Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 362

Manuscript. Principally a treble partbook (violin?) apparently from a set of three, containing suites and other instrumental music, some of which may ultimately derive from the repertory of the royal violin band (or 'Twenty-four Violins') of Charles II; also some pieces in which a bass (and sometimes a second treble part) are provided. Compiled collaboratively by various unidentified copyists; English, last quarter of the 17th century. Closely linked with Mus. 361 (q.v.).

Mus. 361 and Mus. 362 were probably compiled by Oxfordshire musicians, including a violinist named George Stone 'of Yarnton'. Yarnton Manor, which lies approx. 6 miles north of central Oxford, was built c.1611 by Sir Thomas Spencer, and was inhabited by his descendants during the remainder of the 17th century. In Mus. 361-2, the following annotations relate to Stone, Yarnton and the Spencers:

  • 'George Stone of yarnton' (Mus. 362, f. 37v, inverted); 'Stone his ffidling' and 'George ?Stone' (Mus. 362, inside upper cover); 'George ?Stone' (Mus. 362, annotation at top of f. 22r); 'George stone is a' (Mus. 362, annotation on f. 24r).
  • 'Mr Spencer of yarnton' (Mus. 361, rear flyleaf, recto, partly deleted); 'Wm Spencer Esquir' (Mus. 361, front flyleaf, recto, partly concealed under modern contents list); 'Sir thomas spencear' (Mus. 362, annotation at end of item 32); 'Spencer of marthe' (Mus. 361, rear flyleaf, recto); 'Mr Spencer' (attribution to Mus. 362, item 60).
Various titles of pieces or annotations in the partbooks may hint at the circle of musicians that compiled them, and/or at their audience. They include the following, which are arranged alphabetically by last name:
  • 'Maddam Bartons delight' and 'Madames Bartiones delight of Musike' (Mus. 362, title/annotation at end of item 34).
  • 'Mr John Browne' (Mus. 361, annotation on inside lower cover).
  • 'John Cox' (Mus. 361, annotation on rear flyleaf, recto).
  • 'Mr Overberryes Hampsheire Hony' (Mus. 361, title/annotation on f. 43v).
  • 'M[istr]is Martha Rogers' (Mus. 362, annotation on f. 28v, twice).
  • 'Edward Smith' (Mus. 362, annotation on inside lower cover).
  • 'Robert Win [or 'Min'?] his boock' (Mus. 362, annotation on f. 24r).
Many different copyists contributed to Mus. 362. In the inventory that follows, no attempt is made to link the copying of specific pieces with different hands, nor to trace those same hands in other manuscripts within the Christ Church collections. However, it is possible that the copyist responsible for items 41 and 47 may be the hand tentatively identified elsewhere as that of Francis Pigott. For a list of other examples of this copyist's hand, see the entry for Mus. 865(A).

In the inventory below, items 1-70 are copied from what is now designated as the front of the volume, items 71-94 from the rear with the volume inverted. Unless otherwise stated, pieces are represented by a single voice-part notated in the treble clef.

