Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of Mus. 1236, no. 84

The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, in so far as the items listed below appear on the reels, but as the catalogue is not yet complete there may be other material in addition. You should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

High-definition photographs of some individual pages of this material are also available.

Title: Corant (The golden grove; VdGS 363) The Corant to the Golden Grove [VdGS 363]
Composer: William Lawes [William Lawes]

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: Primary Source Microfilm, Cengage Gale, Cheriton House, Northway, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 5BE, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44 (0)1264 342832, E-mail:

Mus. 1236 Reel 45 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford (Primary Source Microfilm)

  Reel 45
  Gibbs 12 Gibbs 12
  Gibbs 12(1)
The Booke of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments.
London: Imprinted by Robert Barker ... and by the assignes of John Bill, 1634
  Gibbs 12(2)
Ad Mat. & Vesp. [Matins and Evensong in Latin]
[Cambridge?]: [1634?]
Inserted after sig. R3 of {Gibbs 12(1)}.
  Gibbs 12(3)
The forme and manner of making and consecrating bishops, priestes and deacons.
London: Imprinted by Robert Barker ... and by the assignes of John Bill, 1634
  Gibbs 12, no. 1
Third preces / William Byrd
f. 22r
  Gibbs 12, no. 2
Preces / Thomas Tomkins
f. 22r
  Gibbs 12, no. 3
First preces, with two alternative Glorias / Orlando Gibbons
ff. 22r-v
  Gibbs 12, no. 4
Preces / William Smith
f. 22v
  Gibbs 12, no. 5
Short Service: V / Orlando Gibbons
f. 26r
  Gibbs 12, no. 6
Short Service: T/Bs] / Orlando Gibbons
ff. 29r-v
  Gibbs 12, no. 7
Third responses / William Byrd
f. 32r
  Gibbs 12, no. 8
Responses / Thomas Tomkins
f. 32r
  Gibbs 12, no. 9
Responses / William Smith
f. 32v
  Gibbs 12, no. 10
Short Service: M/N / Orlando Gibbons
ff. 35r-v
  Gibbs 12, no. 11
Litany (precentor's part) / Thomas Tallis
f. 39r
  Gibbs 12, no. 12
Litany / Thomas Tomkins
f. 39v
  Gibbs 12, no. 13
Litany 'for Dr Cosin' (= John Cosin, master of Peterhouse, 1635-40) / Henry Molle
ff. 39v-40r
  Gibbs 12, no. 14
Litany / Thomas Tallis (spurious)
f. 40v
  Gibbs 12, no. 15
Short Service: K / William Byrd
f. 129r
  Gibbs 12, no. 16
Short Service: K / Orlando Gibbons
f. 129r
  Gibbs 12, no. 17
Short Service: K / Thomas Tallis
f. 129r
  Gibbs 12, no. 18
High Service: K / Richard Farrant
f. 129r
  Gibbs 12, no. 19
Kyrie / Derrick
f. 129r
  Gibbs 12, no. 20
First Service: K / Thomas Tomkins
f. 129v
  Gibbs 12, no. 21
Third Service: K / John Amner
f. 129v
  Gibbs 12, no. 22
Sharp Service in D: K / William Child
f. 129v
  Gibbs 12, no. 23
First Service: K / Thomas Morley
f. 129v
  Gibbs 12, no. 24
Kyrie / Mundy
f. 129v
  Gibbs 12, no. 25
Short Service: C / Orlando Gibbons
f. 130v
  Gibbs 12, no. 26
Sursum corda and Sanctus / Edmund Hooper?
