Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of Mus. 623-6, no. 40

The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, in so far as the items listed below appear on the reels, but as the catalogue is not yet complete there may be other material in addition. You should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

Title: Rorate caeli desuper Rorate caeli desuper
Composer: Alfonso Ferrabosco (ii) Alfonso Ferabosco (ii)

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: Primary Source Microfilm, Cengage Gale, Cheriton House, Northway, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 5BE, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44 (0)1264 342832, E-mail:

Mus. 623 Reel 26 
Mus. 624 Reel 26 
Mus. 625 Reel 26 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford (Primary Source Microfilm)

  Reel 26      
  Mus. 621 Mus. 621      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 1
Bone Jesu, verbum patris / Gasparo Casati
ff. 1r-3r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 2
O dulce nomen Jesu / Gasparo Casati
ff. 3v-5r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 3
Tota pulchra es, amica mea / Gasparo Casati
ff. 5v-7v      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 4
Regina caeli laetare / Natale Monferrato
ff. 8r-9r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 5
Anima mea in aeterna dulcedine / Egidio Trabattone
ff. 9v-11r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 6
Io mi sento morir / Giovanni Rovetta
ff. 11v-13r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 7
Carminum praeses / Henry Aldrich?
ff. 13v-19v      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 8
When death shall part us from these kids ('Dialogue between Thirsis and Dorinda') / Matthew Locke
ff. 20r-22r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 9
How art thou fall'n from heav'n, O Lucifer / John Blow
ff. 22v-24r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 10
Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes / Christopher Gibbons
ff. 24v-26v      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 11
O bone Jesu / Christopher Gibbons
ff. 27r-28r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 12
And I heard a great voice / John Blow
ff. 29r-35r      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 13
Have mercy upon me, O God (2nd version) / Pelham Humfrey
ff. 35v-38v      
  Mus. 621 (ff. 1-41), no. 14
I said in the cutting off of my days / John Blow
ff. 39r-41v      
  Reel 26      
  Mus. 622 Mus. 622      
  Mus. 622, no. 1
Tra più riposti abissi / Giacomo Carissimi
'19' - p. 26      
  Mus. 622, no. 2
Fugite fastus ('De venerabile') / Alphonse d'Eve
pp. 48-61      
  Mus. 622, no. 3
Posuisti (fragmentary score of outer parts only, copied twice, the second copy subsequently overlaid with {Mus. 622, no. 4})
pp. 62-71      
  Mus. 622, no. 4
Divis orte bonis (fragment; evidently Goodson's composing score) / Richard Goodson (ii)
pp. 73-70      
  Mus. 622, no. 5
Oh the pleasure of the plains! (from 'Acis and Galatea') / George Frideric Handel
pp. 74-91      
  Mus. 622, no. 6
Wretched lovers! (from 'Acis and Galatea') / George Frideric Handel
p. 92 - R91      
  Mus. 622, no. 7
Mourn, all ye muses! (from 'Acis and Galatea') / George Frideric Handel
  Mus. 622, no. 8
Must I my Acis still bemoan (from 'Acis and Galatea') / George Frideric Handel
  Mus. 622, no. 9
Galatea, dry thu tears (from 'Acis and Galatea'; copied without words) / George Frideric Handel
