The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, but you should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.
Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: World Microfilms, PO Box 35488, St John's Wood, LONDON, NW8 6WD.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7586 4499, Fax: +44 (0)20 7722 1068, E-mail:
Mus. 841 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 842 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 843 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 844 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 845 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 846 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 847 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 848 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 849 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 850 | Reel 46 | |
Mus. 851 | Reel 46 |
The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.
Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | |||||||||
Mus. 828-31 | Mus. 828 | Mus. 829 | Mus. 830 | Mus. 831 | ||||||||
A collection of ayres, compos'd for the theatre, and upon other occasions. By the late Mr. Henry Purcell. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Frances Purcell, executrix of the author, 1697 |
Violino primo | Violino secundo | Tennor | Bassus | ||||||||
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 832 | Mus. 832 | |||||||||||
An ode, on the death of Mr. Henry Purcell; late servant to his Majesty, and organist of the Chapel Royal, and of St. Peter's Westminster. The words by Mr. Dryden, and sett to musick by Dr. Blow. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, for Henry Playford, 1696 |
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 833 | Mus. 833 | |||||||||||
Andreas Ornithoparcus his Micrologus, or Introduction: containing the art of singing. Digested into foure bookes. Not onely profitable, but also necessary for all that are studious of musicke. Also the dimension and perfect use of the monochord, according to Guido Aretinus. By John Douland lutenist, lute-player, and Bachelor of Musicke in both the universities. London: Printed for Thomas Adams, 1609 |
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 834 | Mus. 834 | |||||||||||
The first booke of songs or ayres of foure parts, with tableture for the lute. So made, that all the parts together, or either of them severally, may be sung to the lute, orpherian, or viol de gambo. Composed by John Dowland, lutenist and Bacheler of Musick in both the universities. Also an invention by the said author for two to play upon one lute. Newly corrected and amended. London: Imprinted ... by Humfrey Lownes, 1613 |
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 835 | Mus. 835 | |||||||||||
Musica Oxoniensis. A collection of songs: for one and two voices, with the thorough-bass. Oxford: Printed by Leon. Lichfield ... Publish'd by Francis Smith, and Peter de Walpergen letter-founder, 1698 |
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 836 | Mus. 836 | |||||||||||
Three elegies upon the much lamented loss of our late most gracious Queen Mary. The words of the two first by Mr. Herbert. The latter out of the Oxford verse; and sett to musick by Dr. Blow and Mr. Henry Purcell. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall for Henry Playford, 1695 Title-page missing. |
Reel 46 | ||||||||||||
Mus. 837 | Mus. 837 | |||||||||||
Harmonia festiva, being the thirteenth opera of divine mottetts. Compos'd by Seignior Bassani. For a single voice with proper symphonies. [Violino primo. Violino secondo. [Score: voice and basso continuo.] Bound together, but separately paginated.] London: Printed by William Pearson, for John Cullen ... and John Young, [1708] |
Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | ||||||||||
Mus. 838-40 | Mus. 838 | Mus. 839 | Mus. 840 | |||||||||
Suonate a due, tre instrumenti, col basso continuo per l'organo da Gio. Battista Bassani maestro di capella dell' illustrissima Accademia della Morte di Ferrara, & Accademico Filarmonico. Opera quinta. Antwerp: Appresso Henrico Aertssens, 1691 |
Violino primo | Violino secondo | Violoncello | |||||||||
Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | Reel 46 | ||
Mus. 841-51 | Mus. 841 | Mus. 842 | Mus. 843 | Mus. 844 | Mus. 845 | Mus. 846 | Mus. 847 | Mus. 848 | Mus. 849 | Mus. 850 | Mus. 851 | |
Genius musicus divinis, Marianis ac sanctorum laudibus decoratus, et ecclesiastico ritui unâ 2. 3. 4. 5. tàm vocibus quàm instrumentis officiosus. Authore Alphonso d'Eve[.] Opus primum. Amsterdam: Aux dépens d'Estienne Roger |
Canto primo | Canto secnodo [sic] | Alto | Tenore | Basso | Violino primo | Violino secondo | Alto viola | Tenore viola | Basso viola | Basso continuo | |