Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of Mus. 1083-4

The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, but you should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: World Microfilms, PO Box 35488, St John's Wood, LONDON, NW8 6WD.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7586 4499, Fax: +44 (0)20 7722 1068, E-mail:

Mus. 1083 Reel 76 
Mus. 1084 Reel 76 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford (World Microfilms)

  Reel 76  
  Mus. 1081 Mus. 1081  
  Select psalms and hymns for the use of the parish-church, and chappel of St. James's Westminster. The sixth edition.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the Company of Stationers, 1704
    Reel 76 Reel 76
Mus. 1083-4 Mus. 1083 Mus. 1084
Mus. 1083-4(1)
The former booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of Her Majesties musitions: conteining all the tunes of Davids Psalmes, as they are ordinarily soung in the church: most excellently by him composed into 4. parts. In which sett the tenor singeth the church tune.
London: Published ... by W. Swayne Gent. Printed by T[homas]. Este, the assigné of W[illiam]. Byrd, 1591
Cantus Bassus
Mus. 1083-4(2)
The second booke of the musicke of M. William Damon, late one of Her Majesties musitions: conteining all the tunes of Davids Psalmes, as they are ordinarily soung in the church: most excellently by him composed into 4. parts. In which sett the highest part singeth the church tune.
London: Published ... by W. Swayne Gent. Printed by T[homas]. Este, the assigné of W[illiam]. Byrd, 1591
Cantus Bassus
  Reel 76  
  Mus. 1112 Mus. 1112  
  Mus. 1112(1)
[Little consort of three parts.] [Upper half of single folio sheet, printed on one side of page only, and headed 'Tenor'. Lacks title-page, foliation or pagination.]
  Mus. 1112(2)
Ayres, or, fa la's for three voyces. Newly composed and published by John Hilton, Bachelor of Musicke.
London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, and are to be sold by George Lathum, 1627
  Reel 76  
  Mus. 1116 Mus. 1116  
  The whole booke of Psalmes: with the hymnes evangelicall, and songs spirituall. Composed into 4. parts by sundry authors, to such severall tunes, as have beene, and are usually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Nether-lands: never as yet before in one volumne published. ... Newly corrected and enlarged by Tho: Ravenscroft Bachelar of Musicke.
London: Printed ... for the Company of Stationers, 1621
  Reel 76  
  Mus. 1208 Mus. 1208  
  Mus. 1208(1)
[Proofs for collection of anthems in score, edited by Henry Aldrich. Contents: [Henry Aldrich], 'Have mercy upon me'; Orlando Gibbons, 'Behold thou hast made my days'.]
[Oxford]: c. 1696-7
  Mus. 1208(2)
[Alternative proofs for collection of anthems in score, edited by Henry Aldrich. Contents: [Henry Aldrich], 'Have mercy upon me' [incomplete]; Orlando Gibbons, 'Behold thou hast made my days'; [Henry Aldrich], 'Give the king thy judgements' [first page only].]
[Oxford]: c. 1696-7