Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 33

Manuscript. English and Italian madrigals, copied in score from printed editions by two unidentified copyists; also sections of verse anthems added by a third copyist. English, early 17th century. The manuscript may have existed as one or more bundles of stab-bound or unbound sheets before it acquired its current late 18th-century binding, and is clearly incomplete at the end, since item 78 lacks its conclusion.

Copyist 1: items 1-16 (ff. 1-9).
Copyist 2: items 17-78 (ff. 10-44), excepting the following:
Copyist 3: items 50 (f. 27v) and 63 (f. 36v).

Table of titles and composers as shown in the manuscript. Display in modern form.

1 Giovanni de Macque My Sweet Lais f. 1r
2 Stephano Venturi [del Nibbio] As Mopsus went f. 1v
3 Horatio Vecchi Do not Tremble f. 2r
4 [anon.] Thirsis on his fayre Phillis [breast] f. 2v
5 Horatio Vecchi The white delightfull Swanne ff. 3r-v
6 Giovanni Croce Cinthia thy Song and chaunting ff. 4r-v
7 A[lfonso] F[errabosco] (i) Lady my flame still burning ['1. part'] ff. 5r-v
8 A[lfonso] F[errabosco] (i) Sweet lord [your flame] ['2da. pars'] ff. 5v-4v
9 Luca Marenzio Farwell Cruell and unkinde f. 6r
10 Luca Marenzio Zephirus breathing f. 6v
11 Luca Marenzio Fayre Shepheards Queene f. 7r
12 Luca Marenzio Every singing bird ff. 7v-r
13 Luca Marenzio When I beheld [the fair face] ff. 8r-8ar
14 Luca Marenzio Sweet hart arise f. 8v
15 Luca Marenzio How long with vayne complaining f. 9r
16 Luca Marenzio Sweet singing Amarillis f. 9v
17 [John Wilbye] [Die, hapless man] f. 10r
18   [Fragment a4 in G (3 bars at end of no.17)] f. 10r
19   [Fragments of no. 20 below] f. 10v
20 [John Wilbye] [I fall, O stay me] [Part 1] f. 11r
21 [John Wilbye] [And though my love abounding] [Part 2] f. 11v
22 [John Wilbye] [I always beg] [Part 1] f. 12r
23 [John Wilbye] [Thus love commands] [Part 2] [fragment only] f. 12v
24 [Thomas Weelkes] [Like two proud armies] ff. 12v-13r
25 [Thomas Weelkes] [When Thoralis delights to walk] ff. 13v-14r
26 [Thomas Weelkes] What have the gods [their consort sent] [Part 1] ff. 14r-v
27 [Thomas Weelkes] [Methinks I hear] ['2da parte'] ff. 15r-v
28 [Thomas Weelkes] [Three times a day my prayer is] ff. 15v-16r
29 [Thomas Weelkes] [Mars in a fury] f. 16r
30 [Thomas Weelkes] [Thule, the period of cosmography] [Part 1] ff. 16v-17r
31 [Thomas Weelkes] [The Andalusian merchant] ['2da pars'] ff. 16v-17r
32 [Thomas Weelkes] [A sparrow-hawk proud] f. 17v
33 [Thomas Weelkes] [Noel, adieu, adieu, thou Court's delight] ff. 18r-18br
34 [Michael East] [Hence stars! too dim of light] f. 18v
35 [Daniel] Norcome [With angel's face and brightness] f. 19r
36 [John Mundy] [Lightly she whipped o'er the dales] ff. 19v-20r
37 [Ellis Gibbons] [Long live fair Oriana!] ff. 20v-21r
38 [John Bennett] All Creturs [now are merry, merry-minded] ff. 21r-v
39 [John Hilton (i)] [Fair Oriana, beauty's queen] ff. 21v-22r
40 Tho[ma]s Wilkes [=Weelkes] Could winters ice [is fled and gone] f. 23v
41 [Thomas Weelkes] now lett us merrie make [= make a merry greeting] ff. 23v-24r
42 [Thomas Weelkes] Take heare my harte ff. 24r-v
43 [Thomas Weelkes] [O care, thou wilt despatch me] ['first part'] ff. 24v-25r
44 [Thomas Weelkes] Hence care [thou art too cruel] ['2 pars'] f. 25r
45 [Thomas Weelkes] See wher the maides are singing f. 25v
46 [Thomas Weelkes] Why are you Ladies stayinge ff. 25v-26r
47 [Thomas Weelkes] Hark hare [= hark] I here some dancing f. 26r
48 [Thomas Weelkes] Ladies the birds right fairly f. 26v
49 [Thomas Weelkes] As wanton birds [when day begins to peep] ff. 26v-27v
50   [Two full sections from an unidentified verse anthem] f. 27v
51 [John Wilbye] [Where most my thoughts] f. 28r
52 [John Wilbye] [Despiteful thus unto myself] f. 28v
53 [John Wilbye] [Ah, cannot sighs, nor tears] f. 29r
54 [John Wilbye] [Draw on, sweet night] ff. 29v-30r
55 [John Wilbye] [Stay, Corydon, thou swain] ff. 30r-v
56 [John Wilbye] [Long have I made these hills] ff. 31r-v
57 [John Wilbye] [Sweet honey-sucking bees] ['1 pars'] ff. 31v-32r
58 [John Wilbye] Yet swette take heed ff. 32v-33r
59 [John Wilbye] [All pleasure is of this condition] ff. 33v-34r
60 [John Wilbye] [Oft have I vowed] ff. 34v-35r
61 [John Wilbye] [Down in a valley] ['first part'] ff. 35v-36r
62 [John Wilbye] [Hard destinies, are love] ['2 pars'] ff. 36r-35r
63 [Thomas Tomkins] [Above the stars] [Full sections only] f. 36v
64 [Thomas Weelkes] [Give me my heart, and I will go] f. 37v
65 [Thomas Weelkes] Say daintie dames [shall we go play] f. 37v
66 [Thomas Weelkes] [Phyllis, go take thy pleasure] ff. 38r-v
67 [Thomas Weelkes] [In pride of May] f. 38v
68 [Thomas Weelkes] [Now is the bridals] f. 39r
69 [Thomas Weelkes] [Sing, shepherds, after me] f. 39v
70 [Thomas Weelkes] [Lady, your eye my love enforced] ff. 39v-40r
71 [Thomas Weelkes] [We shepherds sing, we pipe, we play] f. 40v
72 [Thomas Weelkes] [I love, and have my love regarded] ff. 40v-41r
73 [Thomas Weelkes] [Come, clap thy hands] ff. 41r-v
74 [Thomas Weelkes] Phillis hath sworne ['2 pars'] f. 41v
75 [Thomas Weelkes] [Farewell, my joy] f. 42r
76 [Thomas Weelkes] [Now is my Cloris fresh as May] f. 42v
77 [Thomas Weelkes] Unto our flockes [sweet Corolus] f. 42v
78   [Verse anthem, textless, fragmentary] ff. 43v-44v