f. 137r
  Gibbs 12, no. 27
Third Service: G / John Amner
f. 140v
  Gibbs 12, no. 28
Pater de caelis (Litany; in Latin) / Henry Molle
ff. 180r-v
  Gibbs 12, no. 29
Pater de caelis (Litany; in Latin) / Henry Loosemore
ff. 180v-181r
  Reel 45
  Mus. 1235 Mus. 1235
  Mus. 1235, no. 1
Lord, what love have I / William Croft
pp. 1-9
  Mus. 1235, no. 2
We wait for thy lovingkindness / William Croft
pp. 10-18
  Mus. 1235, no. 3
O how pleasant / John Weldon
pp. 19-27
  Mus. 1235, no. 4
O Lord, rebuke me not / John Weldon
pp. 28-32
  Mus. 1235, no. 5
The earth is the Lord's / William Croft
pp. 33-43
  Mus. 1235, no. 6
My soul truly waiteth / Maurice Greene
pp. 44-55
  Mus. 1235, no. 7
Hear, O Lord, and consider / Maurice Greene
pp. 56-62
  Mus. 1235, no. 8
Sing unto God / William Croft
pp. 63-75
  Mus. 1235, no. 9
The Lord is full of compassion / Jeremiah Clarke
pp. 76-84
  Mus. 1235, no. 10
O give thanks unto the Lord (Z.33) / Henry Purcell
  Mus. 1235, no. 11
I was glad when they said unto me (Z.19) / Henry Purcell
  Mus. 1235, no. 12
I will sing unto the Lord / William Croft
  Mus. 1235, no. 13
Acquaint thyself with God / Maurice Greene
  Mus. 1235, no. 14
Sing unto the Lord / William Boyce
  Mus. 1235, no. 15
The king shall rejoice / Maurice Greene
  Mus. 1235, no. 16
That I may see (from 'O give thanks unto the Lord': Z.33(4b), transposed to B flat) / Henry Purcell
  Mus. 1235, no. 17
(ending of an unidentified anthem in F major)
  Mus. 1235, no. 18
How long wilt thou forget me (final chorus only) / Jeremiah Clarke
  Mus. 1235, no. 19
Behold now, praise the Lord / Benjamin Rogers
  Mus. 1235, no. 20
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem / Benjamin Rogers
  Mus. 1235, no. 21
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord / Benjamin Rogers
  Mus. 1235, no. 22
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen / Henry Aldrich
  Mus. 1235, no. 23
O how amiable / John Bishop
  Mus. 1235, no. 24
Bow down thine ear / John Bishop
  Mus. 1235, no. 25
Out of the deep / Henry Aldrich
  Mus. 1235, no. 26
All people that on earth do dwell / 'Tallis' (spurious)
  Mus. 1235, no. 27
Blessed be the Lord God / John Goldwin
  Mus. 1235, no. 28
Psalm 104
  Mus. 1235, no. 29
Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake / Richard Farrant
  Mus. 1235, no. 30
I will sing unto the Lord / John Goldwin
  Mus. 1235, no. 31
All thy works praise thee / James Kent
  Mus. 1235, no. 32
The Lord hath prepared / James Kent
  Mus. 1235, no. 33
Lord, how are they increased / James Kent
  Mus. 1235, no. 34
pencil draft of a double psalm
  Mus. 1235, no. 35
Psalm 105 / James Kent
  Mus. 1235, no. 36
Psalm 147 (St Anne's)
  Reel 45
  Mus. 1236 Mus. 1236
  Mus. 1236, no. 1
Courant with variation (La Barre ed. no. 6b; lacks opening) / La Barre (after Orlando Gibbons?), here attrib. Jonas Tresor
p. 3
  Mus. 1236, no. 2
Courant (Brookes 2321) / Jonas Tresor
p. 4
  Mus. 1236, no. 3
Courant variola (Brookes 2324) / Jonas Tresor
p. 5
  Mus. 1236, no. 4
Courant (Brookes 1486) / Jacques Champion de Chambonnières
p. 6
  Mus. 1236, no. 5
Air (Brookes 2311) / Jonas Tresor
p. 7
  Mus. 1236, no. 6
Courant (Brookes 2322) / Jonas Tresor
p. 8
  Mus. 1236, no. 7
Saraband (La Barre ed. no. 12a) / La Barre?
