Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1141a (ff. 70-77)

Manuscript. Violin parts for orchestral movements extracted from operas by Lully, and for works by Henry Hall (i), copied by James Talbot, in one case collaboratively with Hall; English, late 17th century. Three pieces are provided either with a bass part, or with blank staves on which a bass could be added.

  • Items 1-15 and 17-28: copied wholly by James Talbot.
  • Item 11: copied in two-stave score, the lower stave left blank for the addition of a bass part. Copying begins on ff. 71v-73v, and ends on f. 77r.
  • Item 16: copied in two-stave score, initially by Henry Hall, then (from stave 9 of f. 75r) by Talbot, with the lower stave left blank. The attribution to 'Mr Hall' (f. 75v) is in Talbot's hand.
  • Item 27: two violin parts, written in score.
  • Item 28: for violin and bass in score; emendations to the bass suggest that it was composed by Talbot himself.
Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.
1 Jean-Baptiste Lully Bourrée pour les Egyptiens (from 'Phaeton') f. 70r
2     f. 70r
3 Henry Hall (i) Overture f. 70r
4 Jean-Baptiste Lully Ouverture (from 'Le grand divertissement royal de Versailles' (1668)) f. 70v
5 Jean-Baptiste Lully Air pour les bergers (from 'Le grand divertissement royal de Versailles' (1668)) f. 70v
6 Jean-Baptiste Lully Second acte, Entrée de bateliers (from 'Le grand divertissement royal de Versailles' (1668)) f. 70v
8     f. 71r
9     f. 71r
10 Jean-Baptiste Lully Ouverture (from 'Amadis') f. 71r
11 Jean-Baptiste Lully Chaconne (from 'Amadis') ff. 71v-77r
12 Jean-Baptiste Lully Air de gavotte (from 'Ballet des Muses') f. 74r
13     f. 74r
14     f. 74r
15 'Baptist' (= Jean-Baptiste Lully?)   f. 74r
16 Henry Hall (i) Chaconne ff. 74v-75v
17 Jean-Baptiste Lully Entrée des songes funestres (from 'Atys') f. 76r
18     f. 76r
19     f. 76r
20     f. 76v
21     f. 76v
22   Overture f. 76v
23     f. 76v
25 Jean-Baptiste Lully Marche pour le combat de la barrière (from 'Amadis') f. 77r
26 Jean-Baptiste Lully Second air (from 'Amadis') f. 77v
27     f. 77v
28     f. 77v

Upright format, 330 x 205 mm. 8 folios. Collation uncertain on account of the tightness of the binding; to judge from the distribution of item 11 over non-adjacent leaves, the order of pages as currently bound does not represent the original order of the leaves. Annotations on f. 77v: 'Mecaenas' (twice) and 'Pindaric Ode'. Bound into Mus. 1141a, an early 20th-century guardbook of stiff card and vellum. No early bookplate.

Provenance: almost certainly from the Aldrich bequest, together with other music copied by James Talbot (see below).

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 38.

For a list of other music manuscripts at Christ Church copied by James Talbot, see the entry for Mus. 1152.

For a list of other music manuscripts at Christ Church copied by Henry Hall, see the entry for Mus. 1212(B).