Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of Mus. 367-70, no. 39

The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, in so far as the items listed below appear on the reels, but as the catalogue is not yet complete there may be other material in addition. You should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

High-definition photographs of some individual pages of this material are also available.

Title: Alman: a New Year's gift to T.C. (four-part airs, VdGS 27) Almaine A Newyeres guift to T: C: [four-part airs, VdGS 27]
Composer: John Jenkins Jo[hn] Jenkins

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: Primary Source Microfilm, Cengage Gale, Cheriton House, Northway, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 5BE, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44 (0)1264 342832, E-mail:

Mus. 367 Reel 12 
Mus. 368 Reel 12 
Mus. 369 Reel 12 
Mus. 370 Reel 12 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford (Primary Source Microfilm)

  Reel 12 Reel 12    
  Mus. 365-6 Mus. 365 Mus. 366    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 1
Complete musical contents of 'A paraphrase upon the psalmes of David. By George Sandys' (London, 1637/8 / Henry Lawes
ff. 1r-13r ff. 1r-12v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 2
My days are full of cumber
f. 14r f. 57v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 3
There's no grief so tormenting
f. 14v f. 57v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 4
'Twas mortal sin that gave my soul this wounding
f. 15r f. 57r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 5
Poor soul, bethink thee what thou hast committed
f. 15v f. 57r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 6
A broken contrite spirit trusting, O Lord, in thee
f. 16r f. 56Av    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 7
The faith that's firmly grounded
f. 16v f. 56Av    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 8
Lord, rebuke not my faults
f. 17r f. 56Ar    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 9
My sin in sorrow endeth
f. 17v f. 56Ar    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 10
Ay me, sin hath bereft me
f. 18r f. 56v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 11
Give me, O Lord, the comfort of they spirit
f. 18v f. 56v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 12
These prayers, O Lord, which my weak faith presenteth
f. 19r f. 56r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 13
My soul with love of thee, O Lord
f. 19v f. 56r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 14
My tears and my petitions
f. 20r f. 55v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 15
Now dangers compass me
f. 20v f. 55v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 16
My soul with sin oppressed
f. 21r f. 55r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 17
The pleasant plants, green herbs
f. 21v f. 55r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 18
Alas, how comes this vine
f. 22r f. 54v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 19
If such a spoil betide a vine
f. 22v f. 54v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 20
Lord, what is man?, think I
f. 23r f. 54r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 21
Thou bad'st me call, O Lord
f. 23v f. 54r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 22
To sing her maker's praises
f. 24r f. 53v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 23
If thou, O Lord, do not vouchsafe
f. 24v f. 53v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 24
Thy sweet mercy, Lord, remember
f. 25r f. 53r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 25
O know, my God, thou art in Christ well pleased
f. 25v f. 53r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 26
Lo, I come when thou call'st me
f. 26r f. 52v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 27
Holy Lord whom the heaven
f. 26v f. 52v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 28
My soul, why art thou vexed
f. 27r f. 52r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 29
See, Lord, my soul is straying
f. 27v f. 52r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 30
Fly away, tempter, leave me
f. 28r f. 51v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 31
Still as my wounds distress me
f. 28v f. 51v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 32
Cheer up thy drooping spirits
f. 29r f. 51r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 33
Turn in, my Lord, turn in to me / S.C.
f. 29v f. 50v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 34
Unfold thy face, unmask thy ray
f. 30r f. 50r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 35
Complete musical contents of George Withers, 'The hymns and songs of the church' (various editions, all London, 1623) / Orlando Gibbons
ff. 30v-39v ff. 19v-27v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 36
French metrical psalms 1-20, in the versions of Marot/de Bèze
ff. 40r-55v ff. 29r-30r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 37
Ye sons of Sion now rejoice / William Child
ff. 56v-58r      
  Mus. 365-6, no. 38
French metrical psalms 21-35, in the versions of Marot/de Bèze
ff. 58v-68v      
  Mus. 365-6, no. 39
Psalm 25 (untexted; two versions; treble and bass in score)
f. 69v      
  Mus. 365-6, no. 40
Clora's false love made Clora weep / John Wilson
f. 69r      
  Mus. 365-6, no. 41
O God, the heathen are come
  f. 13r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 42
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem
  ff. 13v-14r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 43
... And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them
  ff. 14v-15r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 44
Why do the heathen so furiously rage together
  ff. 15v-16r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 45
O come, let us sing unto the Lord
  ff. 16v-17v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 46
When Troy town for ten years' wars / John Wilson
  f. 18r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 47
O God, wherefore art thou absent from us ('2 voc.') / S.C.