pp. 8 - 9
  Mus. 1236, no. 8
The forest (Brookes 559)
p. 9
  Mus. 1236, no. 9
Courant with variation (La Barre ed. no. 6a) / La Barre
p. 10
  Mus. 1236, no. 10
Courant with variation (La Barre ed. no. 14) / La barre
pp. 11 - 12
  Mus. 1236, no. 11
Alman (Brookes 342)
p. 12
  Mus. 1236, no. 12
The nightingale (Brookes 816)
p. 13
  Mus. 1236, no. 13
Toletole (Brookes 1159) / Albertus Bryne
p. 14
  Mus. 1236, no. 14
Courant (Brookes 295)
p. 14
  Mus. 1236, no. 15
Courant (Brookes 1915) / Henry Loosemore
p. 15
  Mus. 1236, no. 16
Alman (Brookes 1951) / Jean Mercure
pp. 16 - 17
  Mus. 1236, no. 17
Courant (Brookes 1956) / Jean Mercure
p. 18
  Mus. 1236, no. 18
Saraband (Brookes 1960) / Jean Mercure
p. 19
  Mus. 1236, no. 19
Alman (Brookes 1952) / Jean Mercure
pp. 20 - 21
  Mus. 1236, no. 20
Courant (Brookes 1957) / Jean Mercure
p. 22
  Mus. 1236, no. 21
Saraband (Brookes 1961) / Jean Mercure
pp. 22 - 23
  Mus. 1236, no. 22
Air (Brookes 301)
p. 24
  Mus. 1236, no. 23
Courant (Bailey ed. no. 15) / John Roberts (i)
p. 25
  Mus. 1236, no. 24
Courant (Bailey ed. no. 12a) / John Roberts (i)
pp. 26 - 27
  Mus. 1236, no. 25
Masque (Brookes 755)
pp. 28 - 29
  Mus. 1236, no. 26
Courant (Brookes 1985) / Stephen Nau
p. 30
  Mus. 1236, no. 27
Courant (Brookes 1503) / Mark Coleman
p. 31
  Mus. 1236, no. 28
Alman (Brookes 343)
p. 32
  Mus. 1236, no. 29
Alman (Brookes 1678) / John Ferrabosco
f. 33r
  Mus. 1236, no. 30
Courant (Brookes 1679) / John Ferrabosco
f. 33v
  Mus. 1236, no. 31
Saraband (Brookes 1680) / John Ferrabosco
f. 34r
  Mus. 1236, no. 32
Courant (La Barre ed. no. 3c) / La Barre
f. 34v
  Mus. 1236, no. 33
Courant (La Barre ed. no. 13) / La Barre?
f. 35r
  Mus. 1236, no. 34
Courant (La Barre ed. no. 1) / La Barre
f. 35v
  Mus. 1236, no. 35
Saraband (La Barre ed. no. 2a) / La Barre
f. 36r
  Mus. 1236, no. 36
Courant (Brookes 2151) / Benjamin Rogers
f. 36v
  Mus. 1236, no. 37
Alman (Brookes 1592) / William Ellis
f. 37r
  Mus. 1236, no. 38
Courant: La Suedoise (Brookes 2153) / Benjamin Rogers
ff. 38v - 39r
  Mus. 1236, no. 39
Saraband (Brookes 2157) / Benjamin Rogers
f. 39r
  Mus. 1236, no. 40
Alman (Brookes 2145) / Benjamin Rogers
ff. 39v - 40r
  Mus. 1236, no. 41
Courant (Brookes 2152) / Benjamin Rogers
ff. 40v - 41r
  Mus. 1236, no. 42
Saraband (Brookes 2158) / Benjamin Rogers
f. 41r
  Mus. 1236, no. 43
Gigue (Brookes 2155) / Benjamin Rogers
ff. 41v - 42r
  Mus. 1236, no. 44
Courant (Brookes 1583) / François Dufaut
ff. 42v - 43r
  Mus. 1236, no. 45
Alman (Brookes 1948) / Jean Mercure
ff. 43v - 44r
  Mus. 1236, no. 46
Courant (Brookes 1953) / Jean Mercure
ff. 44v - 45r
  Mus. 1236, no. 47
Saraband (Brookes 1958a) / Jean Mercure
ff. 45r - 46r
  Mus. 1236, no. 48
Courant (La Barre ed. no. 11a) / La Barre
f. 46r
  Mus. 1236, no. 49
Alman (Brookes 2148) / Benjamin Rogers
ff. 50v - 51r
  Mus. 1236, no. 50
Alman (Brookes 1589) / William Ellis
