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Mus. 680


Mus. 680
Geminiani, Francesco, 1687-1762 Grove DNB
Sonate a violino, violone, e cembalo, dedicate al illustrissimo et excellentissimo signore il Sigr: Barone di Kilmans'egge cavallerizzo maggiore e ciamberlano di sua maestà britanica e elettore di Brunswick e Lunebourg da Francesco Geminiani
London: Printed for & sold by Richard Meares, [1716]
RISM A/I G1487

Provenance: from the Goodson bequest, listed in Clement 1747 as 'Solos Geminiani No. 25', and in Malchair 1787 (f. 8) as '12 sonatas for ye violin Giminiani'.

Oblong format, 295 x 222 mm. Contemporary wrappers of thin grey card, now stitched into a folder of modern card and mounted impermanently on cords within an early C20th folder of stiff card and vellum. Clement's number-label is intact on the original outside lower cover. No early bookplate. 19th-century shelfmark: K.2.52.

Microfilm: The printed music of Christ Church, Oxford, reel 37.
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