  Mus. 622, no. 10
Dulce ridentem (from 'Integer vitae scelerisque purus'; words: Horace, Odes 1/XXII)) / Musgrave Heighington
  Mus. 622, no. 11
Fragment, partly deleted, headed 'In festo S Sylvestri Papae' and 'Inveni David'; principally a copy of an untexted part in C4 clef
  Mus. 622, no. 12
I waited patiently for the Lord / William Croft
  Reel 26 Reel 26 Reel 26 Reel 26
  Mus. 623-6 Mus. 623 Mus. 624 Mus. 625 Mus. 626
  Mus. 623-6, no. 1
Salve Regina / Natale Monferrato
pp. 1-2 pp. 1-2 pp. 1-2 pp. 1-2
  Mus. 623-6, no. 2
O dulce nomen Jesu / Gasparo Casati
pp. 3-4 pp. 2-4   pp. 50-51
  Mus. 623-6, no. 3
Bone Jesu, verbum patris / Gasparo Casati
pp. 5-7 pp. 4-6   pp. 2-3
  Mus. 623-6, no. 4
Regina caeli laetare / Natale Monferrato
pp. 7-8 pp. 6-7   p. 4
  Mus. 623-6, no. 5
Tota pulchra es, amica mea / Gasparo Casati
pp. 8-10 pp. 8-9 p. 3 pp. 5-6
  Mus. 623-6, no. 6
Magnificate caeli / Gasparo Casati
pp. 10-12 pp. 10-11   pp. 6-9
  Mus. 623-6, no. 7
In te, Domine, speravi
pp. 12-13 pp. 12-13   pp. 10-11
  Mus. 623-6, no. 8
Agnosce, O Christiane / Matthew Locke
p. 14   pp. 2-3 pp. 9-10
  Mus. 623-6, no. 9
Amanti, sentite Amor / Marco Marazzoli
p. 15 pp. 13-14   pp. 11-12
  Mus. 623-6, no. 10
I'll sing of heroes and of kings / Henry Bowman
pp. 16-17 pp. 14-15 pp. 4-5 pp. 12-13
  Mus. 623-6, no. 11
Vivo in foco amoroso
pp. 17-18 pp. 16-17 pp. 5-6 pp. 13-14
  Mus. 623-6, no. 12
Ecco che pur baciate
p. 19 pp. 17-18 pp. 6-7 pp. 14-15
  Mus. 623-6, no. 13
Quante volte giurai / Giovanni Rovetta
pp. 20-21 pp. 18-19 pp. 7-8 pp. 15-16
  Mus. 623-6, no. 14
Si mi dicesti / Giovanni Rovetta
pp. 21-22 pp. 19-20 pp. 8-9 p. 17
  Mus. 623-6, no. 15
Questa ch'Orsola / Agostino Facchi
pp. 22-23 pp. 20-21 p. 10 p. 18
  Mus. 623-6, no. 16
Vaga su spina / Claudio Monteverdi
pp. 23-24 pp. 21-22 p. 11 p. 19
  Mus. 623-6, no. 17
Eccomi pronta / Claudio Monteverdi
p. 25 p. 23 p. 12 p. 20
  Mus. 623-6, no. 18
Venga dal ciel / Giovanni Rovetta
pp. 26-29 pp. 24-27 pp. 24-27 pp. 26-29
  Mus. 623-6, no. 19
Transfige mi, Domine / Giuseppe Scarani
pp. 30-31 pp. 28-29 pp. 28-29 p. 30
  Mus. 623-6, no. 20
Vidi turbam magnam / Gaspare Filippi
p. 32 p. 30 p. 30 p. 31
  Mus. 623-6, no. 21
O sacrum convivium / Gaspare Filippi
p. 33 pp. 30-31 p. 31 p. 32
  Mus. 623-6, no. 22
Et ecce sonuit vox laetitiae / Nicolò Fontei
pp. 34-35 pp. 32-33 p. 32 p. 33
  Mus. 623-6, no. 23
O vos omnes / Francesco Maria Marini
p. 36 p. 34 p. 33 p. 34
  Mus. 623-6, no. 24
Sanctum redemptoris
p. 37 p. 35 p. 34 p. 35
  Mus. 623-6, no. 25
Intuens in caelum / Gaspare Filippi
p. 38 p. 36 p. 35 p. 36
  Mus. 623-6, no. 26
O crux benedicta / Giovanni Felice Sances
p. 39 p. 37 p. 36 p. 37
  Mus. 623-6, no. 27
Quid mihi est in caelo / Giovanni Battista Aloisi
pp. 40-41 pp. 38-39 p. 37 p. 38
  Mus. 623-6, no. 28
Victorious time / John Jenkins
p. 41   p. 29 p. 28
  Mus. 623-6, no. 29
Jubilate Deo omnis terra / Giuseppe Scarani
pp. 42-43 pp. 40-41 pp. 38-39 p. 39
  Mus. 623-6, no. 30
Anima mea liquefacta est / Francesco Maria Marini
pp. 43-44 pp. 41-42 p. 39 pp. 40-41
  Mus. 623-6, no. 31
Magnum haereditatis mysterium / Francesco Maria Marini
pp. 44-45 pp. 42-43 p. 40 p. 42
  Mus. 623-6, no. 32
Welcome, pure thoughts / John Jenkins
p. 46   p. 41 p. 29
  Mus. 623-6, no. 33
Cantate Jehovae qui in Sion habitat / Charles Taylor
p. 47   p. 42 p. 41
  Mus. 623-6, no. 34
Laudate pueri Dominum / Giovanni Rovetta
pp. 48-50 pp. 44-46 pp. 14-17 pp. 44-46