f. R1r
  Mus. 1236, no. 51
Saraband (Brookes 1601) / William Ellis
f. R1r
  Mus. 1236, no. 52
The Royalist (Brookes 1600) / William Ellis
f. R1v
  Mus. 1236, no. 53
Magdana cree (= 'Mad Tom of Bedlam'; Brookes 714)
f. R1v
  Mus. 1236, no. 54
Midsummer (Brookes 782)
f. R2r
  Mus. 1236, no. 55
The parson of the parish (Brookes 842)
f. R2r
  Mus. 1236, no. 56
Air (Brookes 267)
f. R2v
  Mus. 1236, no. 57
Pembroke College (Brookes 864)
f. R3r
  Mus. 1236, no. 58
The cap of maintenance (Brookes 405)
f. R3v
  Mus. 1236, no. 59
Saraband (Brookes 978)
ff. R3v - R4r
  Mus. 1236, no. 60
The old man (Brookes 827)
f. R4r
  Mus. 1236, no. 61
A pretty fancy (Brookes 545)
f. R4v
  Mus. 1236, no. 62
Picalomina's march (Brookes 868)
f. R4v - R5r
  Mus. 1236, no. 63
Courant (Brookes 1797) / Thomas Holmes
f. R5v
  Mus. 1236, no. 64
A hedge or a haycock (Brookes 627)
f. R6r
  Mus. 1236, no. 65
A health in Canary (Brookes 626)
f. R6r
  Mus. 1236, no. 66
A lute lesson (Brookes 713)
f. R6v
  Mus. 1236, no. 67
Courant (Brookes 461)
f. R7r
  Mus. 1236, no. 68
Masque (Brookes 2335) / Thomas Warwick
f. R7v
  Mus. 1236, no. 69
A maid's delight (Brookes 736)
f. R8r
  Mus. 1236, no. 70
Alman (Brookes 1590) / William Ellis
f. R8v
  Mus. 1236, no. 71
(incomplete copy of {Mus. 1236, no. 14})
f. R9r
  Mus. 1236, no. 72
Courant (Brookes 1595) / William Ellis
f. R9v
  Mus. 1236, no. 73
Courant (Brookes 1596) / William Ellis
f. R10r
  Mus. 1236, no. 74
Alman (Brookes 1591) / William Ellis
ff. R10v - R11r
  Mus. 1236, no. 75
Courant (Brookes 1597) / William Ellis
f. R11v
  Mus. 1236, no. 76
Bow bells (Brookes 1594) / William Ellis
ff. R12v - R13r
  Mus. 1236, no. 77
Alman: Mariae (Brookes 1593) / William Ellis
ff. R13v - R14r
  Mus. 1236, no. 78
Courant (Brookes 1598) / William Ellis
f. R14r
  Mus. 1236, no. 79
Fain I would (Brookes 2050) / Robert Price
f. R15r
  Mus. 1236, no. 80
The king's march (Brookes 689)
f. R15r
  Mus. 1236, no. 81
Moulinié's saraband (Brookes 1602) / Etienne Moulinié, arr. William Ellis
ff. R15v - R16r
  Mus. 1236, no. 82
Vulcan and Venus (Brookes 1068)
f. R16v
  Mus. 1236, no. 83
Air (The golden grove; VdGS 361) / William Lawes
f. R17r
  Mus. 1236, no. 84
Corant (The golden grove; VdGS 363) / William Lawes
ff. R17v - R18r
  Mus. 1236, no. 85
Moulinié's courant (Brookes 1599) / Etienne Moulinié, arr. William Ellis
f. R18r
  Mus. 1236, no. 86
Thomas you cannot (Brookes 1015)
f. R18v
  Mus. 1236, no. 87
Saraband (VdGS 264) / William Lawes
f. R18v
  Mus. 1236, no. 88
The Irish hay (Brookes 658)
f. R19r
  Mus. 1236, no. 89
An Irish jig (Brookes 677)
f. R19r
  Reel 45
  Mus. 1246 Mus. 1246
  Mus. 1246, no. 1
Service in G: T(inc.)/J/C/K/C/M/N / William Randall (i)
pp. 3-8
  Mus. 1246, no. 2
Service in d: T/J/C/K/C/M/N / William Randall (i)
pp. 8-15
  Mus. 1246, no. 3
Service in G: M/N / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 16-17