  ff. 18v-19r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 48
All people that on earth do dwell
  f. 28r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 49
Give laud unto the Lord
  f. 28v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 50
Attend, my people, and give ear
  f. 30r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 51
French metrical psalms 36-50, in the versions of Marot/de Bèze
  ff. 30v-43r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 52
O grief, how diverse are thy shapes / John Coprario
  f. 60v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 53
'Tis now dead night / John Coprario
  f. 60r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 54
Fortune and glory / John Coprario
  f. 59v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 55
So parted you / John Coprario
  f. 59r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 56
How like a golden dream / John Coprario
  f. 58v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 57
When pale famine / John Coprario
  f. 58r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 58
I shall go to Elysium
  ff. 49v-r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 59
Mount up, my soul, to Sion hill
  f. 48v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 60
Arise, shine, for thy light is come / S.C.
  ff. 48r-47v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 61
Welcome pure thoughts ('2 voc.') / John Jenkins
  ff. 47r-46v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 62
Victorious time whose winged feet ('2 voc.') / John Jenkins
  ff. 46r-45v    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 63
While I listen to thy voice / Henry Lawes
  f. 45r    
  Mus. 365-6, no. 64
Attend, my people, and give ear (alternative version of {Mus. 365-6, no. 50})
  f. 44v    
  Reel 12 Reel 12 Reel 12 Reel 12
  Mus. 367-70 Mus. 367 Mus. 368 Mus. 369 Mus. 370
  Mus. 367-70, no. 1
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 22) / John Jenkins
f. 1r f. 1r f. 1r f. 1r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 2
Alman (VdGS airs in G major no. 259) / Charles Coleman
f. 1v f. 1v   f. 1v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 3
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 42) / John Jenkins
f. 2r f. 2r f. 1v f. 2r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 4
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 23) / John Jenkins
f. 2v f. 2v f. 2r f. 2v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 5
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 30) / John Jenkins
f. 3r f. 3r f. 2v f. 3r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 6
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 31) / John Jenkins
f. 3v f. 3v f. 3r f. 3v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 7
Saraband (VdGS anon. 923)
f. 4r f. 4r   f. 4r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 8
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 43) / John Jenkins
f. 4v f. 4v f. 3v f. 4v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 9
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 32) / John Jenkins
f. 5r f. 5r f. 4r f. 5r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 10
Corant/Saraband (four-part airs, VdGS spurious 10) / John Jenkins
f. 5v f. 5r f. 4r f. 5r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 11
Air (four-part airs, VdGS 5) / John Jenkins
f. 6r f. 5v f. 4v f. 5v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 12
Pavan (four-part airs, VdGS 49) / John Jenkins
f. 6v f. 6r f. 5r f. 6r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 13
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 6) / John Jenkins
f. 7r f. 6v f. 5v f. 6v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 14
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 24) / John Jenkins
f. 7v f. 7r f. 6r ff. 6v-7r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 15
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 13) / John Jenkins
f. 8r f. 7v f. 6v f. 7r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 16
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 14) / John Jenkins
f. 8v f. 8r f. 7r f. 7v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 17
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 15) / John Jenkins
f. 9r f. 8v f. 7v f. 8r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 18
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 16) / John Jenkins
f. 9v f. 9r f. 8r f. 8v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 19
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 33) / John Jenkins
f. 10r f. 9v f. 8v f. 9r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 20
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 44) / John Jenkins
f. 10v f. 10r f. 9r f. 9v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 21
