Christ Church Music Catalogue

Microfilm copies of Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 5

The following materials are available for purchase on microfilm as detailed below. The contents of the reels are believed to be accurate, in so far as the items listed below appear on the reels, but as the catalogue is not yet complete there may be other material in addition. You should check with the publisher of the microfilm before ordering, and Christ Church accepts no liability should the contents differ from those stated here.

Title: Instrumental interludes for a dialogue on the subject of Acme and Septimius (Catullus) [Instrumental interludes for a dialogue on the subject of Acme and Septimius (Catullus)]
Composer: [?Francis Pigott] [?Francis Pigott]

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford
Available from: Primary Source Microfilm, Cengage Gale, Cheriton House, Northway, Andover, Hampshire, SP10 5BE, United Kingdom.
Telephone: +44 (0)1264 342832, E-mail:

Mus. 1118 Reel 60 
Mus. 1121 Reel 60 

The full details of the contents of these reels are shown below, with the material of interest highlighted in red in the left margin. The reels which you would need to obtain to acquire this material are highlighted in pink. These reels may also contain some part-books from other sets. If further reels of film are required to complete these other sets, these are also shown below so that you can judge whether or not they are of interest.

Series: The music collection of Christ Church, Oxford (Primary Source Microfilm)

  Reel 60 Reel 60
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121 Mus. 1118 Mus. 1121
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 1
Unidentified dance in C major / Jean-Baptiste Lully
1 1
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 2
Unidentified dance in C major / Jean-Baptiste Lully
2L 2L
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 3
Unidentified dance in C major / Jean-Baptiste Lully
2R 2R
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 4
Instrumental interludes for 'Dialogue between the angels and shepherds at Christ's birth' / [?Francis Pigott]
3L-4R 3L-4R
  Mus. 1118, Mus. 1121, no. 5
Instrumental interludes for a dialogue on the subject of Acme and Septimius (Catullus) / [?Francis Pigott]
5L-5R 5L-5R
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1126 Mus. 1126  
  Mus. 1126, no. 1
Sonata 16 W-K / Lelio Colista
  Mus. 1126, no. 2
Sonata 12 W-K / Lelio Colista
  Mus. 1126, no. 3
Sonata 25 W-K / Lelio Colista
  Mus. 1126, no. 4
Sonata 28 W-K / Lelio Colista
  Mus. 1126, no. 5
Sonata 22 W-K / Lelio Colista
  Mus. 1126, no. 6
Sonata 27 W-K, incomplete / Lelio Colista
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1128 Mus. 1128  
  Mus. 1128, no. 1
Ground in D major for 2 violins and bass / George Tollett
  Mus. 1128, no. 2
Trio sonata Op. IV no. 1: Adagio / Arcangelo Corelli
  Mus. 1128, no. 3
Overture to 'Timon of Athens' (Z632 (1)); trumpet part only / Henry Purcell
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1151 Mus. 1151  
  Mus. 1151, no. 1
Audite me, divini fructus / Giovanni Felice Sances
ff. 1v-5r  
  Mus. 1151, no. 2
Dulcis amor Jesu / Giovanni Felice Sances
ff. 5v-6v  
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1154 Mus. 1154  
  Mus. 1154(A), no. 1
Crucior in hac flamma / Maurizio Cazzati
ff. 2r-4v  
  Mus. 1154(A), no. 2
Minuet in g for keyboard / William Turner (ii)
f. 5r  
  Mus. 1154(G)
All things are hushed / Richard Goodson (i) (?)
ff. 1v-2r  
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1178 Mus. 1178  
  Mus. 1178, no. 1
Regina caeli laetare / Gasparo Casati
ff. 1r-v  
  Mus. 1178, no. 2
Laudate pueri / Giovanni Rovetta
ff. 2r-3r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 3
Anima mea in aeterna dulcedine / Egidio Trabattone
ff. 3v-4v  
  Mus. 1178, no. 4
Judica me Deus / Felice Sances
ff. 5r-7r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 5
Domine ne memineris / Felice Sances
ff. 7vv-10v  
  Mus. 1178, no. 6
Tota pulchra es, amica mea / Felice Sances
ff. 10v-12r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 7
Deus in adiutorium / Felice Sances
ff. 12v-14r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 8
Laudemus viros gloriosos / Felice Sances
ff. 14v-16v  
  Mus. 1178, no. 9
O Jesu mea vita / Gaparo Casati
ff. 17v-18r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 10
Regina caeli laetare / Natale Monferrato
ff. 18v-19r  
  Mus. 1178, no. 11
In te Domine speravi
ff. 19v-20r  
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1204 Mus. 1204  
  Esurientes, venite / Giovanni Battista Bassani? 1-7  
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1206 Mus. 1206  
  Benedictus Dominus Deus / Alessandro Stradella ff. 1r-5v  
  Reel 60  
  Mus. 1216 Mus. 1216  
  Mus. 1216, no. 1
Chaconne [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 1r-2v  
  Mus. 1216, no. 2
Air pour Comus [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 3r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 3
Entrée de L'Envie [from 'Cadmus et Hermione'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 3v-4r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 4
Ouverture [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 4r-5r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 5
Aire pour les suivants de Saturne [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 5v  
  Mus. 1216, no. 6
Aire pour les suivants d'Astrée [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 5v-6r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 7
Rondeau [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 6r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 8
Overture ['Cadmus et Hermione'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 9v-10r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 9
Gavotte ['Cadmus et Hermione'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 10v  
  Mus. 1216, no. 10
Prelude [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 10v-11r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 11
Chaconne [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
ff. 11v-13r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 12
Petit air pour les mesmes [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 13v  
  Mus. 1216, no. 13
Premier Air. Le Printemps... [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 14r  
  Mus. 1216, no. 14
Second Air. Le Printemps... [from 'Phaeton'] / Jean-Baptiste Lully
f. 14v