  Mus. 1246, no. 4
Service in G: M/N / Sampson Estwick
pp. 18-19
  Mus. 1246, no. 5
Service in e: T / John Blow
pp. 20-20c
  Mus. 1246, no. 6
Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets [Z 58C.] / Henry Purcell
p. 20d
  Mus. 1246, no. 7
Sharp Service in e: T/J/K/C/M/N / William Child
pp. 21-27
  Mus. 1246, no. 8
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem / William Child
pp. 27-28
  Mus. 1246, no. 9
Short Service in d sol re; T/J/K/C/M/N / Adrian Batten
pp. 29-38
  Mus. 1246, no. 10
Prevent us, O Lord / William Byrd
pp. 38-39
  Mus. 1246, no. 11
Whole Service in D sol re: T/J/K/C/M/N (see also {Mus. 1246, no. 74}) / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 39-49
  Mus. 1246, no. 12
Behold now, praise the Lord / Benjamin Rogers
p. 49
  Mus. 1246, no. 13
O give thanks unto the Lord / John Mundy
pp. 50-51
  Mus. 1246, no. 14
Whole Service in F: T/J/K/C/Ca/D / William Child
pp. 52-61
  Mus. 1246, no. 15
Almighty and everlasting God / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 61-62
  Mus. 1246, no. 16
Hosanna to the Son of David / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 62-63
  Mus. 1246, no. 17
Lift up your heads / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 63-65
  Mus. 1246, no. 18
Deliver us, O Lord our God / Orlando Gibbons
pp. 65-66
  Mus. 1246, no. 19
Save me, O God / William Byrd
pp. 66-68
  Mus. 1246, no. 20
O Lord, grant the king a long life / Thomas Weelkes
pp. 68-69
  Mus. 1246, no. 21
With all our hearts (= Salvator mundi I) / Thomas Tallis
pp. 69-70
  Mus. 1246, no. 22
Service in e la mi for verses: T/J/K/C / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 70-76
  Mus. 1246, no. 23
Te deum in F / Matthew Jeffreys
pp. 76-78
  Mus. 1246, no. 24
Service in e la mi for verses: M/N / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 79-80
  Mus. 1246, no. 25
O praise God in his holiness [II] / William White
pp. 81-82
  Mus. 1246, no. 26
Hide not thou thy face from us / Richard Farrant
pp. 82-83
  Mus. 1246, no. 27
Call to remembrance / Richard Farrant
p. 83
  Mus. 1246, no. 28
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen [I] / Adrian Batten
p. 84
  Mus. 1246, no. 29
Haste thee, O God, to deliver me [I] / Adrian Batten
pp. 84-85
  Mus. 1246, no. 30
Praise the Lord, O my soul [I] / William Child
pp. 86-87
  Mus. 1246, no. 31
Behold, how good and joyful / Benjamin Rogers
p. 87
  Mus. 1246, no. 32
I will magnify thee / Benjamin Rogers
p. 88
  Mus. 1246, no. 33
The Lord is my shepherd / Michael Wise
p. 89
  Mus. 1246, no. 34
Hear my prayer, O God, and hide not [II] / Adrian Batten
pp. 90-91
  Mus. 1246, no. 35
O that the salvation / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 91-92
  Mus. 1246, no. 36
O Lord, grant the king a long life [II] / William Child
pp. 92-93
  Mus. 1246, no. 37
Turn thee unto me, O Lord / John Blow