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 40) / John Jenkins
f. 11r f. 10v f. 9v f. 10r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 22
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 41) / John Jenkins
f. 11v f. 11r f. 10r f. 10v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 23
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 39) / John Jenkins
f. 12r f. 11v f. 10v f. 11r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 24
Corant (four-part airs, VdGS 38) / John Jenkins
f. 12v f. 12r f. 11r f. 11v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 25
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 17) / John Jenkins
ff. 13r-12v f. 12v f. 11v f. 12r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 26
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 7) / John Jenkins
f. 13v f. 13r f. 12r f. 12v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 27
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 25) / John Jenkins
f. 14r f. 13v f. 12v f. 13r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 28
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 26) / John Jenkins
f. 14v f. 14r f. 13r f. 13v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 29
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 3) / John Jenkins
f. 15r f. 14v f. 13v f. 14r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 30
Pavan (VdGS 16) / Maurice Webster
f. 15v f. 15r f. 14r f. 14v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 31
The merlin (VdGS anon 1351)
f. 16r f. 15v f. 14v f. 15r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 32
Pavan (four-part airs, VdGS 50) / John Jenkins
ff. 16v-17r ff. 15v-16r ff. 14v-15r ff. 15v-16r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 33
Pavan (four-part airs, VdGS 51) / John Jenkins
f. 17v f. 16v f. 15v f. 16v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 34
Pavan (four-part airs, VdGS 45) / John Jenkins
f. 18r f. 17r f. 16r f. 17r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 35
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 1) / John Jenkins
f. 18v f. 17v f. 16v f. 17v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 36
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 18) / John Jenkins
f. 19r f. 18r f. 17r f. 18r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 37
Alman (VdGS airs in G major no. 257) / Charles Coleman
f. 19v f. 18v f. 17v f. 18v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 38
Alman (VdGS airs in F major no. 209) / Charles Coleman
f. 20r f. 19r f. 18r f. 19r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 39
Alman: a New Year's gift to T.C. (four-part airs, VdGS 27) / John Jenkins
ff. 20v-21r ff. 19v-20r ff. 18v-19r ff. 19v-20r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 40
The temporiser (VdGS 2) / Robert Johnson (ii)
ff. 21v-22r ff. 20v-21r ff. 19v-20r ff. 20v-21r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 41
The witty wanton (VdGS 3) / Robert Johnson (ii)
f. 22v f. 21v f. 20v f. 21v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 42
Saraband (four-part airs, VdGS 52) / John Jenkins
f. 23r f. 22r f. 21r f. 22r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 43
Pavan (VdGS 101) / William Lawes
ff. 23v-24r ff. 22v-23r ff. 21v-22r ff. 22v-23r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 44
Air (VdGS 264) / William Lawes
f. 24r f. 23r f. 22r f. 23r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 45
Corant (VdGS 339) / William Lawes
f. 24v     f. 23v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 46
Air (VdGS 103) / William Lawes
  f. 24r   f. 24r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 47
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 9) / John Jenkins
f. 25v f. 24v f. 23v f. 24v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 48
Alman (VdGS airs in g minor no. 316) / Charles Coleman
f. 26r f. 25r f. 24r f. 25r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 49
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 10) / John Jenkins
f. 26v f. 25v f. 24v f. 25v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 50
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 11) / John Jenkins
f. 27r f. 26r f. 25r f. 26r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 51
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 28) / John Jenkins
ff. 27v-28r f. 26v ff. 25v-26r f. 26v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 52
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 29) / John Jenkins
f. 28r f. 27r f. 26r f. 27r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 53
Echo for two trebles (VdGS 11) / Maurice Webster
ff. 28v-29r ff. 27v-28r   ff. 27v-28r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 54
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 4) / John Jenkins
ff. 29v-30r ff. 28v-29r f. 27v f. 28v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 55
