Christ Church Music Catalogue

Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121

Manuscript. Two partbooks ('Second Treble' and 'Basus') from a set probably of three, headed 'Books for the Recorder'; English, last quarter of the 17th century. Copyist unidentified; for a list of other manuscripts at Christ Church copied by this scribe, see the entry for Mus. 865(A).

  • Item 4: the remainder of this work, copied by the same scribe, is in Mus. 865(A).
Table of titles and composers as shown in the manuscript. Display in modern form.
 Mus. 1118Mus. 1121
1 Mr Baptist [= Jean-Baptiste Lully] [Unidentified dance in C major] 1 1
2 Mr Baptist [= Jean-Baptiste Lully] [Unidentified dance in C major] 2L 2L
3 Mr Baptist [= Jean-Baptiste Lully] [Unidentified dance in C major] 2R 2R
4 [?Francis Pigott] [Instrumental interludes for 'Dialogue between the angels and shepherds at Christ's birth'] 3L-4R 3L-4R
5 [?Francis Pigott] [Instrumental interludes for a dialogue on the subject of Acme and Septimius (Catullus)] 5L-5R 5L-5R

Oblong format, 193 x 95 mm. Physical decriptions as follows.

  • Mus. 1118: 'Basus'. 47 folios, of which the first six have the collation A6; the remaining leaves have unused ruled staves, and their collation has not been researched. Instead of a pagination or a foliation system, the copyist has designated 'openings' by numbers; thus f. [1r] is numbered '1'; the ensuing opening (ff. [1v] and [2r]) is numbered '2'; the next opening '3'; and so on. In the inventory above, the letters 'L' and 'R' signify left-hand and right-hand pages respectively of the numbered openings. Front flyleaf annotated by the music copyist: 'Boock for the [Recorder] / Basus'. Late 17th-century binding of brown leather over boards, tooled with fillets and small ornaments; edges stippled in red. No early bookplate.
  • Mus. 1121: 'Second Treble'. 48 folios, of which the first six have the collation A6; the remaining leaves have unused ruled staves, and their collation has not been researched. 'Openings' are numbered as in Mus. 1118 above. Front flyleaf annotated by the music copyist: 'Boocks for the Recorder / Second Treble'. Late 17th-century binding of brown leather over boards, tooled with fillets and small ornaments; edges stippled in red. No early bookplate.
Provenance: probably from the Goodson bequest (on the grounds that the same copyist's hand occurs in Mus. 90-1, which is more securely of Goodson provenance).

Microfilm: manuscript music, reel 60.