Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of printed works

The following printed materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, but you should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691

Mus. 786

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: World Microfilms, PO Box 35488, St John's Wood, LONDON, NW8 6WD.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7586 4499, Fax: +44 (0)20 7722 1068, E-mail:

Mus. 786 Reel 41 

Mus. 787
Lacks title page, and part of dedication page.

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: World Microfilms, PO Box 35488, St John's Wood, LONDON, NW8 6WD.
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7586 4499, Fax: +44 (0)20 7722 1068, E-mail:

Mus. 787 Reel 41 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the required material highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. Often other works are also included on the reels, and sometimes the full set of part-books is only complete by including additional reels of microfilm. These are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Contents of the reels which include Mus. 786

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford (World Microfilms)

  Reel 41
  Mus. 786 Mus. 786
  The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691
  Reel 41
  Mus. 787 Mus. 787
  The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691
Lacks title page, and part of dedication page.
  Reel 41
  Mus. 788 Mus. 788
  Songs for 1. 2. & 3. voyces composed by Henry Bowman.
Oxford: Imprimatur, Hen. Clerke, Vice-Cancellarius Oxon, 1677
  Reel 41
  Mus. 789 Mus. 789
  Six sonata's or solos, three for a violin, and three for the flute, with a through bass for the harpsicord, compos'd by Mr. D. Purcell.
London: Printed for & sould by J[ohn]: Walsh ... & J[ohn]: Hare, [1698]
  Reel 41
  Mus. 790 Mus. 790
  The judgement of Paris[.] A pastoral composed for the music=prize by Mr: D: Purcell.
London: Printed for J[ohn]. Walsh
  Reel 41
  Mus. 791 Mus. 791
  French court-aires, with their ditties Englished, of foure and five parts. Together with that of the lute. ... Collected, translated, published by Ed: Filmer, Gent: Dedicated to the Queene.
London: Printed by William Stansby, 1629
  Reel 41
  Mus. 792 Mus. 792
  Amphion Anglicus. A work of many compositions, for one, two, three and four voices: with several accompagnements of instrumental musick; and a thorow=bass to each song: figur'd for an organ, harpsichord, or theorboe-lute. By Dr. John Blow.
London: Printed by William Pearson, for the author, 1700
  Reel 41
  Mus. 793 Mus. 793
  Amphion Anglicus. A work of many compositions, for one, two, three and four voices: with several accompagnements of instrumental musick; and a thorow=bass to each song: figur'd for an organ, harpsichord, or theorboe-lute. By Dr. John Blow.
London: Printed by William Pearson, for the author, 1700

Contents of the reels which include Mus. 787

Series: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford (World Microfilms)

  Reel 41
  Mus. 786 Mus. 786
  The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691
  Reel 41
  Mus. 787 Mus. 787
  The vocal and instrumental musick of The prophetess, or The history of Dioclesian. Composed by Henry Purcell, organist of Their Majesties Chappel, and of St. Peters Westminster.
London: Printed by J[ohn]. Heptinstall, for the author, 1691
Lacks title page, and part of dedication page.
  Reel 41
  Mus. 788 Mus. 788
  Songs for 1. 2. & 3. voyces composed by Henry Bowman.
Oxford: Imprimatur, Hen. Clerke, Vice-Cancellarius Oxon, 1677
  Reel 41
  Mus. 789 Mus. 789
  Six sonata's or solos, three for a violin, and three for the flute, with a through bass for the harpsicord, compos'd by Mr. D. Purcell.
London: Printed for & sould by J[ohn]: Walsh ... & J[ohn]: Hare, [1698]
  Reel 41
  Mus. 790 Mus. 790
  The judgement of Paris[.] A pastoral composed for the music=prize by Mr: D: Purcell.
London: Printed for J[ohn]. Walsh
  Reel 41
  Mus. 791 Mus. 791
  French court-aires, with their ditties Englished, of foure and five parts. Together with that of the lute. ... Collected, translated, published by Ed: Filmer, Gent: Dedicated to the Queene.
London: Printed by William Stansby, 1629
  Reel 41
  Mus. 792 Mus. 792
  Amphion Anglicus. A work of many compositions, for one, two, three and four voices: with several accompagnements of instrumental musick; and a thorow=bass to each song: figur'd for an organ, harpsichord, or theorboe-lute. By Dr. John Blow.
London: Printed by William Pearson, for the author, 1700
  Reel 41
  Mus. 793 Mus. 793
  Amphion Anglicus. A work of many compositions, for one, two, three and four voices: with several accompagnements of instrumental musick; and a thorow=bass to each song: figur'd for an organ, harpsichord, or theorboe-lute. By Dr. John Blow.
London: Printed by William Pearson, for the author, 1700