Christ Church Music Catalogue
*** This entry is to be read in conjunction with the Online Catalogue's main entry for Mus. 1187. ***


FOLDER 1 (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (2)'), (TALBOT): 'Organ'. Single gathering of 9 nested bifolios (= 18 folios), unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotations on f. [1r]: 'D.24' and 'No. 1'.

FOLDER 2 (ALDRICH): Greek tuning systems, copied by Henry Aldrich. Single gathering of nine nested bifolios (= 18 folios), unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotations on [f. 1r]: 'D.24' and 'No. 2'.

FOLDER 3 (known as 'Folder A' until November 2005), (TALBOT): 'Harmonica' [Notes for a treatise on vocal and instrumental music]. Single gathering of 27 nested bifolios (= 54 folios), unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotations on f. [54v]: 'D.24' and 'No. 3'. The shelfmark 'D.24' is also written on f. [30v].

FOLDER 4 (TALBOT): [Music of the ancients]. Two adjacent bifolios (= 4 folios), unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'No. 4'.

FOLDER 5 (TALBOT): 'Excerpta Mene[s]trier' [on the music of the ancients]. 5 bifolios, the first of which acts as a wrapper to the other four (which are adjacent rather than nested); 10 folios in total, unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotations on f. [1r]: 'D.24' and 'No. 5'.

FOLDER 6 (TALBOT): 'Epithalamium' [on the music of the ancients]. Single gathering of 14 nested bifolios (= 28 ff.), unstitched; Talbot himself has numbered the bifolios '1-14'. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'No. 6'. On the last page of the gathering (f. [28v]) there an 18th-century lozenge-shaped pastedown marked '9'; this connects with the entry in Archives 1717, position I9, which refers to 'A manuscript entitled Epithalamium'.

FOLDER 7 (TALBOT): 'On the Argument & Performance of the Antient Music'. Ten adjacent bifolios, numbered by Talbot as '1-3' and '5-11'; 20 folios in total. 18th-century annotations on f. [6v]: 'D.24' and'No. 7'.

FOLDER 8 (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (8)), (TALBOT): [Summary description of instruments]. Single gathering of 8 nested bifolios (= 16 folios), unstitched, of which ff. [2-16] are paginated '1-30' in modern pencil. Assumed to be 'No. 8' in the order of fascicles, although there are no 18th-century annotations to verify this.

FOLDER 9 (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (10)'), (TALBOT): [spine:] 'Pitch &c of Instr[uments]'. Five bifolios, paginated '1-22' in modern pencil, omitting pp. 5-6 (= the letter from Talbot to Shore, now in folder D, item (8)); unstitched. The five bifolios are paginated as follows: bifolio 1 = pp. 1/2/21/22; bifolio 2 = pp. 3/4/7/8; bifolio 3 = pp. 9/10/15/16; bifolio 4 = pp. 11-14; bifolio 5 = pp. 17-20. 18th-century annotation on p. 1: 'No. 9'.

FOLDER 10 (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (11)'), (TALBOT): 'The Pipe'. Single gathering of nine bifolios (= 18 folios), stitched. Of these, ff. [2-7] have been numbered '1-6' by Talbot himself; the remainder of the fascicle (ff. [7v-18v]) are unused blank pages. 18th-century annotations on f. [1r]: 'D.24' and 'No. 10'.

FOLDER 10a (TALBOT): 'The Pipe'. Five adjacent bifolios (= 10 folios), unstitched, and numbered '1-5' by Talbot. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'D.24'. The first bifolio was formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (8)'.

FOLDER 11 (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (9)'), (TALBOT): [Summary descriptions of instruments]. Single gathering of 12 nested bifolios (= 24 folios), unstitched; paginated '1-48' in modern pencil. 18th-century annotations on p.1: 'D.24' and 'No. 11'.

FOLDER 12 (TALBOT): 'The Subject of Performance of the Modern Music compar'd with the Antient' (heading taken from f. [9v]). Four adjacent bifolios, followed by a single leaf; 9 folios in total, unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'No. 12'.

FOLDER 13 (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (3)'), (TALBOT): 'Organ'. Single gathering of 6 nested bifolios (= 12 folios), unstitched and without pagination. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'No. 13'.

FOLDER 14 (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (5)') (TALBOT): [Details of instruments]. Single gathering of 12 nested bifolios (= 24 folios), unstitched; paginated '1-48' in modern pencil. The outermost bifolio (pp. 1-2/47-8) is a general listing of instruments in various languages, and has been used as a wrapper for the remaining contents. 18th-century annotation on p. 1: 'No. 14'.

FOLDER 15 (TALBOT): 'Exotic Music'. Single bifolio (= 2 folios). Numbered '15' on f. [1r].

FOLDER 'new A' (UNWIN): Notes on Mus. 1187 by Robert Unwin, written on modern sheets previously wrapped around sections of the collection. Removed to their current location in November 2005.