  Mus. 623-6, no. 35
Regina caeli laetare, Alleluia / Gasparo Casati
pp. 50-51 pp. 46-47   p. 43
  Mus. 623-6, no. 36
Adoro te, laudo te / Giovanni Paulo Martinengo
pp. 52-53 pp. 48-49   p. 47
  Mus. 623-6, no. 37
O Jesu mea vita / Gasparo Casati
pp. 53-55 pp. 49-51   p. 48
  Mus. 623-6, no. 38
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus / Gasparo Casati
pp. 55-56 pp. 51-52   p. 49
  Mus. 623-6, no. 39
When David heard that Absalon was slain
p. 57 p. 53 p. 43  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 40
Rorate caeli desuper / Alfonso Ferrabosco (ii)
p. 58 p. 54 p. 44  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 41
Plagae tuae Domine / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 59-61 pp. 55-57 pp. 18-19 pp. 21-22
  Mus. 623-6, no. 42
Exurgat Deus / Agostino Facchi
pp. 61-62 pp. 57-58 p. 20 p. 23
  Mus. 623-6, no. 43
O sacrum convivium / Agostino Facchi
pp. 62-63 pp. 58-59 p. 21 p. 24
  Mus. 623-6, no. 44
Audite caeli / Agostino Facchi
p. 63 p. 59 p. 22 p. 25
  Mus. 623-6, no. 45
O Domine guttae tui / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 64-65 pp. 60-61 pp. 45-46 pp. 51-52
  Mus. 623-6, no. 46
Magnificemus in cantico / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 66-67 pp. 62-63 p. 23 pp. 52-53
  Mus. 623-6, no. 47
Audite sancti / Giacomo Carissimi
pp. 68-69 pp. 64-65 pp. 46-47 p. 54
  Mus. 623-6, no. 48
Judica me Deus / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 70-71 pp. 66-67   pp. 55-56
  Mus. 623-6, no. 49
Psallite Domino qui habitat in Sion / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 72-73 pp. 68-69   pp. 56-57
  Mus. 623-6, no. 50
Vulnerasti cor meum / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 74-75 pp. 70-71   pp. 59-60
  Mus. 623-6, no. 51
Tota pulchra es / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 76-77 pp. 72-73   pp. 60-61
  Mus. 623-6, no. 52
Domine ne memineris / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 78-79 pp. 74-75   pp. 58-59
  Mus. 623-6, no. 53
Deus in adiutorium / Giovanni Felice Sances
pp. 80-81   pp. 48-49 p. 62
  Mus. 623-6, no. 54
O Jesu mi dulcissime [a4] / Giovanni Felice Sances
p. 82 pp. 76-77 pp. 49-50 p. 63
  Mus. 623-6, no. 55
Anima mea in aeterna dulcedine / Egidio Trabattone
pp. 83-84   pp. 50-51 p. 64
  Mus. 623-6, no. 56
Mortali, che fate ['chorus']
p. 85 p. 78 pp. 52-53 p. 65
  Mus. 623-6, no. 57
O how amiable are thy dwellings / Edward Lowe
pp. 86-87 pp. 78-79 pp. 62-63  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 58
How long wilt thou forget me
p. 87 pp. 80-81 pp. 54-55 pp. 66-67
  Mus. 623-6, no. 59
How long wilt thou forget me / Christopher Gibbons
pp. 88-89 pp. 82-83 pp. 58-59  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 60
O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious / Edward Lowe
p. 89 pp. 83-84 pp. 66-67  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 61
Blessed is he that considereth the poor / Michael Wise
p. 90 pp. 84-85 pp. 68-69  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 62
The Lord is my shepherd
pp. 91-92 pp. 86-87 pp. 55-56 pp. 67-68
  Mus. 623-6, no. 63
When the Lord turned again / Edward Lowe
p. 92 p. 88 pp. 60-61  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 64
O clap your hands together / Edward Lowe
p. 93 pp. 88-89 pp. 64-65  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 65
I will magnify thee / Benjamin Rogers
p. 94 p. 90 pp. 78-79  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 66
