair: 'Score of A Chaconne by Sigr Baptista. Cadmus and Hermione - a Tragedy by Sigr Baptista'; evidently this wrapper formerly enclosed all four fascicles. Now divided into two parts (part 1 = fascicles 1 and 2, ff. 1-8; part 2 = fascicles 3-4, ff. 9-15); each part is bound into a folder of modern card, and mounted impermanently on cords within an early 20th-century folder of stiff card and vellum. Original upper wrapper annotated by York Powell: 'Ch Ch Library Oxford'. Formerly Mus. 1126.

Provenance unknown. Not recorded in any early catalogue until Havergal Summary, where it is listed among the Portfolios at position I.2.β, items 13 and 14: 'An aire, chaconne &c: by Battista. MS.', and 'Overture, gavot &c: in Cadmus & Hermione by Battista. MS.' In Mus. 1216 itself, the portfolio reference 'I.2.β' is written in red crayon on the ouside original upper wrapper, and at the front of each part (ff. 1r and 9r).

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 60.

The unidentified copyist of Mus. 1216 may also have been responsible for copying Mus. 3 (pp. [0]-38A).