pp. 93-94
  Mus. 1246, no. 38
O pray for the peace of Jerusalem / Benjamin Rogers
pp. 94-95
  Mus. 1246, no. 39
How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord / Benjamin Rogers
p. 96
  Mus. 1246, no. 40
Awake up, my glory / Michael Wise
p. 97
  Mus. 1246, no. 41
O praise God in his holiness / Michael Wise
p. 98
  Mus. 1246, no. 42
I will magnify thee / William Tucker
p. 98
  Mus. 1246, no. 43
Wherewithal shall a youg man / Henry Hall (i)
p. 99
  Mus. 1246, no. 44
How are the mighty fallen / Michael Wise
pp. 100-102
  Mus. 1246, no. 45
O sing unto the Lord / William Child
p. 103
  Mus. 1246, no. 46
If the Lord himself / William Child
p. 104
  Mus. 1246, no. 47
O clap your hands / William Child
p. 105
  Mus. 1246, no. 48
This is the day that the Lord hath made / William Tucker
pp. 106-107
  Mus. 1246, no. 49
Let God arise / William Child
p. 108
  Mus. 1246, no. 50
Give the King thy judgements / William Child
p. 109
  Mus. 1246, no. 51
Have pity upon me / Michael Wise
p. 110
  Mus. 1246, no. 52
Rejoice in the Lord / Richard Portman
p. 111
  Mus. 1246, no. 53
O Lord our governor / Henry Aldrich
p. 112
  Mus. 1246, no. 54
Evening Service in a re: M/N / William Child
pp. 113-114
  Mus. 1246, no. 55
Behold how good and joyful / William Child
p. 115
  Mus. 1246, no. 56
Evening Service for verses in B mi flat, the First Service: M/N / William Child
pp. 117-118
  Mus. 1246, no. 57
Short Service in a: T/J/K/C/M/N / William Child
pp. 119-123
  Mus. 1246, no. 58
Give the king thy judgements / Henry Aldrich
p. 124
  Mus. 1246, no. 59
The earth is the Lord's / William Husbands
p. 125
  Mus. 1246, no. 60
If the Lord himself (two copies, the first incomplete) / Henry Aldrich
pp. 143-144
  Mus. 1246, no. 61
Service in G: T/J/K/C/M/N; see also {Mus. 1246, no. 67} for alternative N / Henry Aldrich
pp. 145-151
  Mus. 1246, no. 62
Like as the hart / Pelham Humfrey
pp. 152-153
  Mus. 1246, no. 63
O praise the Lord, all ye heathen / Henry Aldrich
p. 154
  Mus. 1246, no. 64
O Lord, thou hast searched me out / John Blow
p. 155
  Mus. 1246, no. 65
Service in e: Be/J / Henry Aldrich
pp. 156-158
  Mus. 1246, no. 66
Turn thou us, O good Lord / Henry Cooke
pp. 158-159
  Mus. 1246, no. 67
Service in G: N / Henry Aldrich
p. 160
  Mus. 1246, no. 68
Service in A: T/J / John Blow
p. 161
  Mus. 1246, no. 69
Hide not thy face from me, O Lord (deleted)
pp. 162-163
  Mus. 1246, no. 70
Have mercy upon me, O Lord / Henry Aldrich
pp. 164-168
  Mus. 1246, no. 71
Awake, put on thy strength / Michael Wise
p. 169
  Mus. 1246, no. 72
Christ being raised from the dead / John Blow
p. 170
  Mus. 1246, no. 73
God is our refuge / Henry Aldrich (after Carissimi?)
pp. 175-177a
  Mus. 1246, no. 74
Whole Service in D sol re: S; see also {Mus. 1246, no. 11} / Benjamin Rogers
p. 178
  Mus. 1246, no. 75
Service in E flat: T/N/M/J / Robert Creighton
pp. 179-184