Behold how good and joyful / William Child
pp. 95-96 p. 91 pp. 80-81  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 67
If the Lord himself / Edward Lowe
p. 96 p. 92 pp. 70-71  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 68
Glorious and powerful God / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 98-99 pp. 93-94 pp. 72-73  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 69
Sing unto the Lord / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 100-101 pp. 96-97 pp. 74-75  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 70
Turn you unto me, O Lord / John Blow
pp. 102-103 pp. 98-99 p. 76  
  Mus. 623-6, no. 71
Awake up my glory / Michael Wise
p. 104 pp. 100-101 p. 77  
  Reel 26      
  Mus. 628 Mus. 628      
  Mus. 628, no. 1
Gloria Patri et Filio / Henry Purcell
pp. 1-3      
  Mus. 628, no. 2
O all ye people clap your hands / Henry Purcell
pp. 3-7      
  Mus. 628, no. 3
Go, perjur'd man / John Blow
pp. 8-11      
  Mus. 628, no. 4
O praise the Lord / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 11-19      
  Mus. 628, no. 5
I said in the cutting off of my days / John Blow
pp. 19-25      
  Mus. 628, no. 6
Thou art my king, O God / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 26-32      
  Mus. 628, no. 7
The kings of Tharsis / John Blow
pp. 32-39      
  Mus. 628, no. 8
Plunged in the confines of despair / Henry Purcell
pp. 39-42      
  Mus. 628, no. 9
The king shall rejoice / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 43-52      
  Mus. 628, no. 10
When the Lord turned again / John Blow
pp. 52-63      
  Mus. 628, no. 11
Hear my crying, O God / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 63-74      
  Mus. 628, no. 12
The Lord is my shepherd / John Blow
pp. 74-86      
  Mus. 628, no. 13
O give thanks unto the Lord, for he / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 86-96      
  Mus. 628, no. 14
O give thanks unto the Lord, and call / John Blow
pp. 96-110      
  Mus. 628, no. 15
Since God so tender a regard / Henry Purcell
pp. 111-115      
  Mus. 628, no. 16
Early, O Lord, my fainting soul / Henry Purcell
pp. 116-120      
  Mus. 628, no. 17
O I'm sick of life / Henry Purcell
pp. 121-124      
  Mus. 628, no. 18
O Lord our governor / Henry Purcell
pp. 125-130      
  Mus. 628, no. 19
When on my sick bed I languish / Henry Purcell
pp. 130-135      
  Mus. 628, no. 20
Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mea / Henry Purcell
pp. 135-140      
  Mus. 628, no. 21
Beati omnes qui timent Dominum / Henry Purcell
pp. 141-146      
  Reel 26      
  Mus. 683 Mus. 683      
  Mus. 683, no. 1
solmization exercises and pen trials
f. 0r      
  Mus. 683, no. 2
Lord, what love have I / William Croft
ff. 0v-1r      
  Mus. 683, no. 3
O how pleasant are thy dwellings / John Weldon
f. 2r      
  Mus. 683, no. 4
O give thanks unto the Lord for he / Henry Aldrich
f. 4r      
  Mus. 683, no. 5
fragment of keyboard piece in G
f. 5r      
  Mus. 683, no. 6
From rosy bowers / Henry Purcell
f. 7r      
  Mus. 683, no. 7
Boy go down and fill the other quart / Simon Ives?
f. 15v      
  Mus. 683, no. 8
solmization exercise
f. 15v      
  Reel 26      
  Mus. 692 Mus. 692      
  Mus. 692, no. 1
The Masque of Orpheus (Act IV scene 3 of 'The Empress of Morocco'), beginning 'The groans of ghosts' / Matthew Locke
ff. 1r-5v      
  Mus. 692, no. 2
No music like that (from Act II scene 2 of 'The Empress of Morocco') / Matthew Locke
f. 6r