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Mus. 817


Mus. 817
Porta, Ercole, 1585-1630 Grove
Hore di recreatione musicale a una, & due voci di Hercole Porta maestro di capella, & organista della Collegiata di S. Giovanni in Persiceto[.] Per cantare, & sonare nel chittarone, ò altri instrumenti, nuovamente composte, & date in luce.
Venice: Appresso Giacomo Vincenti, 1612
RISM A/I P5192

Provenance: from the Goodson bequest, listed in Clement 1747 as as 'Hore Directreatione Musicale, Di Hercole / Porta Venetia 1612 No. 41', and in Malchair 1787 (f. 8) as 'Horre di recreatione Musicale. for 1 &. 2. voices / Venice 1612 Hercole Porta Maestro di Capp. & Organista della Collegiata di / S. Giovanni in Persiceto.'

Upright format, 287 x 203 mm. C18th wrappers of thick grey paper, with offsets from a bifolio wrapper (blank paper stamped with a design of red diamonds and hearts, as if for playing cards) that is now bound at the end of the folder containing Mus. 818-20 and Mus. 821-3. Stitched into a folder of modern card, and mounted impermanently on a cord within an early C20th folder of stiff card and vellum. Clement's number-label remains in place on the outside lower wrapper. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: K.4.31.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 45.
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