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 12) / John Jenkins
f. 30r f. 29r f. 28r f. 29r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 56
Alman (VdGS airs in C major no. 17) / Charles Coleman
f. 30v f. 29v f. 28v f. 29v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 57
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 2) / John Jenkins
f. 31r f. 30r f. 29r f. 30r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 58
Alman (VdGS airs in C major no. 1) / Charles Coleman
ff. 31v-32r ff. 30v-31r f. 29v f. 30v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 59
Alman (VdGS 17) / Maurice Webster
f. 32v f. 31v f. 30r f. 31r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 60
Alman (VdGS airs in F major no. 210) / Charles Coleman
f. 33r f. 32r f. 30v f. 31v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 61
Alman (VdGS 18) / Maurice Webster
ff. 33v-34r ff. 32v-33r ff. 31r-30v ff. 32r-31r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 62
Pavan (four-part airs, VdGS 46) / John Jenkins
ff. 34v-35r ff. 33v-34r ff. 31v-32r f. 32v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 63
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 34) / John Jenkins
f. 35r f. 34r f. 32r f. 33r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 64
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 35) / John Jenkins
f. 35v f. 34v f. 32v f. 33v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 65
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 19) / John Jenkins
f. 36r f. 35r f. 33r f. 34r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 66
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 20) / John Jenkins
ff. 36v-37r ff. 35v-36r f. 33v f. 34v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 67
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 21) / John Jenkins
f. 37r f. 36r f. 34r f. 35r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 68
Ayre (four-part airs, VdGS 8) / John Jenkins
f. 37v f. 36v f. 34v f. 35v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 69
Alman (four-part airs, VdGS 36) / John Jenkins
f. 38r f. 37r f. 35r f. 36r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 70
Alman (VdGS 6) / Maurice Webster
ff. 38v-39r ff. 37v-38r ff. 35r-36v ff. 36r-37r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 71
Pavan (VdGS 16) / Simon Ives
f. 39v f. 38v f. 36r f. 37r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 72
Pavan (VdGS 10) / Simon Ives
f. 40r f. 39r f. 37r f. 38r
  Mus. 367-70, no. 73
Pavan (VdGS anon. 1352)
f. 40v f. 39v f. 37v f. 38v
  Mus. 367-70, no. 74
Galliard (VdGS anon. 1353)
f. 40v f. 39v f. 37v f. 38v
  Reel 12      
  Mus. 371 Mus. 371      
  Mus. 371, no. 1
Madonna somm'accorto (MB LXVI/67) / Giacomo Fogliano
ff. 1r-v      
  Mus. 371, no. 2
(closing section of {Mus. 371, no. 3}) (MB LXVI/68) / Philippe van Wilder
f. 2r      
  Mus. 371, no. 3
Amour me point (MB LXVI/69) / Philippe van Wilder
ff. 2v-3r      
  Mus. 371, no. 4
(untitled; a carol?; headed 'corus'; music partly deleted) (MB LXVI/70)
ff. 3v-4r      
  Mus. 371, no. 5
Laetabundus (section); at end '3 ptts' (MB LXVI/71)
ff. 4r-v      
  Mus. 371, no. 6
Laetabundus (section) (MB LXVI/72)
ff. 4v-5r      
  Mus. 371, no. 7
Alleluia. Per te Dei genitrix (MB LXVI/2) / Thomas Tallis
ff. 5r-6v      
  Mus. 371, no. 8
In nomine (MB LXVI/6) / John Taverner
ff. 6v-8r      
  Mus. 371, no. 9
Un jeune moyne (here titled 'fayre lady might yr') (MB LXVI/73) / Philippe van Wilder
ff. 8v-9r      
  Mus. 371, no. 10
Ut re mi fa sol la (MB LXVI/17) / Robert White
f. 9v      
  Mus. 371, no. 11
Miserere (EECM 6/23) / (Thomas?) Woodson
f. 10r      
  Mus. 371, no. 12
O death, rock me asleep (MB LXVI/74)
ff. 10v-11v      
  Mus. 371, no. 13
Christe qui lux es et dies (EECM 6/34)
f. 12r      
  Mus. 371, no. 14
Vexilla regis (EECM 6/64)
ff. 12v-13v      
  Mus. 371, no. 15
Gloria tibi Trinitas (MB LXVI/7) / Thomas Tallis
ff. 14r-v      
  Mus. 371, no. 16
Miserere (MB XXVIII/66) / William Byrd
ff. 14v-15r      
  Mus. 371, no. 17
Miserere (MB XXVIII/67) / William Byrd
ff. 15r-v      
  Mus. 371, no. 18
Miserere (MB I/7) / John Redford
ff. 15v-16r      
  Mus. 371, no. 19
Agnus Dei (EECM 10/4) / John Redford
ff. 16v-17r      
  Mus. 371, no. 20
Angulare fundamentum (EECM 6/29) / John Redford
ff. 17v-18r      
  Mus. 371, no. 21
Miserere (EECM 6/19) / John Redford
f. 18v      
  Mus. 371, no. 22
Veni Redemptor (EECM 6/60) / John Redford
ff. 19r-v      
  Mus. 371, no. 23
Kyrie ('Orma vulte') (EECM 10/3)
f. 19v      
  Mus. 371, no. 24
Ut re mi fa sol la (MB LXVI/18) / Nicholas Strogers
ff. 20r-22r      
  Mus. 371, no. 25
In nomine I (MB LXVI/8) / Nicholas Strogers
ff. 22v-23v      
  Mus. 371, no. 26
In nomine II (MB LXVI/9) / Nicholas Strogers
ff. 23v-25r      
  Mus. 371, no. 27
In nomine (MB LXVI, App. I/6) / ?Nicholas Strogers
ff. 25r-v