FOLDER B (MISCELLANY): The contents of this folder appear to have been assembled by Christ Church librarians in the mid 18th century, and are miscellaneous in provenance. The following items definitely or probably belonged to Talbot. (1) Two single leaves copied apparently by John Banister, one of which gives 'A Scale for the Flute', the other 'A Scale for the Violin' (with comments by Talbot on the verso). / (2) (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (3)'): A bifolio, annotated by Talbot on f. [1r], and with information about organ pipes on f. [2r] in an unidentified hand. / (3) A bifolio enclosing a single sheet, concerning the dulcimer; written largely by an unidentified hand, but with additions by Talbot; the name 'Mr Lee' is written on f. [1r]. / (4) A single sheet giving the 'Ordinary Tuning on Base Viol'. / (5) A bifolio, headed 'Modus Recte Intonandi Clavecimbalum vel Spinettam', in Latin; copyist unidentified. / (6) A single sheet, headed 'Accord ordinaire de L'Angelique', in French; copyist unidentified; music notation on verso, also in an unidentified hand. / (7) A single sheet showing intervals notated in the bass clef, possibly in Talbot's hand. The following four items are definitely or probably unconnected with Talbot. (8) Prose description (with music examples) of harmonic progressions in Lully's Proserpine (1680; printed score = Mus. 601) and in an unidentified work; copied by the two musicians designated as 'Y' and 'Z' in the entry for Mus. 34-6. Stitched fascicle of 16 bifolios (= 32 folios); this also includes jottings on arithmetical and geometrical topics. Provenance: almost certainly from the Goodson bequest. 18th-century annotations on f. [1r]: 'No. 15', and 'D.24'. For a discussion of this item, see Joel Lester, 'An Analysis of Lully from circa 1700', Music Theory Spectrum, 16 (1994), 41-61. / (9) [Nicolaus Mercator (1620-87)], 'Theoria musices' [treatise on the calculation of musical intervals; in Latin]; probably a fair copy by an unidentified scribe. For further information, see the entry for Mus. 1130. Two gatherings, the first of 7 nested bifolios, the second of 8 nested bifolios; 30 folios in total; the whole stitched together. The first 28 folios have been foliated by the copyist. Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest, listed in Archives 1717, item D14, as 'Theoria Musices Lat: MSS'; the shelfmark 'D.14' is written on f. 1r of the item itself. / (10) 'Rationes intervallorum' (in Latin): single sheet. Provenance unknown. / (11) Fragment of a blank page with damaged wax seal.

FOLDER C (TALBOT): [A miscellany of working notes, headed 'Musica']. 8 bifolios and 5 single sheets; 21 folios in total, unstitched and without pagination. The outermost bifolio, which serves as a wrapper, bears a lozenge-shaped pastedown on its spine, marked '15'; it therefore probably corresponds to the item listed in Archives 1717 at position D15 as 'Several Tracts relating to the Grounds of Musick MSS'.

FOLDER D (TALBOT): Eight miscellaneous items. (1) (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (4)'): 'String'd Instruments': stitched fascicle of 20 nested bifolios (= 40 folios), of which ff. [3r-19v] have been paginated '1-32' by Talbot. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'D.24'. / (2) (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (7)'): 'Wind Instrum[en]ts': gathering of six nested bifolios (= 12 folios), formerly pinned at the gutter edge; of these, ff. [2r-11v] have been paginated '1-20' by Talbot. 18th-century annotation on f. [1r]: 'D.24'. / (3) (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (6)'): [General list of instruments]: 2 nested bifolios (= 4 folios), paginated '1-8' in modern pencil. / (4) (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (1)'): 'Harpsechord': two nested bifolios (= 4 folios), unstitched and without pagination. / (5) (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (10)'): [Notes on the organ]: single sheet folded once vertically and once horizontally to form a quatern. / (6) (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (3)'): [List of organ stops, with diagram]: single sheet, folded once. / (7) (formerly known as 'Mus. 1187 (10*)': 'Tablature of Hautbois for Mr La riche': single sheet, folded once. / (8) (formerly part of 'Mus. 1187 (10)'): Letter from Talbot to 'Mr John Shore', with 'Tablature of the Cornet'; single sheet, folded once. This originally formed pp. 5-6 of the material now in Folder 9.

FOLDER E (TALBOT): Thirteen miscellaneous sheets, mostly written by Talbot, sometimes on scrap paper previously used for other purposes; unstitched and without pagination.

FOLDER E1 (TALBOT): 'Of the Argument & Performance of the Modern Music'. 3 bifolios and 2 single sheets, adjacent rather than nested; 8 folios in total, unstitched and without pagination.

PORTFOLIO FOLDER OF RED CARDBOARD. This incorporates an 18th-century sheet pasted to the inside upper cover of the portfolio, which includes the following: (1) Bookplate 2; (2) shelfmark D.24; (3) heading: 'Collections for a Treatise upon Musick by Dean Aldrich'; (4) 19th-century shelfmark: K.1.23; (5) former call-number: Mus. 1062.