Christ Church Music Catalogue

Find in a Library

The "Find in a Library" links Find in a Library allow you to look up bibliographic references from the Music Catalogue using an institutional OpenURL Resolver. If the text of the book or article is available at your institution, the OpenURL Resolver will usually take you straight to it. Depending on your institution other services, such as inter-library loan, may be available too.

The difficult bit is tracking down the OpenURL Resolver service for your institution. The Music Catalogue currently offers two methods, the UK OpenURL Resolver and OCLC's "Find in a Library" service.

If you are from a UK university, please try the UK OpenURL Resolver. If you are on campus it will direct you straight to the correct service for your institution. Off campus you will be asked to choose your institution, which will then be remembered.

If you are not from a UK university, please try the OCLC "Find in a Library" service. This will only work fully if you are using a computer located in your institution.

In each case the service will not work at all if your institution does not have an OpenURL resolver or if the resolver is not properly registered. If you cannot locate the resolver, you can supply the "base URL" of your resolver yourself. Your university library should be able to help you with this.

Base URL:

You can ask the Music Catalogue to remember your choice of resolver if you wish. It is best to try out the resolver first, as once your choice has been remembered you cannot easily change it, except by clearing your browser's cookies.