Oblong format, 397 x 307 mm. 48 folios, plus 3 additional sheets as follows: f. 8a pasted to f. 8; ff. 18a and 18b bound between ff. 17 and 18. Apparently a succession of single sheets, formerly either unbound, or joined by stab-bindings; the tightness of the current binding largely conceals earlier groupings of the sheets. The following sheets have printed staves: ff. 3-6 and 8-9 (sheets signed 'T.[homas] E.[ast]'); f. 8a (cut fragment of a larger sheet; 4-lined staves). The final folio is largely torn away. Unused ruled staves on ff. 8av, 18ar, 18bv, 22v-23r, 37r and 43r. Foliation is modern, and was adjusted in 1989 (these adjustments will not be present in microfilms made before that date). Late 18th-century binding of white parchment over boards, undecorated except for two parallel fillets at edges. Spine in contrasting brown leather; at centre of upper cover, a red leather inset, tooled in gold: 'SCORES / OF MADRIGALS / FANTASIAS &.C '. The volume was bound at Christ Church in the late 18th century as part of an uncompleted binding project intended to protect previously unbound items from the Aldrich and Goodson bequests. (For a list of other volumes in related bindings, see the entry for Mus. 3.) Nothing remains of any earlier binding. Bookplate 2 on the inside upper cover. 19th-century shelfmark: H.1.33.

Provenance unknown, but presumably from either the Aldrich or the Goodson bequest. The earliest catalogue entry for this item is in Malchair 1787 (f. 1), where it is listed as 'Scores of Madrigals probably Collected / by Morley - Larg folio longways. Vellum / Macque / Venture / Marenzio'.

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 4.