Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121

Manuscript. Two partbooks ('Second Treble' and 'Basus') from a set probably of three, headed 'Books for the Recorder'; English, last quarter of the 17th century. Copyist unidentified; for a list of other manuscripts at Christ Church copied by this scribe, see the entry for Mus. 865(A).

  • Item 4: the remainder of this work, copied by the same scribe, is in Mus. 865(A).
Table of titles and composers in modern form. Display form found in manuscript.
 Mus. 1118Mus. 1121
1 Jean-Baptiste Lully Unidentified dance in C major 1 1
2 Jean-Baptiste Lully Unidentified dance in C major 2L 2L
3 Jean-Baptiste Lully Unidentified dance in C major 2R 2R
4 [?Francis Pigott] Instrumental interludes for 'Dialogue between the angels and shepherds at Christ's birth' 3L-4R 3L-4R
5 [?Francis Pigott] Instrumental interludes for a dialogue on the subject of Acme and Septimius (Catullus) 5L-5R 5L-5R

Oblong format, 193 x 95 mm. Physical decriptions as follows.

  • Mus. 1118: 'Basus'. 47 folios, of which the first six have the collation A6; the remaining leaves have unused ruled staves, and their collation has not been researched. Instead of a pagination or a foliation system, the copyist has designated 'openings' by numbers; thus f. [1r] is numbered '1'; the ensuing opening (ff. [1v] and [2r]) is numbered '2'; the next opening '3'; and so on. In the inventory above, the letters 'L' and 'R' signify left-hand and right-hand pages respectively of the numbered openings. Front flyleaf annotated by the music copyist: 'Boock for the [Recorder] / Basus'. Late 17th-century binding of brown leather over boards, tooled with fillets and small ornaments; edges stippled in red. No early bookplate.
  • Mus. 1121: 'Second Treble'. 48 folios, of which the first six have the collation A6; the remaining leaves have unused ruled staves, and their collation has not been researched. 'Openings' are numbered as in Mus. 1118 above. Front flyleaf annotated by the music copyist: 'Boocks for the Recorder / Second Treble'. Late 17th-century binding of brown leather over boards, tooled with fillets and small ornaments; edges stippled in red. No early bookplate.
Provenance: probably from the Goodson bequest (on the grounds that the same copyist's hand occurs in Mus. 90-1, which is more securely of Goodson provenance).

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 60.