  • Treble and bass instrumental parts: items 39, 51, 71-2, 75, 82-3, and 86-7.
  • Two trebles plus bass parts: items 74, 76, 78 and 80.
  • Keyboard score: item 22.
  • Tablature: items 38 and 45.
  • Item 21: two additional instrumental parts for this piece are in Mus. 90-1, item 14. In Mus. 362, the attribution to 'Mr Hall' is followed by two undeciphered words, possibly 'Corsk' and 'tun[e]'.
Table of titles and composers as shown in the manuscript. Display in modern form.
1   [Two movements in g minor, the first incomplete at the beginning, the second marked 'ffinis', with the instruction to 'play the prelud betwixt each strayne and last'] f. 1r
2 Mr Smyth [Movement in F major] f. 1v
3 [Louis] Grabu [Movement in G major] ff. 1v-2r
4 Mr Smyth [Movement in d minor; at end: 'Mr Smyth d sol: re'] f. 2r
5 Mr [Nicholas] Stagins [Movement in d minor] f. 2r
6   [Movement in g minor] f. 2v
7 Mr Smith [Movement in D major] f. 2v
8 Mr Kelly [Movement in G major] f. 3r
9   [Movement in d minor] f. 3r
10 Mr Smyth [Movement in c minor] f. 3v
11 Mr Elworth [= Jeoffrey Ayleworth?] [Movement in G major, copied twice, the first copy incomplete and deliberately smudged, as if to delete] ff. 3v-4r
12   [Movement in g minor, in four strains] ff. 4v-5r
13   [Two movements in B flat major] f. 5v
14 Mr [John] Banister [(ii)?] [Two movements in g minor] f. 6r
16 Mr [John] Banister [(ii)?] [Movement in B flat major] f. 7r
17   [Movement in D major] f. 7v
18   [Movement in G major; at end:] hobby horse ff. 7v-8r
19 Mr [Thomas?] Farmer [Movement in c minor] f. 8r
20 Mr Smyth [Movement in] d sol re [= d minor] f. 8v
21 Mr Hall [Movement G major; = Mus. 90-1, no.14 f. 9r
22   [Keyboard movement in C major] f. 9v
23 Mr John doudon [Two movements in G major] f. 10r
24   [Movement in d minor] f. 10v
25 Mr Smith [Movement in D major] f. 11r
26 Mr [John] doudon [Three movements in A major or G major, possibly variants of one another] ff. 11v-12r
27   [Movement in B flat major] f. 12r
28   [Movement in D major] f. 12v
29   [Incomplete movement probably in G major] f. 12v
30   [Movement in g minor] f. 13r
31   [Movement in G major] f. 13r
32 Jo[hn] ban[ister (ii)?] [Movement in g minor] f. 13v
33   [Movement in D major] f. 14r
34   Maddam Bartons delight [= movement in F major] f. 14r
35   [Movement in B flat major] f. 14v
36   [Movement in C major] f. 14v
37 Mr Dowd John [= John Dowdon] [Movement in G major] f. 15r
38   [Fragment in tablature] f. 15r
39   [Movement in d minor; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] f. 15v
40   [Movement in d minor] f. 16r
41   [Movement in c minor; bass part only; copied with the volume inverted] f. 16r
42   [Movement in G major] f. 16v
43   [Movement probably in d minor, incomplete at end] f. 16v
44   [Movement in C major] f. 17v
45   [Fragment in tablature, roughly aligned with a bass part apparently in d minor] f. 17v
46   [Movement in g minor] f. 18r
47   [Movement in c minor; bass part only; copied with the volume inverted] f. 18r
48   [Movement in g minor; at end:] the Last Strane but once f. 18v
49   [Movement in F major] f. 19r
50   [Movement in a minor] f. 19v
51   [Movement in F major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] f. 20r
52   [Movement in F major] f. 20v
53 Mr Elworth [= Jeoffrey Ayleworth?] [Movement in D major] f. 20v
54   [Movement in F major; copied with the volume inverted] f. 21r
55   [Movement in d minor; copied with the volume inverted] f. 21r
56   My Mistress Saith Shall marry none But me [words only, laid out beneath staves as if text-underlay] f. 22r
57   [Movement in G major; copied with the volume inverted] f. 21v
58   [Fragment in G major] f. 22r
59 [John] Banister [(ii)?] [Movement in C major] f. 22v
60 Mr Spencer [Movement in C major] f. 23r
61   [Movement in D major] ff. 23v-24r
62   [Movement in F major] f. 24r
63 Mr Forcil [Two movements in B flat major] f. 25v
64   [Movement in c minor] f. 26r
65   [Two-voice draft in B flat major, copied with the volume inverted] f. 26r
66   [Movement in g minor] f. 26v
67   [Movement in C major] f. 26v
68 Mr Robert Smyth [Movement in C major] f. 27r
69 Mr Rob King [Movement in G major] f. 27r
70   [Movement in ?G major] f. 27v
71   [Movement in D major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] f. 39v
72 Trundle [Movement in F major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively; copied with the volume inverted] ff. 38v-39r
73   [Various jottings] f. 39r
74   [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts in score, and second treble part added at end; copied with the volume inverted] f. 38r
75   [Movement in A major; treble and bass parts in score; copied with the volume inverted] f. 37v
76   [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts in score, and second treble part added at end] ff. 37r-36v
77   [Jottings, copied with the volume inverted] f. 36v
78   [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts in score, and second treble part added at end] ff. 36r-35v
79   [Movement in B flat minor; see also no. 81 below] f. 35v
80   [Movement in c minor; treble and bass parts in score, and second treble part added at end] ff. 35r-34v
81   [Variant of movement in B flat minor = no. 79 above] f. 34v
82   [Movement in c minor; treble and bass parts in score] f. 34r
83   [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] f. 33r
84 Mr Baptist [= Jean-Baptiste Lully] [Unidentified movement in C major] f. 33r
85   [Movement in d minor; bass part only] f. 33r
86 Mr Loyd [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] f. 32v
87   [Movement in B flat major; treble and bass parts, written consecutively] ff. 32r-31v
88 Mr John Banister [(ii)?] [Movement in B flat major] f. 31r
89   [Opening of a movement in B flat major, in two drafts] ff. 31r-30v
90   [Movement in D major] f. 30v
91 Mr [Thomas?] Farmer [Four-movement suite in C major] ff. 30r-29v
92 Mr [Thomas?] Farmer [Two-movement suite in B flat major] ff. 29r-28v
93   [Movement in d minor] f. 28v
94 Mr [Thomas?] Farmer [Two-movement suite in a minor] f. 28r

Oblong format, 200 x 105 mm. 39 surviving folios; foliation is in modern pencil. Collation details as follows:

  • Probably A6 (of which A1-3 are excised; A4-6 = modern ff. 1-3) / B6 (ff. 4-9) / C6 (ff. 10-15) / D6 (ff. 16-21) / E6 (ff. 22-7) / probaby F6 (of which F1-4 are excised; F5-6 = ff. 28-9) / G6 (ff. 30-35) / probably H6 (of which H5-6 are excised; H1-4 = ff. 36-9).
Unused ruled staves on ff. 17r and 24v-25r. Late 17th-century binding of brown leather over boards, blind-tooled with fillets. Inside upper and lower covers heavily annotated with pen-trials; for the most significant of these jottings, see the comments at the top of this page. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark partially concealed under a modern pastedown contents-list, but probably I.4.74.

Provenance unknown, but most likely from the Goodson bequest (on grounds of the repertorial link with Mus. 90-1, which is more securely of Goodson provenance, and the possible presence of the 'Pigott' hand, which otherwise occurs only in Goodson books).