Mus. 781, Mus. 1016-17
Manuscript. Complete set of three partbooks containing four fantasia-suites
for violin, bass viol and organ by John Birchensha; autograph,
mid 17th century. Mus. 781: 'Organ part'; Mus. 1016: [Violin];
Mus. 1017: [Bass viol].
Table of titles and composers as shown in the manuscript. Display in modern form.
The first column gives the modern numbering of the pieces; the second shows numbering used by the copyist(s).
| Mus. 781 | Mus. 1016 | Mus. 1017 |
1 |
1-3 |
Mr [John] Birchensha |
[Fantasia-suite in d minor no. 1 (fantasia, alman, galliard)] |
ff. 2r-4r | ff. 2r-3v | ff. 2r-3v |
2 |
4-6 |
Mr [John] Birchensha |
[Fantasia-suite in d minor no. 2 (fantasia, alman, galliard)] |
ff. 4v-6r | ff. 4v-6r | ff. 4v-6r |
3 |
7-9 |
Mr [John] Birchensha |
[Fantasia-suite in D major no. 1 (fantasia, alman, galliard)] |
ff. 6v-8r | ff. 7v-10r | ff. 7v-10r |
4 |
10-12 |
Mr [John] Birchensha |
[Fantasia-suite in D major no. 2 (fantasia, alman, galliard)] |
ff. 9v-12r | ff. 11v-14r | ff. 11v-14r |
Physical decriptions:
- Mus. 781 (Organ): upright format, 350 x 207 mm. 14 leaves, foliated
in modern pencil. Collation not established because of the tightness
of the binding. Annotation by Birchensha on f. 1r: 'Mr Birchensha
Organ part to Treble & Base'. Unused ruled staves on ff.
1r-v, 8v-9r, 10v, 11v and 12v-14v. The partbook retains its 18th-century
wrappers of thin card, annotated on the upper front cover by
Malchair: 'Organ Voluntary by Birchensha'. Now within a protective
early-20th-century binding of thick card and vellum. Bookplate
2 on f. 1r. 19th-century shelfmark: K.3.86.
- Mus. 1016 (Violin): oblong format, 205 x 177 mm. 14 leaves, foliated
in pencil in the late 20th century. Collation: seven gatherings,
numbered '1-7' in modern pencil on the recto of the uppermost
page of each gathering. (These gathering-numbers were added in
the early 20th century, when the partbooks were given their present
stab-sewn bindings.) Collation: A1 (f. 1), B4 (gathering '2';
ff. 2-5), C2 (gathering '3'; ff. 6-7), D2 (gathering '4'; ff.
8-9), E2 (gathering '5'; ff. 10-11), F2 (gathering '6'; ff. 12-13),
G1 (gathering '7'; f. 14; this leaf was probably formerly conjoined
to f. 1, serving as a bifolio wrapped around the other gatherings).
Annotation by Birchensha on f. 1r: 'Mr Birchensha: Treble &
Base to the Organ'. Unused ruled staves on ff. 1r-v, 4r, 6v-7r,
9v, 10v-11r, 13v and 14v. Stab-sewn into a protective early-20th-century
binding of thin card, and mounted impermanently on a cord within
a binding of thick card and vellum, together with Mus. 1017.
No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: G.26.
- Mus. 1017 (Bass viol): oblong format, 210 x 175 mm. 14 leaves,
unfoliated. Collation identical to that of Mus. 1016, as are
the annotation on the first page, and the distribution of pages
with unruled staves. Stab-sewn into a protective early-20th-century
binding of thin card, and mounted impermanently on a cord within
a binding of thick card and vellum, together with Mus. 1016.
No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: G.27.
Provenance: from the Aldrich bequest. In the 18th century,
all three partbooks appear to have been kept at shelfmark H32,
although the reference to them in Archives 1717 mentions only
'Mr Berchensa's Organ-part to Treble & Bass'; the two accompanying
partbooks were presumably loose within Mus. 781. Mus. 1016-17
were subsequently shelved separately at position M.4.34, in which
position they are listed by Hind (in Dowding); Hind also
wrote this shelfmark on the first page of each partbook.
Microfilm: Mus. 781: manuscript music, reel 29; Mus. 1016-17:
manuscript music, reel 36.