Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1148

Manuscript. English, c. 1630. Bass decani partbook from an otherwise lost set of eight or ten partbooks, containing preces and festal psalms, copied by a single unidentified hand (notwithstanding the change of style of clef at f. 5r).

Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.

1 Thomas Tallis Preces [first set] f. 1r
2 Thomas Tallis Psalm 119: 9-16 ff. 1r-v
3 Thomas Tallis Psalm 119: 17-24 ff. 1v-2r
4 Thomas Tallis Psalm 119: 25-32 ff. 2r-v
5 Thomas Tallis Responses after the Creed (second set) ff. 2v-3r
6 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalms 20 & 124 ff. 3v-4v
7 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalm 114 'for Easter Day' ff. 5r-6r
8 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalm 21 'for the 27 of March' ff. 6r-7r
9 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalms 67 & 113 ff. 7v-8r
10 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalm 145 ff. 8v-10r
11 Adrian Batten Preces and Psalm 45 'for Whitsunday' ff. 10r-11r

Upright format, 290 x 213 mm. Collation uncertain because of the tightness of the binding, but probably three gatherings each of two nested bifolios, foliated '1-12' by the copyist, preceded by what appears to have been the upper sheet of a paper wrapper (torn and repaired); the recto of this wrapper is inscribed 'Bassus', and the verso bears the remnants of an index. Folios 11v-12v are ruled with unused staves. The partbook is now stitched into an early C20th binding of stiff card and vellum; stitch-marks from its previous binding are clearly visible in the gutter.

Provenance unknown. Apparently unconnected to Mus. 1220-4. Not recorded in any Christ Church catalogue until Havergal Summary, where it is listed among the Portfolios at position I.2.α, item 3: 'The Base of "Preces & Psalmes" by Tallis & Batten. MS. XVII. cent:'. the portfolio reference 'I.2.α' is written in red ink at the top of the fragmentary front wrapper. No early bookplate. Annotations on the modern front flyleaf are by York Powell, who also added the annotation 'Ch Ch Liby Oxford' on f. 1r.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 38.